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2016 Accountability Data - Worcester

District Information
District:Worcester (03480000)
Region:Commissioner's Districts
Title I Status:Yes
Accountability and Assistance Level:Level 4
Summary > 2016
2016 English Language Arts Proficiency Gap Narrowing
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Baseline CPI 2015 CPI 2016 CPI CPI Change 2016 Target 6 Year Goal CPI Percentile in School Type N PPI Points Rating
All studentsCPI = 79.5, Target = 86.1CPI = 79.5, Target = 86.1CPI = 79.5, Target = 86.1 76.1 77.9 79.5 1.6 86.1 88.1 71210750Improved Below Target
High needsCPI = 74.6, Target = 83.3CPI = 74.6, Target = 83.3CPI = 74.6, Target = 83.3 71.4 73.1 74.6 1.5 83.3 85.7 24914550Improved Below Target
Econ. DisadvantagedCPI = 74.3, Target = 75.3CPI = 74.3, Target = 75.3 73.0 73.0 74.3 1.3 75.3 86.5 12722875On Target
EL and Former ELCPI = 71.5, Target = 78.8CPI = 71.5, Target = 78.8CPI = 71.5, Target = 78.8 63.6 70.3 71.5 1.2 78.8 81.8 38472550Improved Below Target
Students w/ disabilitiesCPI = 59.8, Target = 73.1CPI = 59.8, Target = 73.1CPI = 59.8, Target = 73.1 53.9 58.4 59.8 1.4 73.1 77.0 17255150Improved Below Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. -------14--
AsianCPI = 85.9, Target = 90.1CPI = 85.9, Target = 90.1CPI = 85.9, Target = 90.1 83.1 85.7 85.9 0.2 90.1 91.6 1292750Improved Below Target
Afr. Amer./BlackCPI = 79.2, Target = 85.8CPI = 79.2, Target = 85.8CPI = 79.2, Target = 85.8 75.7 78.1 79.2 1.1 85.8 87.9 38172650Improved Below Target
Hispanic/LatinoCPI = 73.6, Target = 81CPI = 73.6, Target = 81CPI = 73.6, Target = 81 67.4 70.7 73.6 2.9 81.0 83.7 16501750Improved Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.CPI = 81.8, Target = 87.1CPI = 81.8, Target = 87.1CPI = 81.8, Target = 87.1 77.8 79.9 81.8 1.9 87.1 88.9 1953850Improved Below Target
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. ----------
WhiteCPI = 85.4, Target = 90.3CPI = 85.4, Target = 90.3CPI = 85.4, Target = 90.3 83.4 84.7 85.4 0.7 90.3 91.7 16388550Improved Below Target
Summary > 2016
2016 Mathematics Proficiency Gap Narrowing
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Baseline CPI 2015 CPI 2016 CPI CPI Change 2016 Target 6 Year Goal CPI Percentile in School Type N PPI Points Rating
All studentsCPI = 68.1, Target = 81CPI = 68.1, Target = 81CPI = 68.1, Target = 81 67.4 66.8 68.1 1.3 81.0 83.7 41218950Improved Below Target
High needsCPI = 62, Target = 77.8CPI = 62, Target = 77.8CPI = 62, Target = 77.8 62.0 60.8 62.0 1.2 77.8 81.0 8921850Improved Below Target
Econ. DisadvantagedCPI = 61.4, Target = 63.5CPI = 61.4, Target = 63.5CPI = 61.4, Target = 63.5 60.2 60.2 61.4 1.2 63.5 80.1 4729650Improved Below Target
EL and Former ELCPI = 59.4, Target = 74.7CPI = 59.4, Target = 74.7CPI = 59.4, Target = 74.7 56.7 59.2 59.4 0.2 74.7 78.4 19475150Improved Below Target
Students w/ disabilitiesCPI = 46.3, Target = 67.9CPI = 46.3, Target = 67.9CPI = 46.3, Target = 67.9 44.9 46.0 46.3 0.3 67.9 72.5 8256250Improved Below Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. -------14--
AsianCPI = 82.4, Target = 89.2CPI = 82.4, Target = 89.2CPI = 82.4, Target = 89.2 81.4 81.5 82.4 0.9 89.2 90.7 1093850Improved Below Target
Afr. Amer./BlackCPI = 64.8, Target = 78.1CPI = 64.8, Target = 78.1CPI = 64.8, Target = 78.1 62.5 63.8 64.8 1.0 78.1 81.3 22174850Improved Below Target
Hispanic/LatinoCPI = 59.7, Target = 75.2CPI = 59.7, Target = 75.2CPI = 59.7, Target = 75.2 57.5 57.7 59.7 2.0 75.2 78.8 7504350Improved Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.CPI = 68.4, Target = 82.3CPI = 68.4, Target = 82.3CPI = 68.4, Target = 82.3 69.6 66.9 68.4 1.5 82.3 84.8 854150Improved Below Target
