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Pathways/Programs Enrollment Data By Grade


Pathways/Programs Enrollment by Grade (2022-23)
Pathways/Programs Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 SP Total
Early College
Early College 0 4 13 23 0 40
Innovation Pathway
Health Care and Social Assistance 1 34 27 15 0 77
Information 0 17 14 13 0 44
Manufacturing 0 19 24 21 0 64
Innovation Pathway 1 70 65 49 0 185
Non-Chapter 74 Programs
Engineering Technology 0 18 24 21 0 63
Health Assisting 1 34 25 15 0 75
Programming & Web Development 0 17 13 13 0 43
Non-Chapter 74 Programs 1 69 62 49 0 181
All (Pathways/Programs)
All (Pathways/Programs) 1 74 78 72 0 225
Pathways/Programs Enrollment by Selected Population (2022-23)
Pathways/Programs First Language not English English Language Learner Students With Disabilities High Needs Low-income Total
Early College
Early College 22 6 4 29 25 40
Innovation Pathway
Health Care and Social Assistance 40 16 14 73 65 77
Information 25 21 12 41 31 44
Manufacturing 29 20 13 59 51 64
Innovation Pathway 94 57 39 173 147 185
Non-Chapter 74 Programs
Engineering Technology 28 20 13 59 51 63
Health Assisting 39 16 13 71 63 75
Programming & Web Development 24 20 11 40 30 43
Non-Chapter 74 Programs 91 56 37 170 144 181
All (Pathways/Programs)
All (Pathways/Programs) 116 63 43 202 172 225
Pathways/Programs Enrollment by Gender (2022-23)
Pathways/Programs Male Female Non-Binary Total
Early College
Early College 14 26 0 40
Innovation Pathway
Health Care and Social Assistance 28 49 0 77
Information 32 12 0 44
Manufacturing 48 16 0 64
Innovation Pathway 108 77 0 185
Non-Chapter 74 Programs
Engineering Technology 47 16 0 63
Health Assisting 28 47 0 75
Programming & Web Development 31 12 0 43
Non-Chapter 74 Programs 106 75 0 181
All (Pathways/Programs)
All (Pathways/Programs) 122 103 0 225
Pathways/Programs Enrollment by Race (2022-23)
Pathways/Programs Asian African American Hispanic Multi-Race, Non-Hispanic Native American Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander White
Early College
Early College 2 23 13 1 0 1 0
Innovation Pathway
Health Care and Social Assistance 2 41 31 1 0 1 1
Information 0 32 9 3 0 0 0
Manufacturing 1 38 19 3 0 1 2
Innovation Pathway 3 111 59 7 0 2 3
Non-Chapter 74 Programs
Engineering Technology 0 38 19 3 0 1 2
Health Assisting 2 41 29 1 0 1 1
Programming & Web Development 0 32 8 3 0 0 0
Non-Chapter 74 Programs 2 111 56 7 0 2 3
All (Pathways/Programs)
All (Pathways/Programs) 5 134 72 8 0 3 3

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