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New Bedford

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2024 Official Accountability Report - New Bedford

Organization Information
New Bedford (02010000)
Title I District

Accountability Information

Overall classificationNot requiring assistance or intervention
Reason for classification
Moderate progress toward targets
Progress toward improvement targetsAccountability percentile
44% - Moderate progress toward targets-

Overall progress toward improvement targets

Annual criterion-referenced target percentage46%42%
Cumulative Criterion-referenced target percentage
(2023 x 40%) + (2024 x 60%)
Moderate progress toward targets

2024 Points awarded

2024 Progress toward improvement targets
Indicator All students
(Non-high school grades)
Lowest performing students
(Non-high school grades)
All students
(High school grades)
Lowest performing students
(High school grades)
Points earned Total possible points Weight % Points earned Total possible points Weight % Points earned Total possible points Weight % Points earned Total possible points Weight %
AchievementEnglish language arts achievement04-24-24-34-
Mathematics achievement04-44-04-24-
Science achievement04----04----
Achievement total01260.06867.521240.05867.5
GrowthEnglish language arts growth24-24-14-24-
Mathematics growth24-24-14-14-
Growth total4820.04822.52820.03822.5
High school completionFour-year cohort graduation rate------44----
Extended engagement rate------04----
Annual dropout rate------44----
High school completion total------81220.0---
Progress toward attaining English language proficiencyEnglish language proficiency total0410.0---3410.0---
Additional indicatorsChronic absenteeism44-34-44-24-
Advanced coursework completion------04----
Additional indicators total4410.03410.04810.02410.0
Weighted total1.29.6-5.37.6-3.510.0-4.37.6-
Percentage of possible points 13%-70%-35%-57%-
Percentage of possible points by gradespan41%
Weight of non-high school results:72%
Weight of high school results:28%
2024 Annual criterion-referenced target percentage42%

2023 Points awarded

2023 Progress toward improvement targets
Indicator All students
(Non-high school grades)
Lowest performing students
(Non-high school grades)
All students
(High school grades)
Lowest performing students
(High school grades)
Points earned Total possible points Weight % Points earned Total possible points Weight % Points earned Total possible points Weight % Points earned Total possible points Weight %
AchievementEnglish language arts achievement04-14-04----
Mathematics achievement24-44-34----
Science achievement04----44----
Achievement total21260.05867.571240.0---
GrowthEnglish language arts growth24-24-24----
Mathematics growth24-24-14----
Growth total4820.04822.53820.0---
High school completionFour-year cohort graduation rate------04----
Extended engagement rate------14----
Annual dropout rate------14----
High school completion total------21220.0---
Progress toward attaining English language proficiencyEnglish language proficiency total3410.0---3410.0---
Additional indicatorsChronic absenteeism44-44-44----
Advanced coursework completion------44----
Additional indicators total4410.04410.08810.0---
Weighted total2.79.6-4.77.6-4.910.0----
Percentage of possible points 28%-62%-49%---
Percentage of possible points by gradespan45%
Weight of non-high school results:72%
Weight of high school results:28%
2023 Annual criterion-referenced target percentage46%

Overall progress toward improvement targets

Annual criterion-referenced target percentage31%17%
Cumulative Criterion-referenced target percentage
(2023 x 40%) + (2024 x 60%)
Limited or no progress toward targets

2024 Points awarded

2024 Progress toward improvement targets
Indicator High needs Student Group
(Non-high school grades)
High needs Student Group
(High school grades)
Points earned Total possible points Weight % Points earned Total possible points Weight %
AchievementEnglish language arts achievement04-24-
Mathematics achievement04-04-
Science achievement04-04-
Achievement total01267.521247.5
GrowthEnglish language arts growth24-14-
Mathematics growth24-14-
Growth total4822.52822.5
High school completionFour-year cohort graduation rate---24-
Extended engagement rate---04-
Annual dropout rate---44-
High school completion total---61220.0
Progress toward attaining English language proficiencyEnglish language proficiency total------
Additional indicatorsChronic absenteeism44-44-
Advanced coursework completion---24-
Additional indicators total4410.06810.0
Weighted total1.310.3-3.210.7-
Percentage of possible points 13%-30%-
Percentage of possible points by gradespan13%
Weight of non-high school results:72%
Weight of high school results:28%
2024 Annual criterion-referenced target percentage17%

