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Public Schools & Districts
Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS)
- Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level - Shows percent of students at each achievement level for the current year.
- Achievement level percentages are not calculated for groups with fewer than 10 students.
- For years 2008~2017 - Median student growth percentile (SGP) is not calculated if the number of students included in SGP is less than 20.
- For 2018 and onward – Average SGP replaces median SGP and is not calculated if the number of students included in SGP is less than 20.
- For 2008 and Subsequent years - Grade 10 Science and Technology/Engineering (STE) results represent the highest achievement level attained by students by the end of grade 10. In addition, only students enrolled for two full years in the state/district/school are included in state/district/school achievement level results.
- Annual Comparisons - Shows a graphical display comparing MCAS achievement level results over time.
- Item by Item Results (Next Generation) - Shows percent possible points for school, district, and state
- Item by Item Results (Legacy) - Shows average item score for school, district, and state, percent of students answering items correctly, percent of responses for each choice, and the correct multiple-choice answer.
- Results by Student Group - Shows number of students included in each student group, participation rate, and the percent of students at each achievement level.
- Participation Report - Shows the number and percent of students participating in the MCAS by each grade and selected student groups. NOTE: This report was not produced in 2005 or before.
- Scaled Scores: Average Scaled Scores were rounded to the nearest whole number beginning in 2022. Averages are stored to the 2nd decimal for calculations such as annual changes.
- Student Growth Percentile: Averages are rounded to the nearest whole number for presentation beginning in 2022. Averages are kept to the 2nd decimal for calculations such as annual changes.
General Achievement Level Definitions – Next Generation Tests (starting 2017)
Achievement Level | Scaled Score | Definition |
Exceeding Expectations | 530-560 | A student who performed at this level exceeded grade-level expectations by demonstrating mastery of the subject matter. |
Meeting Expectations | 500-529 | A student who performed at this level met grade-level expectations and is academically on track to succeed in the current grade in this subject. |
Partially Meeting Expectations | 470-499 | A student who performed at this level partially met grade-level expectations in this subject. The school, in consultation with the student's parent/guardian, should consider whether the student needs additional academic assistance to succeed in this subject. |
Not Meeting Expectations | 440-469 | A student who performed at this level did not meet grade-level expectations in this subject. The school, in consultation with the student's parent/guardian, should determine the coordinated academic assistance and/or additional instruction the student needs to succeed in this subject. |
General Achievement Level Definitions – Legacy Tests
Achievement Level | Scaled Score | Definition |
Advanced | 260-280 | Students at this level demonstrate a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of rigorous subject matter, and provide sophisticated solutions to complex problems. |
Proficient | 240-258 | Students at this level demonstrate a solid understanding of challenging subject matter and solve a wide variety of problems. |
Needs Improvement | 220-238 | Students at this level demonstrate a partial understanding of subject matter and solve some simple problems. |
Warning (Grades 3-8) Failing (High School) | 200-218 | Students at this level demonstrate a minimal understanding of subject matter and do not solve simple problems. |
The STE legacy scores have been mapped onto the Next Generation scales during the transition in 2022. Scores are combined onto both scales for different reports when necessary using these conversion tables: https://www.doe.mass.edu/mcas/results.html?yr=2022.
