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PARCC Tests of Spring 2016
Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level for Newburyport

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GRADE 3 ELA/L 67 4 63 24 7 2 760  138 142 92.1 -- -- 
GRADE 3 Math 74 19 55 18 7 1 766  138 142 93.7 -- -- 
GRADE 4 ELA/L 71 16 55 18 6 4 763  179 179 85.5 171 47.0 
GRADE 4 Math 63 8 55 23 12 3 757  180 180 84.4 172 42.0 
GRADE 5 ELA/L 70 6 64 23 6 1 763  179 179 93.4 175 52.0 
GRADE 5 Math 71 16 55 21 5 3 762  178 178 92.1 174 80.0 
GRADE 6 ELA/L 58 10 48 25 10 6 753  158 158 85.8 149 42.0 
GRADE 6 Math 41 2 39 39 13 7 742  160 160 78.8 151 37.0 
GRADE 7 ELA/L 85 37 48 12 2 1 776  185 188 96.0 178 57.0 
GRADE 7 Math 74 12 62 19 6 1 760  185 188 90.6 178 75.0 
GRADE 8 ELA/L 87 24 63 7 4 2 774  161 164 97.1 156 45.0 
GRADE 8 Math 81 23 59 11 5 2 774  162 165 92.6 157 64.0 
GRADES 3-8 ELA/L 74 17 57 18 6 3 765  1,000 1,010 91.7 829 48.0 
GRADES 3-8 MATH 67 13 54 22 8 3 760  1,003 1,013 88.6 832 62.0 

Achievement Levels:
Level 4 and 5: Met or Exceeded Expectations (750-850)
Level 5: Exceeded Expectations (varies by grade - 850)
Level 4: Met Expectations (750 - varies by grade)
Level 3: Approached Expectations (725-749)
Level 2: Partially met Expectations (700-724)
Level 1: Did not meet Expectations (650-699)

Trans.SGP = Transitional Student Growth Percentile
generated using current PARCC and prior MCAS scores

Trans.CPI = Transitional Composite Performance Index
generated using linked PARCC and MCAS scores

NOTE: Spring 2016 state-level achievement and growth results in grades 3-8 ELA and Mathematics are not reported because some students in Massachusetts participated in the MCAS test.
NOTE: Students who took the Alternate Assessment are included in Mean CPI, but not in achievement level or growth results.

School and District Profiles