2023 Points awarded

2023 Progress toward improvement targets
Indicator High needs Student Group
(Non-high school grades)
High needs Student Group
(High school grades)
Points earned Total possible points Weight % Points earned Total possible points Weight %
AchievementEnglish language arts achievement04-04-
Mathematics achievement24-24-
Science achievement04-44-
Achievement total21267.561247.5
GrowthEnglish language arts growth24-14-
Mathematics growth24-14-
Growth total4822.52822.5
High school completionFour-year cohort graduation rate---04-
Extended engagement rate---24-
Annual dropout rate---14-
High school completion total---31220.0
Progress toward attaining English language proficiencyEnglish language proficiency total------
Additional indicatorsChronic absenteeism44-44-
Advanced coursework completion---24-
Additional indicators total4410.06810.0
Weighted total2.710.3-4.510.7-
Percentage of possible points 26%-42%-
Percentage of possible points by gradespan26%
Weight of non-high school results:72%
Weight of high school results:28%
2023 Annual criterion-referenced target percentage31%

Detailed data for each indicator

English language arts achievement - MCAS average composite scaled score - Non-high school
Group 2023 Achievement 2024 Achievement Change 2024 Target N Points Reason
All Students 482.6 481.4 -1.2 485.0 5,5810Recovery Path: Declined
Lowest Performing 455.4 458.0 2.6 460.0 9882Recovery Path: Improved Below Target
High needs 480.1 479.1 -1.0 482.1 4,9660Recovery Path: Declined
Low income 480.3 479.2 -1.1 482.4 4,6400Recovery Path: Declined
EL and Former EL 474.8 473.6 -1.2 477.6 2,0930Recovery Path: Declined
Students w/ disabilities 467.0 465.4 -1.6 469.5 1,4260Recovery Path: Declined
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. 478.2 481.1 2.9 480.1 204Path Forward: Exceeded Target
Asian 498.9 498.1 -0.8 501.3 500Path Forward: Declined
Afr. Amer./Black 480.5 480.5 0.0 483.4 7581Recovery Path: No Change
Hispanic/Latino 477.0 475.9 -1.1 480.0 2,3930Recovery Path: Declined
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 484.9 486.6 1.7 487.5 2922Recovery Path: Improved Below Target
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.---- 3--
White 488.7 486.8 -1.9 491.3 2,0640Recovery Path: Declined

English language arts achievement - MCAS average composite scaled score - High school
Group 2023 Achievement 2024 Achievement Change 2024 Target N Points Reason
All Students 482.0 483.7 1.7 484.6 7302Path Forward: Improved Below Target
Lowest Performing 458.7 463.8 5.1 463.8 1183Path Forward: Met Target
High needs 479.0 480.6 1.6 482.3 6312Path Forward: Improved Below Target
Low income 479.9 481.0 1.1 483.8 6062Path Forward: Improved Below Target
EL and Former EL 461.4 466.1 4.7 464.6 2294Path Forward: Exceeded Target
Students w/ disabilities 471.6 471.9 0.3 474.3 1522Path Forward: Improved Below Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.---- 1--
Asian---- 4--
Afr. Amer./Black 483.4 482.7 -0.7 485.8 1260Path Forward: Declined
Hispanic/Latino 474.4 477.6 3.2 477.6 3473Path Forward: Met Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 493.6 492.0 -1.6 496.4 370Recovery Path: Declined
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.---- 1--
White 491.5 492.2 0.7 493.3 2142Recovery Path: Improved Below Target

Mathematics achievement - MCAS average composite scaled score - Non-high school
Group 2023 Achievement 2024 Achievement Change 2024 Target N Points Reason
All Students 483.7 483.0 -0.7 485.7 5,5820Recovery Path: Declined
Lowest Performing 459.2 464.3 5.1 462.3 9844Recovery Path: Exceeded Target
High needs 481.8 480.9 -0.9 483.4 4,9690Recovery Path: Declined
Low income 481.7 480.9 -0.8 483.4 4,6440Recovery Path: Declined
EL and Former EL 478.4 478.1 -0.3 480.5 2,0851Recovery Path: No Change
Students w/ disabilities 471.1 469.1 -2.0 472.8 1,4220Recovery Path: Declined
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. 485.5 487.2 1.7 487.4 203Path Forward: Met Target
Asian 503.3 503.7 0.4 506.2 502Path Forward: Improved Below Target
Afr. Amer./Black 480.6 480.8 0.2 482.5 7632Recovery Path: Improved Below Target
Hispanic/Latino 479.0 478.8 -0.2 481.5 2,3881Recovery Path: No Change
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 485.2 484.9 -0.3 487.6 2901Recovery Path: No Change
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.---- 3--
White 489.2 487.7 -1.5 491.2 2,0670Recovery Path: Declined