MCAS- Alt Achievement Levels and Descriptors
Achievement Level | Descriptor |
Incomplete | The student's portfolio did not include the requisite evidence and information to allow an achievement level to be determined in the content area. |
Awareness | The student demonstrates very little understanding of learning standards in the Massachusetts curriculum frameworks in the content area (as indicated in the alternate assessment portfolio). The student requires extensive prompting and assistance, and performance is primarily inaccurate. |
Emerging | The student demonstrates a simple understanding of a limited number of learning standards in the Massachusetts curriculum framework in the content area at below-grade-level expectations (as indicated in the alternate assessment portfolio). The student requires frequent prompting and assistance, and performance is limited and inconsistent. |
Progressing | The student demonstrates a partial understanding of a limited number of learning standards in the Massachusetts curriculum framework in the content area, and addresses below-grade-level expectations (as indicated in the alternate assessment portfolio). The student appears to be receiving challenging instruction and is steadily learning new skills, concepts, and content. The student requires minimal prompting and assistance, and the performance is fundamentally accurate. |
Above Progressing (NextGen) | Partially Meeting Expectations, Meeting Expectations, or Exceeding Expectations |
Above Progressing (Legacy) | Needs Improvement, Proficient, or Advanced |
Selected Populations (see https://profiles.doe.mass.edu/help/data.aspx?section=students) |
EL | English Learner |
High Needs | Student is on an IEP, is an English Learner or Former English Learner, or is Economically Disadvantaged (2015-2021), or is Low Income (2022 and onward). |
Low Income | Low Income (2022 and onward) indicates students participating in one or more of the following state-administered programs: the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP); the Transitional Assistance for Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC); the Department of Children and Families' (DCF) foster care program; expanded MassHealth (Medicaid) up to 185% of the federal poverty level; students identified by districts as homeless; and students the district confirmed had met the Low Income criteria through the supplemental process and collected the required supporting documentation. |
Economically Disadvantaged | Economically Disadvantaged (2015-2021). Student participated in one of the following state-administered programs: SNAP (food stamps); TAFDC (welfare); DCF (foster care); MassHealth (Medicaid) in October, March, or June. |
EL/Former EL | English Learner or Former English Learner |
Students with Disabilities | Student has an Individual Education Plan (IEP) in SIMS. |
Representative Sample | A large subset of the 2015 testing population selected statistically to match the state population on achievement and demographic variables. |
Inclusion Rules for Reporting School and District Results
- Students who did not attempt at least one item in each session are not included in achievement or SGP results; they are counted as non-participants if enrolled in the same school during the testing window.
- First-year English Learners are not included in achievement and SGP results even if they are fully tested.
- English Learners who did not participate in ACCESS for ELLs are counted as non-participants even if they are fully tested in ELA.
- School achievement results only include students enrolled in the school since October of the school year.
- District and school SGP results only include students enrolled in the school since October of the school year.
- Students who took the Alternate Assessment are included in CPI and achievement level results, but not scaled score (for NextGen tests) or growth results.
Combinations of Language Domains:
Oral Language = 50% Listening + 50% Speaking
Literacy = 50% Reading + 50% Writing
Comprehension = 70% Reading + 30% Listening
Overall Score = 35% Reading + 35% Writing + 15% Listening + 15% Speaking
Proficiency Level Descriptions:
1 - Entering: Knows and uses minimal social language and minimal academic language with visual and graphic support
2 - Emerging: Knows and uses some social English and general academic language with visual and graphic support
3 - Developing: Knows and uses social English and some specific academic language with visual and graphic support
4 - Expanding: Knows and uses social English and some technical academic language
5 - Bridging: Knows and uses social English and academic language working with grade level material
6 - Reaching: Knows and uses social and academic language at the highest level measured by this test
PARCC (Administered in 2015 and 2016)
Achievement Levels | Scaled Score | Definition |
Level 5 | varies by grade - 850 | Exceeded expectations |
Level 4 | 750 - varies by grade | Met expectations |
Level 3 | 725-749 | Approached expectations |
Level 2 | 700-724 | Partially met expectations |
Level 1 | 650-699 | Did not yet meet expectations |
Transitional Performance Measures |
Trans. SGP | Transitional Student Growth Percentile generated using current PARCC and prior PARCC or MCAS scores. |
Trans. CPI | Transitional Composite Performance Index generated using linked PARCC and MCAS scores. |
ELA/L | English Language Arts/Literacy |
Grade 8 ALG. I | Grade 8 Algebra I |
HS - ALG. I | High School Algebra I |
HS - ALG. II | High School Algebra II |
HS - Geometry | High School Geometry |
HS - INT. MATH I | High School Integrated Math I |
HS - INT. MATH II | High School Integrated Math II |
HS - INT. MATH III | High School Integrated Math III |
In 2016, The College Board made changes to the SAT exam; 2017 is the first year that all students took the new test. The College Board explains on their website the difference between the old test and the new test. The College Board provides concordance information for helping to compare new and old test results.
For more information about SAT data available from The College Board, please see the following: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/educators/higher-ed/scoring/concordance for concordance tables and other concordance information
https://research.collegeboard.org/programs/sat/data for research
https://www.collegeboard.org/ for general information
NOTES: The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education does not rank schools or districts on the basis of SAT results.
The scores (mean scores) from schools with fewer than 10 test takers will not be displayed.
Advanced Placement
- The Advanced Placement reports provide information about student AP test taking of individual exams, exam areas, or all exams.
- Advanced Placement Performance reports on how many students in each school or district received each possible score on the Advanced Placement exam.
- Advanced Placement Participation reports how many students took an Advanced Placement exam and how many students took more than one.
- For more information about Advanced Placement, see http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/