2023 Mobility Rates Report (District) All Students


This report provides data on student mobility, the movement of students in and out of districts or public schools in the state.
NOTE: Mobility rates are not reported for enrollments of fewer than 6. More about the data

Data was last updated on January 25, 2024.

District NameDistrict CodeChurn/Intake Enroll% Churn% IntakeStability Enroll% Stability
Abby Kelley Foster Charter Public (District)04450000 1,456 3.5 3.4 1,433 98.0
Abington00010000 2,229 5.6 4.3 2,155 97.6
Academy Of the Pacific Rim Charter Public (District)04120000 487 8.4 3.3 475 93.9
Acton-Boxborough06000000 5,272 4.0 3.2 5,159 98.2
Acushnet00030000 981 2.9 2.0 971 98.1
Advanced Math and Science Academy Charter (District)04300000 973 2.5 2.0 967 98.1
Agawam00050000 3,672 8.4 6.6 3,513 95.7
Alma del Mar Charter School (District)04090000 1,080 8.8 6.8 1,057 93.2
Amesbury00070000 1,886 6.6 4.5 1,818 97.4
Amherst00080000 1,100 9.4 7.5 1,062 94.7
Amherst-Pelham06050000 1,279 3.8 2.3 1,253 98.2
Andover00090000 5,674 3.3 2.7 5,541 99.1
Argosy Collegiate Charter School (District)35090000 579 7.6 5.4 564 94.9
Arlington00100000 6,128 3.1 2.3 6,008 98.9
Ashburnham-Westminster06100000 2,350 3.7 3.0 2,318 97.6
Ashland00140000 2,996 6.2 4.5 2,901 96.9
Assabet Valley Regional Vocational Technical08010000 1,140 3.6 1.2 1,136 96.7
Athol-Royalston06150000 1,674 9.0 7.0 1,583 96.3
Atlantis Charter (District)04910000 1,327 7.8 5.2 1,289 95.0
Attleboro00160000 6,218 8.9 7.2 5,970 95.5
Auburn00170000 2,625 3.8 2.9 2,570 98.2
Avon00180000 757 5.4 3.4 736 97.3
Ayer Shirley School District06160000 1,711 7.4 5.3 1,645 96.5
Barnstable00200000 5,156 9.5 7.5 4,888 95.7
Baystate Academy Charter Public School (District)35020000 427 7.5 3.0 417 94.7
Bedford00230000 2,592 2.4 2.0 2,556 98.9
Belchertown00240000 2,196 4.0 3.2 2,137 98.6
Bellingham00250000 2,093 6.6 4.7 2,020 97.0
Belmont00260000 4,487 3.9 3.0 4,388 98.3
Benjamin Banneker Charter Public (District)04200000 346 4.6 2.9 346 95.4
Benjamin Franklin Classical Charter Public (District)04470000 882 3.4 1.6 870 97.9
Berkley00270000 864 1.9 1.4 854 99.3
Berkshire Arts and Technology Charter Public (District)04140000 388 10.1 8.5 360 96.9
Berkshire Hills06180000 1,234 5.4 4.3 1,188 98.2
Berlin-Boylston06200000 1,099 3.6 3.1 1,075 98.5
Beverly00300000 4,737 4.5 3.6 4,598 98.6
Billerica00310000 5,038 5.5 4.5 4,873 97.9
Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical08050000 1,238 1.1 0.2 1,238 98.9
Blackstone-Millville06220000 1,594 5.8 4.6 1,547 97.2
Blue Hills Regional Vocational Technical08060000 930 3.0 1.3 929 97.1
Boston00350000 51,834 15.8 10.4 48,814 91.3
Boston Collegiate Charter (District)04490000 736 9.6 8.0 713 93.3
Boston Day and Evening Academy Charter (District)04240000 441 55.1 23.6 350 56.6
Boston Green Academy Horace Mann Charter School (District)04110000 508 11.8 6.7 503 89.1
Boston Preparatory Charter Public (District)04160000 722 10.1 8.6 696 93.2
Boston Renaissance Charter Public (District)04810000 978 7.7 5.4 928 97.3
Bourne00360000 1,636 6.6 5.4 1,570 97.3
Boxford00380000 749 3.6 2.3 737 98.0
Braintree00400000 5,477 4.5 3.6 5,318 98.5
Brewster00410000 447 4.9 3.6 432 98.4
Bridge Boston Charter School (District)04170000 346 6.4 4.0 339 95.6
Bridgewater-Raynham06250000 5,662 5.6 4.5 5,506 97.2
Brimfield00430000 294 4.4 4.4 286 98.3
Bristol County Agricultural09100000 558 1.6 0.2 558 98.4
Bristol-Plymouth Regional Vocational Technical08100000 1,314 0.8 0.2 1,313 99.3
Brockton00440000 16,216 14.3 10.8 15,028 94.3