Mathematics achievement - MCAS average composite scaled score - High school
Group 2023 Achievement 2024 Achievement Change 2024 Target N Points Reason
All Students 482.2 480.8 -1.4 484.7 7180Path Forward: Declined
Lowest Performing 464.7 466.0 1.3 469.8 1172Path Forward: Improved Below Target
High needs 480.3 478.4 -1.9 484.1 6210Path Forward: Declined
Low income 480.9 478.6 -2.3 485.4 5960Path Forward: Declined
EL and Former EL 469.5 470.9 1.4 474.6 2272Path Forward: Improved Below Target
Students w/ disabilities 473.5 471.5 -2.0 476.9 1470Path Forward: Declined
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.---- 1--
Asian---- 4--
Afr. Amer./Black 481.5 480.5 -1.0 485.4 1260Path Forward: Declined
Hispanic/Latino 477.4 476.0 -1.4 481.4 3420Path Forward: Declined
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 488.3 483.2 -5.1 490.8 370Path Forward: Declined
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.---- 1--
White 488.5 487.8 -0.7 490.5 2070Recovery Path: Declined

Science achievement - MCAS average composite scaled score - Non-high school
Group 2023 Achievement 2024 Achievement Change 2024 Target N Points Reason
All Students 482.1 480.0 -2.1 484.8 1,8240Path Forward: Declined
Lowest Performing---- 451--
High needs 479.8 477.8 -2.0 482.8 1,6150Path Forward: Declined
Low income 479.8 477.9 -1.9 483.1 1,5050Path Forward: Declined
EL and Former EL 474.3 473.0 -1.3 477.5 6670Path Forward: Declined
Students w/ disabilities 470.3 466.8 -3.5 473.7 4660Path Forward: Declined
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.---- 7--
Asian---- 16--
Afr. Amer./Black 476.4 477.8 1.4 479.9 2502Path Forward: Improved Below Target
Hispanic/Latino 477.3 474.3 -3.0 480.0 7670Path Forward: Declined
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 483.6 482.1 -1.5 486.3 980Path Forward: Declined
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.---- 2--
White 488.7 486.5 -2.2 491.3 6840Path Forward: Declined

Science achievement - MCAS average composite scaled score - High school
Group 2023 Achievement 2024 Achievement Change 2024 Target N Points Reason
All Students 478.8 478.0 -0.8 481.6 6110Recovery Path: Declined
Lowest Performing---- 114--
High needs 476.8 475.2 -1.6 479.0 5210Recovery Path: Declined
Low income 477.2 475.4 -1.8 479.5 4980Recovery Path: Declined
EL and Former EL 464.4 465.4 1.0 466.1 1692Recovery Path: Improved Below Target
Students w/ disabilities 471.2 466.8 -4.4 474.2 1370Recovery Path: Declined
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.-------
Asian---- 4--
Afr. Amer./Black 478.1 477.6 -0.5 481.0 1091Recovery Path: No Change
Hispanic/Latino 472.6 472.5 -0.1 476.0 2711Recovery Path: No Change
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 485.7 478.3 -7.4 489.8 330Recovery Path: Declined
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.---- 1--
White 486.1 485.2 -0.9 488.7 1930Recovery Path: Declined

English language arts growth - Non-high school
Group 2024 Mean SGP N Points Reason
All Students 44.5 4,1132Typical Growth - Low
Lowest Performing 44.9 9482Typical Growth - Low
High needs 44.4 3,6082Typical Growth - Low
Low income 44.6 3,3752Typical Growth - Low
EL and Former EL 46.2 1,5302Typical Growth - Low
Students w/ disabilities 39.2 9531Low Growth
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.- 16--
Asian 45.2 432Typical Growth - Low
Afr. Amer./Black 46.4 5472Typical Growth - Low
Hispanic/Latino 44.5 1,7062Typical Growth - Low
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 45.4 2192Typical Growth - Low
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.- 3--
White 43.4 1,5792Typical Growth - Low