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. ----------
WhiteCPI = 76.9, Target = 86.1CPI = 76.9, Target = 86.1CPI = 76.9, Target = 86.1 76.1 76.0 76.9 0.9 86.1 88.1 11390550Improved Below Target
Summary > 2016
2016 Science Proficiency Gap Narrowing
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Baseline CPI 2015 CPI 2016 CPI CPI Change 2016 Target 6 Year Goal CPI Percentile in School Type N PPI Points Rating
All studentsCPI = 66, Target = 77.6CPI = 66, Target = 77.6CPI = 66, Target = 77.6 61.6 66.0 66.0 0.0 77.6 80.8 7505325No Change
High needsCPI = 59.4, Target = 74.2CPI = 59.4, Target = 74.2CPI = 59.4, Target = 74.2 55.7 59.2 59.4 0.2 74.2 77.9 9367450Improved Below Target
Econ. DisadvantagedCPI = 59.2, Target = 62.8CPI = 59.2, Target = 62.8CPI = 59.2, Target = 62.8 59.4 59.4 59.2 -0.2 62.8 79.7 9295825No Change
EL and Former ELCPI = 53.8, Target = 68.8CPI = 53.8, Target = 68.8CPI = 53.8, Target = 68.8 46.5 53.4 53.8 0.4 68.8 73.3 38177150Improved Below Target
Students w/ disabilitiesCPI = 48.6, Target = 68CPI = 48.6, Target = 68CPI = 48.6, Target = 68 45.1 48.3 48.6 0.3 68.0 72.6 9110950Improved Below Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. -------3--
AsianCPI = 75, Target = 81.6CPI = 75, Target = 81.6CPI = 75, Target = 81.6 68.5 74.1 75.0 0.9 81.6 84.3 1039950Improved Below Target
Afr. Amer./BlackCPI = 61.8, Target = 75CPI = 61.8, Target = 75CPI = 61.8, Target = 75 57.2 62.5 61.8 -0.7 75.0 78.6 2576425No Change
Hispanic/LatinoCPI = 58.7, Target = 71.9CPI = 58.7, Target = 71.9CPI = 58.7, Target = 71.9 51.9 57.4 58.7 1.3 71.9 76.0 16209150Improved Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.CPI = 68.7, Target = 80.2CPI = 68.7, Target = 80.2CPI = 68.7, Target = 80.2 66.1 67.1 68.7 1.6 80.2 83.1 2219050Improved Below Target
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. ----------
WhiteCPI = 75.1, Target = 83.2CPI = 75.1, Target = 83.2CPI = 75.1, Target = 83.2 71.2 75.7 75.1 -0.6 83.2 85.6 14160525No Change
Summary > 2016
2016 English Language Arts Extra Credit
  Extra credit for increasing % Advanced (10% or more) Extra credit for decreasing % Warning/Failing (10% or more)
% Advanced
% Advanced
N PPI Points 2015
% Warning/Failing
% Warning/Failing
N PPI Points
All students 10.6 12.01210725 13.7 13.0121070
High needs 5.9 6.491450 17.5 16.791450
Econ. Disadvantaged 6.4 6.872280 17.6 17.372280
EL and Former EL 3.9 3.947250 19.6 19.547250
Students w/ disabilities 0.9 1.3255125 34.1 32.225510
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.--14---14-
Asian 16.6 19.292725 8.8 8.69270
Afr. Amer./Black 8.5 9.5172625 13.8 12.517260
Hispanic/Latino 5.4 6.4501725 18.9 17.750170
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 9.1 11.553825 11.0 10.05380
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.--------
White 16.9 18.7388525 8.8 8.638850
Summary > 2016
2016 Mathematics Extra Credit
  Extra credit for increasing % Advanced (10% or more) Extra credit for decreasing % Warning/Failing (10% or more)
% Advanced
% Advanced
N PPI Points 2015
% Warning/Failing
% Warning/Failing
N PPI Points
All students 15.4 17.11218925 27.0 25.7121890
High needs 9.4 10.292180 33.3 31.792180
Econ. Disadvantaged 9.2 10.2729625 34.2 32.372960
EL and Former EL 8.0 8.247510 34.7 34.247510
Students w/ disabilities 1.7 1.825620 54.1 52.725620
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.--14---14-
Asian 31.0 33.09380 13.2 10.793825
Afr. Amer./Black 10.3 10.917480 29.9 26.8174825
Hispanic/Latino 7.4 9.0504325 36.4 34.450430
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 13.4 17.254125 27.6 25.15410
