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Pathways/Programs Enrollment Data By Grade


Pathways/Programs Enrollment by Grade (2021-22)
Pathways/Programs Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 SP Total
Chapter 74 Programs
Automotive Collision Repair & Refinishing 0 17 16 7 0 40
Automotive Technology 0 25 25 19 0 69
Business Technology 0 21 11 19 0 51
Carpentry 0 17 23 19 0 59
Cosmetology 0 25 21 23 0 69
Culinary Arts 0 17 6 12 0 35
Dental Assisting 0 26 24 29 0 79
Design & Visual Communications 0 25 21 23 0 69
Drafting 0 19 11 24 0 54
Early Education and Care 0 12 6 13 0 31
Electricity 0 28 38 35 0 101
Exploratory 339 3 0 0 0 342
Health Assisting 0 29 29 28 0 86
Heating - Ventilation - Air Conditioning - Refrigeration 0 24 23 21 0 68
Metal Fabrication & Joining Technologies 0 15 14 9 0 38
Plumbing 0 26 26 30 0 82
Robotics and Automation Technology 0 15 11 8 0 34
Chapter 74 Programs 339 344 305 319 0 1,307
All (Pathways/Programs)
All (Pathways/Programs) 339 344 305 319 0 1,307
Pathways/Programs Enrollment by Selected Population (2021-22)
Pathways/Programs First Language not English English Language Learner Students With Disabilities High Needs Low-income Total
Chapter 74 Programs
Automotive Collision Repair & Refinishing 10 1 14 32 25 40
Automotive Technology 12 2 30 55 37 69
Business Technology 18 2 7 32 29 51
Carpentry 15 3 13 36 28 59
Cosmetology 22 9 19 54 46 69
Culinary Arts 6 2 13 31 27 35
Dental Assisting 22 5 9 51 46 79
Design & Visual Communications 11 1 25 53 33 69
Drafting 13 3 4 32 28 54
Early Education and Care 4 0 8 15 11 31
Electricity 19 2 18 57 46 101
Exploratory 50 14 96 226 176 342
Health Assisting 24 2 14 69 59 86
Heating - Ventilation - Air Conditioning - Refrigeration 7 0 18 40 31 68
Metal Fabrication & Joining Technologies 4 1 12 26 17 38
Plumbing 8 0 20 45 28 82
Robotics and Automation Technology 2 0 7 20 17 34
Chapter 74 Programs 247 47 327 874 684 1,307
All (Pathways/Programs)
All (Pathways/Programs) 247 47 327 874 684 1,307
Pathways/Programs Enrollment by Gender (2021-22)
Pathways/Programs Male Female Non-Binary Total
Chapter 74 Programs
Automotive Collision Repair & Refinishing 29 11 0 40
Automotive Technology 57 12 0 69
Business Technology 27 24 0 51
Carpentry 49 10 0 59
Cosmetology 2 67 0 69
Culinary Arts 18 17 0 35
Dental Assisting 6 73 0 79
Design & Visual Communications 28 41 0 69
Drafting 32 22 0 54
Early Education and Care 3 28 0 31
Electricity 86 15 0 101
Exploratory 192 150 0 342
Health Assisting 10 74 2 86
Heating - Ventilation - Air Conditioning - Refrigeration 59 9 0 68
Metal Fabrication & Joining Technologies 31 7 0 38
Plumbing 74 8 0 82
Robotics and Automation Technology 27 7 0 34
Chapter 74 Programs 730 575 2 1,307
All (Pathways/Programs)
All (Pathways/Programs) 730 575 2 1,307
Pathways/Programs Enrollment by Race (2021-22)
Pathways/Programs Asian African American Hispanic Multi-Race, Non-Hispanic Native American Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander White
Chapter 74 Programs
Automotive Collision Repair & Refinishing 0 1 17 1 0 0 21
Automotive Technology 0 4 27 0 0 1 37
Business Technology 1 2 29 1 0 0 18
Carpentry 0 0 20 0 0 0 39
Cosmetology 1 0 29 1 0 0 38
Culinary Arts 3 1 11 1 0 0 19
Dental Assisting 0 3 35 2 0 0 39
Design & Visual Communications 1 2 25 2 0 0 39
Drafting 1 3 26 2 0 0 22
Early Education and Care 0 2 8 0 0 0 21
Electricity 2 2 33 0 1 0 63
Exploratory 7 28 134 0 0 1 172
Health Assisting 0 6 41 2 0 0 37
Heating - Ventilation - Air Conditioning - Refrigeration 0 3 21 1 0 0 43
Metal Fabrication & Joining Technologies 1 0 10 0 0 0 27
Plumbing 0 1 19 1 0 0 61
Robotics and Automation Technology 1 2 9 0 0 0 22
Chapter 74 Programs 18 60 494 14 1 2 718
All (Pathways/Programs)
All (Pathways/Programs) 18 60 494 14 1 2 718

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