English language arts growth - High school
Group 2024 Mean SGP N Points Reason
All Students 39.7 5421Low Growth
Lowest Performing 41.9 1152Typical Growth - Low
High needs 39.0 4591Low Growth
Low income 39.0 4401Low Growth
EL and Former EL 41.9 1252Typical Growth - Low
Students w/ disabilities 36.5 1201Low Growth
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.- 1--
Asian- 3--
Afr. Amer./Black 42.8 902Typical Growth - Low
Hispanic/Latino 39.9 2341Low Growth
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 43.2 312Typical Growth - Low
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.- 1--
White 37.2 1821Low Growth

Mathematics growth - Non-high school
Group 2024 Mean SGP N Points Reason
All Students 41.6 4,1152Typical Growth - Low
Lowest Performing 45.7 9442Typical Growth - Low
High needs 41.6 3,6172Typical Growth - Low
Low income 41.5 3,3832Typical Growth - Low
EL and Former EL 43.4 1,5512Typical Growth - Low
Students w/ disabilities 39.7 9431Low Growth
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.- 16--
Asian 47.0 432Typical Growth - Low
Afr. Amer./Black 43.3 5502Typical Growth - Low
Hispanic/Latino 42.7 1,7132Typical Growth - Low
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 38.5 2161Low Growth
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.- 3--
White 40.0 1,5742Typical Growth - Low

Mathematics growth - High school
Group 2024 Mean SGP N Points Reason
All Students 39.7 5361Low Growth
Lowest Performing 38.7 1141Low Growth
High needs 38.9 4541Low Growth
Low income 39.3 4351Low Growth
EL and Former EL 40.1 1242Typical Growth - Low
Students w/ disabilities 38.3 1161Low Growth
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.- 1--
Asian- 3--
Afr. Amer./Black 44.0 892Typical Growth - Low
Hispanic/Latino 37.2 2331Low Growth
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 39.7 311Low Growth
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.- 1--
White 40.9 1782Typical Growth - Low

Four-year cohort graduation rate - High school
Group 2022 Rate (%) 2023 Rate (%) Change Target (%) N Points Reason
All Students 75.1 78.6 3.5 77.1 7654Exceeded Target
Lowest Performing-------
High needs 73.5 76.9 3.4 77.8 7072Improved Below Target
Low income 73.9 77.7 3.8 78.5 6852Improved Below Target
EL and Former EL 70.1 71.9 1.8 75.8 2492Improved Below Target
Students w/ disabilities 64.0 64.9 0.9 70.1 1882Improved Below Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.---- 4--
Asian---- 3--
Afr. Amer./Black 86.1 83.8 -2.3 91.0 1170Declined
Hispanic/Latino 72.0 74.2 2.2 76.7 3332Improved Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 76.2 81.6 5.4 78.2 384Exceeded Target
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.-------
White 73.1 81.1 8.0 75.1 2704Exceeded Target

Extended engagement rate - High school
Group 2021 Rate (%) 2022 Rate (%) Change Target (%) N Points Reason
All Students 85.1 78.2 -6.9 86.7 7420Declined
Lowest Performing-------
High needs 84.4 76.8 -7.6 87.8 6860Declined
Low income 84.6 77.2 -7.4 88.4 6540Declined
EL and Former EL 84.9 71.4 -13.5 90.4 2410Declined
Students w/ disabilities 77.1 74.2 -2.9 81.7 1860Declined
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.---- 5--
Asian---- 6--
Afr. Amer./Black 86.7 91.0 4.3 91.2 1223Met Target
Hispanic/Latino 83.4 73.6 -9.8 87.5 3220Declined
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 75.8 81.0 5.2 77.4 424Exceeded Target
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.-------
White 87.2 76.7 -10.5 88.8 2450Declined

Annual dropout rate - High school
Group 2022 Rate (%) 2023 Rate (%) Change Target (%) N Points Reason
All Students 6.2 4.2 -2.0 5.6 3,0754Exceeded Target
Lowest Performing-------
High needs 6.6 4.6 -2.0 5.9 2,6524Exceeded Target
Low income 6.6 4.6 -2.0 5.9 2,4574Exceeded Target
EL and Former EL 7.8 8.0 0.2 7.0 8501No Change
Students w/ disabilities 7.5 4.9 -2.6 6.8 6174Exceeded Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.---- 12--
Asian---- 17--
Afr. Amer./Black 4.0 2.9 -1.1 3.6 4754Exceeded Target
Hispanic/Latino 6.6 5.6 -1.0 5.9 1,4193Met Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 7.5 1.2 -6.3 6.8 1704Exceeded Target
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.---- 3--
White 6.3 3.2 -3.1 5.7 9794Exceeded Target