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.--------
White 24.0 26.5390525 17.4 17.739050
Summary > 2016
2016 Science Extra Credit
  Extra credit for increasing % Advanced (10% or more) Extra credit for decreasing % Warning/Failing (10% or more)
% Advanced
% Advanced
N PPI Points 2015
% Warning/Failing
% Warning/Failing
N PPI Points
All students 6.7 6.950530 22.6 22.850530
High needs 3.6 3.436740 28.7 29.236740
Econ. Disadvantaged 3.6 3.429580 28.7 29.929580
EL and Former EL 2.1 2.117710 35.7 36.117710
Students w/ disabilities 1.0 0.411090 44.2 44.511090
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.--3---3-
Asian 12.6 12.53990 13.4 12.83990
Afr. Amer./Black 4.2 3.47640 24.7 25.37640
Hispanic/Latino 2.9 3.3209125 31.5 30.520910
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 5.0 7.919025 18.8 19.51900
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.--------
White 11.2 11.816050 13.7 14.616050
Summary > 2016
2016 English Language Arts Growth
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2015 SGP 2016 SGP SGP Change 6 Year Goal Met Safe Harbor? N PPI Points Rating
All studentsSGP = 53, Target = 51SGP = 53, Target = 51SGP = 53, Target = 51 51.0 53.0 2.0 51.0No885875On Target
High needsSGP = 51, Target = 51SGP = 51, Target = 51 50.0 51.0 1.0 51.0No639075On Target
Econ. DisadvantagedSGP = 50, Target = 51SGP = 50, Target = 51 50.0 50.0 0.0 51.0No503250Below Target
EL and Former ELSGP = 54, Target = 51SGP = 54, Target = 51SGP = 54, Target = 51 54.0 54.0 0.0 51.0No324375On Target
Students w/ disabilitiesSGP = 43, Target = 51SGP = 43, Target = 51SGP = 43, Target = 51 45.0 43.0 -2.0 51.0No166050Below Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. --- 51.0-9--
AsianSGP = 60, Target = 51SGP = 60, Target = 51SGP = 60, Target = 51 62.0 60.0 -2.0 51.0No711100Above Target
Afr. Amer./BlackSGP = 51, Target = 51SGP = 51, Target = 51 48.0 51.0 3.0 51.0No122575On Target
Hispanic/LatinoSGP = 51, Target = 51SGP = 51, Target = 51 50.0 51.0 1.0 51.0No361675On Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.SGP = 47, Target = 51SGP = 47, Target = 51SGP = 47, Target = 51 51.0 47.0 -4.0 51.0No39350Below Target
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. --- 51.0----
WhiteSGP = 54, Target = 51SGP = 54, Target = 51SGP = 54, Target = 51 51.0 54.0 3.0 51.0No290475On Target
Summary > 2016
2016 Mathematics Growth
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2015 SGP 2016 SGP SGP Change 6 Year Goal Met Safe Harbor? N PPI Points Rating
All studentsSGP = 50, Target = 51SGP = 50, Target = 51 48.0 50.0 2.0 51.0No885350Below Target
High needsSGP = 48, Target = 51SGP = 48, Target = 51SGP = 48, Target = 51 47.0 48.0 1.0 51.0No639150Below Target
Econ. DisadvantagedSGP = 48, Target = 51SGP = 48, Target = 51SGP = 48, Target = 51 45.0 48.0 3.0 51.0No503050Below Target
EL and Former ELSGP = 50, Target = 51SGP = 50, Target = 51 50.0 50.0 0.0 51.0No325550Below Target
Students w/ disabilitiesSGP = 45, Target = 51SGP = 45, Target = 51SGP = 45, Target = 51 44.0 45.0 1.0 51.0No166250Below Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. --- 51.0-9--
AsianSGP = 60, Target = 51SGP = 60, Target = 51SGP = 60, Target = 51 59.0 60.0 1.0 51.0No713100Above Target
Afr. Amer./BlackSGP = 46, Target = 51SGP = 46, Target = 51SGP = 46, Target = 51 48.0 46.0 -2.0 51.0No122850Below Target
Hispanic/LatinoSGP = 48, Target = 51SGP = 48, Target = 51SGP = 48, Target = 51 44.0 48.0 4.0 51.0No361150Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.SGP = 44, Target = 51SGP = 44, Target = 51SGP = 44, Target = 51 44.0 44.0 0.0 51.0No39550Below Target