Progress toward attaining English language proficiency - Non-high school
Group 2023 Rate (%) 2024 Rate (%) Change Target N Points Reason
All Students 50.7 45.8 -4.9 53.4 1,6650Declined
Lowest Performing-------
High needs-------
Low income-------
EL and Former EL 50.7 45.8 -4.9 53.4 1,6650Declined
Students w/ disabilities-------
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.-------
Afr. Amer./Black-------
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.-------
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.-------

Progress toward attaining English language proficiency - High school
Group 2023 Rate (%) 2024 Rate (%) Change Target N Points Reason
All Students 9.1 10.3 1.2 10.4 5913Met Target
Lowest Performing-------
High needs-------
Low income-------
EL and Former EL 9.1 10.3 1.2 10.4 5913Met Target
Students w/ disabilities-------
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.-------
Afr. Amer./Black-------
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.-------
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.-------

Chronic absenteeism - Non-high school
Group 2023 Rate (%) 2024 Rate (%) Change Target N Points Reason
All Students 26.6 23.8 -2.8 25.6 8,2674Exceeded Target
Lowest Performing 31.3 29.5 -1.8 29.2 1,0013Met Target
High needs 28.6 25.5 -3.1 26.8 7,4104Exceeded Target
Low income 29.6 26.4 -3.2 27.2 6,9584Exceeded Target
EL and Former EL 25.6 22.9 -2.7 23.1 3,2423Met Target
Students w/ disabilities 34.1 31.6 -2.5 31.7 1,9743Met Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. 11.1 7.4 -3.7 10.1 274Exceeded Target
Asian 11.4 8.2 -3.2 9.3 734Exceeded Target
Afr. Amer./Black 20.9 16.4 -4.5 18.4 1,1724Exceeded Target
Hispanic/Latino 29.5 27.2 -2.3 26.6 3,6512Improved Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 31.3 26.1 -5.2 30.3 4414Exceeded Target
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.---- 3--
White 25.2 22.7 -2.5 24.0 2,9004Exceeded Target

Chronic absenteeism - High school
Group 2023 Rate (%) 2024 Rate (%) Change Target N Points Reason
All Students 56.8 52.9 -3.9 55.2 3,3744Exceeded Target
Lowest Performing 56.7 54.6 -2.1 51.4 1192Improved Below Target
High needs 59.3 55.3 -4.0 56.4 3,0034Exceeded Target
Low income 60.3 56.5 -3.8 55.8 2,8632Improved Below Target
EL and Former EL 60.0 56.3 -3.7 55.9 1,1223Met Target
Students w/ disabilities 55.8 51.4 -4.4 52.3 7334Exceeded Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.---- 11--
Asian---- 21--
Afr. Amer./Black 50.6 46.8 -3.8 46.9 5473Met Target
Hispanic/Latino 61.7 57.8 -3.9 57.3 1,5983Met Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 53.5 56.4 2.9 51.9 1880Declined
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.---- 2--
White 53.8 48.5 -5.3 52.0 1,0074Exceeded Target

Advanced coursework completion - High school
Group 2023 Rate (%) 2024 Rate (%) Change Target N Points Reason
All Students 41.8 40.5 -1.3 45.2 1,4490Declined
Lowest Performing-------
High needs 35.9 36.2 0.3 41.6 1,2752Improved Below Target
Low income 36.8 36.1 -0.7 43.0 1,2071No Change
EL and Former EL 29.9 28.1 -1.8 36.6 4480Declined
Students w/ disabilities 9.6 16.8 7.2 16.7 3043Met Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.---- 7--
Asian---- 13--
Afr. Amer./Black 43.5 39.6 -3.9 50.0 2400Declined
Hispanic/Latino 35.8 34.7 -1.1 42.6 6510Declined
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 40.5 41.0 0.5 43.9 832Improved Below Target
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.---- 1--
White 48.1 48.5 0.4 51.7 4542Improved Below Target