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. --- 51.0----
WhiteSGP = 53, Target = 51SGP = 53, Target = 51SGP = 53, Target = 51 51.0 53.0 2.0 51.0No289775On Target
Summary > 2016
2016 Extra credit for English language proficiency growth
  2016 SGPA 2016 Target SGPA N Included PPI Points
All students 47.0 60.059740
High needs 47.0 60.059740
EL and Former EL 47.0 60.059740
Summary > 2016
2015 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2014 Rate 2015 Rate Change Annual Target 6 Year Goal N PPI Points Rating
All studentsCohort Graduation Rate = 80.8, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 80.8, Target = 80 79.2 80.8 1.6 80.0 90.0178075On Target
High needsCohort Graduation Rate = 78.7, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 78.7, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 78.7, Target = 80 77.2 78.7 1.5 80.0 90.0152425No Change
Econ. Disadvantaged --- 80.0 90.0---
EL and Former ELCohort Graduation Rate = 75.2, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 75.2, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 75.2, Target = 80 75.8 75.2 -0.6 80.0 90.056825No Change
Students w/ disabilitiesCohort Graduation Rate = 62.4, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 62.4, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 62.4, Target = 80 63.1 62.4 -0.7 80.0 90.043425No Change
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. --- 80.0 90.016--
AsianCohort Graduation Rate = 91.5, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 91.5, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 91.5, Target = 80 92.9 91.5 -1.4 80.0 90.016475On Target
Afr. Amer./BlackCohort Graduation Rate = 82.2, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 82.2, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 82.2, Target = 80 83.5 82.2 -1.3 80.0 90.029875On Target
Hispanic/LatinoCohort Graduation Rate = 74.9, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 74.9, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 74.9, Target = 80 72.1 74.9 2.8 80.0 90.068150Improved Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.Cohort Graduation Rate = 88.2, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 88.2, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 88.2, Target = 80 76.0 88.2 12.2 80.0 90.03475On Target
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. --- 80.0 90.0---
WhiteCohort Graduation Rate = 84, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 84, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 84, Target = 80 81.6 84.0 2.4 80.0 90.058775On Target
Summary > 2016
2014 5-Year Cohort Graduation Rate
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2013 Rate 2014 Rate Change Annual Target 6 Year Goal N PPI Points Rating
All studentsCohort Graduation Rate = 82.5, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 82.5, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 82.5, Target = 85 78.7 82.5 3.8 85.0 95.0174250Improved Below Target
High needsCohort Graduation Rate = 80.9, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 80.9, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 80.9, Target = 85 76.3 80.9 4.6 85.0 95.0149550Improved Below Target
Econ. Disadvantaged --- 85.0 95.0---
EL and Former ELCohort Graduation Rate = 81.2, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 81.2, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 81.2, Target = 85 78.0 81.2 3.2 85.0 95.059150Improved Below Target
Students w/ disabilitiesCohort Graduation Rate = 67.6, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 67.6, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 67.6, Target = 85 60.3 67.6 7.3 85.0 95.042650Improved Below Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. --- 85.0 95.06--
AsianCohort Graduation Rate = 96.1, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 96.1, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 96.1, Target = 85 89.5 96.1 6.6 85.0 95.0155100Above Target
Afr. Amer./BlackCohort Graduation Rate = 86.2, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 86.2, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 86.2, Target = 85 80.9 86.2 5.3 85.0 95.025475On Target
Hispanic/LatinoCohort Graduation Rate = 76.4, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 76.4, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 76.4, Target = 85 70.9 76.4 5.5 85.0 95.067050Improved Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. --- 85.0 95.025--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. --- 85.0 95.01--
WhiteCohort Graduation Rate = 83.8, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 83.8, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 83.8, Target = 85 83.6 83.8 0.2 85.0 95.063125No Change
Summary > 2016
2015 Annual Dropout Rate
  0  2  4  6  8  10 12  14 16  18 20 Baseline Rate 2014 Rate 2015 Rate Change Annual Target 6 Year Goal Dropout Percentile in School Type N PPI Points Rating
All studentsDropout Rate = 1.7, Target = 2.2 3.8 2.4 1.7 0.7 2.2 1.934697875On Target
High needsDropout Rate = 1.8, Target = 2.5 4.3 2.7 1.8 0.9 2.5 2.258455675On Target
Econ. Disadvantaged  1.8---- 0.9-3104--
EL and Former ELDropout Rate = 1.9, Target = 3.2 5.4 3.3 1.9 1.4 3.2 2.776162075On Target
Students w/ disabilitiesDropout Rate = 2, Target = 3.9 6.7 2.8 2.0 0.8 3.9 3.456140375On Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. -------25--
AsianDropout Rate = 0.3, Target = 0.6 1.1 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.6 0.63462475On Target
Afr. Amer./BlackDropout Rate = 1.2, Target = 1.4 2.4 1.4 1.2 0.2 1.4 1.259116275On Target
Hispanic/LatinoDropout Rate = 2.2, Target = 3.5 6.0 3.4 2.2 1.2 3.5 3.056277175On Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.Dropout Rate = 3.7, Target = 6.4 11.0 2.4 3.7 -1.3 6.4 5.53116275On Target
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. ----------
WhiteDropout Rate = 1.7, Target = 1.5 2.6 2.3 1.7 0.6 1.5 1.327223450Improved Below Target
Summary > 2016
2016 Assessment Participation
  English Language Arts Mathematics Science
Enrolled Assessed % Met Target (95%) Enrolled Assessed % Met Target (95%) Enrolled Assessed % Met Target (95%)
All students126841250599Yes127561258999Yes5429538599Yes
High needs9702954398Yes9767961898Yes4021398099Yes
Econ. Disadvantaged7657752598Yes7716759198Yes3224319499Yes
EL and Former EL5199512299Yes5207515099Yes2018199599Yes
Students w/ disabilities2673259297Yes2688261097Yes1197117498Yes
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.15---15---5---
Afr. Amer./Black1831181099Yes1853183399Yes837835100Yes
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.54553899Yes54654199Yes19619599Yes
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.------------

NOTE: In 2016, assessment participation was calculated two ways: First, the 2016 participation rate for each subgroup in each subject area test was calculated. If the actual 2016 participation rate was lower than 95 percent for any group in any subject, that rate was compared to the average of the most recent two years of assessment participation data for that group and subject. The higher of the two resulting rates was factored into the assignment of the school or district's 2016 accountability and assistance level.

School and District Profiles