Assessment participation - All students
Group English language arts Mathematics Science
Enrolled Assessed % Met Target? Years in Rate Enrolled Assessed % Met Target? Years in Rate Enrolled Assessed % Met Target? Years in Rate
All Students 6,645 6,54298Yes 1 6,628 6,52999Yes 1 2,730 2,64797Yes 1

Assessment participation - Student Group
Group English language arts Mathematics Science Overall
Enrolled Assessed Enrolled Assessed Enrolled Assessed Total Enrolled Total Assessed % Met Target? Years in Rate
High needs 5,928 5,828 5,912 5,819 2,418 2,339 14,258 13,98698Yes1
Low income 5,561 5,466 5,545 5,458 2,274 2,199 13,380 13,12398Yes1
EL and Former EL 2,584 2,553 2,568 2,541 1,027 1,000 6,179 6,09499Yes1
Students w/ disabilities 1,632 1,580 1,621 1,576 648 618 3,901 3,77497Yes1
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. 21 21 21 21 8 7 50 4998Yes1
Asian 60 60 60 60 23 23 143 143100Yes1
Afr. Amer./Black 958 941 957 945 406 399 2,321 2,28598Yes1
Hispanic/Latino 2,951 2,901 2,940 2,891 1,234 1,187 7,125 6,97998Yes1
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 336 331 337 329 138 136 811 79698Yes1
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. 4 4 4 4 3 3 11----
White 2,314 2,283 2,308 2,278 918 892 5,540 5,45398Yes1

School Accountability Information
School Accountability information School accountability percentile
Abraham LincolnNot requiring assistance or intervention 18
Alfred J GomesRequiring assistance or intervention 14
Betsey B WinslowNot requiring assistance or intervention 27
Carlos PachecoNot requiring assistance or intervention 24
Casimir PulaskiNot requiring assistance or intervention 40
Charles S AshleyRequiring assistance or intervention 9
Elizabeth Carter BrooksNot requiring assistance or intervention 43
Ellen R HathawayNot requiring assistance or intervention 17
Elwyn G CampbellNot requiring assistance or intervention 28
Hayden/McFaddenNot requiring assistance or intervention 17
Irwin M. Jacobs Elementary SchoolRequiring assistance or intervention 5
James B CongdonNot requiring assistance or intervention 43
Jireh SwiftNot requiring assistance or intervention 29
John Avery ParkerRequiring assistance or intervention 15
John B DevallesRequiring assistance or intervention 6
Keith Middle SchoolRequiring assistance or intervention 5
New Bedford HighRequiring assistance or intervention 3
Normandin Middle SchoolRequiring assistance or intervention 4
Roosevelt Middle SchoolRequiring assistance or intervention 5
Sgt Wm H Carney AcademyRequiring assistance or intervention 10
Thomas R RodmanNot requiring assistance or intervention 16
Trinity Day AcademyRequiring assistance or intervention 2
Whaling City Junior/Senior High SchoolRequiring assistance or intervention-
William H TaylorNot requiring assistance or intervention 59

About this report

Overall classification: All Massachusetts districts and schools with sufficient data are classified into one of two accountability categories: districts and schools requiring assistance or intervention, and districts and schools not requiring assistance or intervention. The reason(s) for the district's or school's classification are noted on this report.

Progress toward improvement targets: The criterion-referenced target percentage combines multiple years of data related to achievement, growth, high school completion, English learner progress, advanced coursework completion, and chronic absenteeism into a single number between 0 and 100. For a group to be considered to be meeting targets it must have a cumulative criterion-referenced target percentage of 75% or higher.

The annual criterion-referenced target percentage is calculated by dividing the weighted total points earned by the weighted total possible points. The calculation for each is displayed below.

Weighted total of points earned = (Total achievement points earned x Achievement weight) + (Total growth points earned x Growth weight) + (Total high school completion points earned x high school completion weight) + (EL progress points earned x EL progress weight) + (Total additional indicator points earned x Additional indicator weight)

The cumulative criterion-referenced target percentage represents a weighted average of the annual criterion-referenced target percentages. At a minimum, a group must have an annual criterion-referenced target percentage for the most recent year in order to receive a cumulative percentage.

Accountability percentile: An accountability percentile between 1 and 99 is reported for most schools. This number is an indication of the school's overall performance relative to other schools that serve similar grades, and is calculated using multiple years of data for all accountability indicators. School percentiles are not calculated for districts.

Interpretive Materials Interpretive Materials
Accountability Terms Glossary of Accountability Terms

School and District Profiles