Brooke Charter School (District)04280000 2,290 7.2 4.1 2,250 94.4
Brookfield00450000 297 2.4 1.7 292 99.3
Brookline00460000 7,343 6.7 4.9 7,106 96.5
Burlington00480000 3,570 6.6 5.3 3,440 97.1
Cambridge00490000 7,042 8.7 6.4 6,719 96.0
Canton00500000 3,310 5.8 4.7 3,228 96.7
Cape Cod Lighthouse Charter (District)04320000 255 2.7 1.6 253 98.0
Cape Cod Regional Vocational Technical08150000 681 3.5 1.6 677 97.0
Carlisle00510000 609 1.5 1.3 601 99.8
Carver00520000 1,595 5.6 4.8 1,547 97.3
Central Berkshire06350000 1,579 5.3 3.0 1,543 97.1
Chelmsford00560000 5,244 4.7 3.5 5,110 98.0
Chelsea00570000 6,749 16.6 13.1 6,247 91.5
Chesterfield-Goshen06320000 155 6.5 6.5 146 99.3
Chicopee00610000 7,175 10.1 7.8 6,755 96.1
Christa McAuliffe Charter School (District)04180000 340 9.7 3.5 335 91.6
City on a Hill Charter Public School (District)04370000 221 21.3 15.8 198 87.9
Clarksburg00630000 201 3.5 3.5 195 99.5
Clinton00640000 2,082 7.8 6.3 1,984 96.7
Codman Academy Charter Public (District)04380000 351 8.3 7.1 341 94.4
Cohasset00650000 1,421 1.3 1.1 1,408 99.6
Collegiate Charter School of Lowell (District)35030000 1,328 19.1 8.7 1,277 84.1
Community Charter School of Cambridge (District)04360000 272 7.0 5.5 259 97.7
Community Day Charter Public School (District)04400000 1,215 3.2 2.1 1,200 98.0
Concord00670000 2,000 3.2 2.7 1,950 99.3
Concord-Carlisle06400000 1,324 1.6 1.1 1,310 99.5
Conservatory Lab Charter (District)04390000 473 13.5 8.0 459 89.1
Conway00680000 138 3.6 2.9 134 99.3
Danvers00710000 3,338 6.1 3.4 3,242 96.7
Dartmouth00720000 3,456 4.0 2.6 3,393 97.8
Dedham00730000 2,683 6.3 5.8 2,586 97.3
Deerfield00740000 336 2.4 1.8 330 99.4
Dennis-Yarmouth06450000 3,068 10.2 8.1 2,878 95.9
Dighton-Rehoboth06500000 2,604 3.9 3.0 2,555 98.0
Douglas00770000 1,213 5.9 4.2 1,183 96.4
Dover00780000 518 2.1 1.9 510 99.4
Dover-Sherborn06550000 1,153 1.0 0.9 1,149 99.3
Dracut00790000 3,754 6.3 5.0 3,630 97.1
Dudley Street Neighborhood Charter School (District)04070000 286 1.0 0.3 285 99.3
Dudley-Charlton Reg06580000 3,566 4.4 3.9 3,447 98.9
Duxbury00820000 2,824 1.2 0.8 2,810 99.3
East Bridgewater00830000 2,112 2.8 2.1 2,071 99.1
East Longmeadow00870000 2,579 2.8 2.2 2,542 98.7
Eastham00850000 201 6.5 4.5 195 96.4
Easthampton00860000 1,462 6.5 4.4 1,416 96.5
Easton00880000 3,503 4.0 3.2 3,418 98.4
Edgartown00890000 443 12.9 10.6 409 94.4
Edward M. Kennedy Academy for Health Careers: A Horace Mann Charter Public School (District)04520000 405 12.8 10.4 379 93.1
Erving00910000 131 13.7 11.5 129 87.6
Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical School District08170000 1,709 2.9 0.6 1,702 97.5
Everett00930000 8,166 16.3 12.1 7,501 91.9
Excel Academy Charter (District)04100000 1,412 8.4 4.8 1,380 93.7
Fairhaven00940000 1,875 4.3 3.2 1,832 98.0
Fall River00950000 11,248 11.8 7.5 10,683 94.7
Falmouth00960000 3,114 6.4 5.0 2,998 97.4
Farmington River Reg06620000 126 4.8 4.8 121 99.2
Fitchburg00970000 5,606 13.5 9.5 5,236 94.0
Florida00980000 94 4.3 4.3 93 96.8
Four Rivers Charter Public (District)04130000 223 3.1 1.8 220 98.2
Foxborough00990000 2,539 4.5 3.5 2,466 98.6
Foxborough Regional Charter (District)04460000 1,626 5.7 4.8 1,582 97.0
Framingham01000000 10,014 10.2 7.0 9,508 94.9
Francis W. Parker Charter Essential (District)04780000 407 6.9 4.2 392 96.7
Franklin01010000 4,841 5.8 5.1 4,717 96.8
Franklin County Regional Vocational Technical08180000 606 2.3 0.3 605 97.9
Freetown-Lakeville06650000 2,815 2.2 1.6 2,778 99.1
Frontier06700000 614 2.3 0.7 610 98.4
Gardner01030000 2,538 9.8 7.5 2,391 96.4
Gateway06720000 812 5.7 4.4 783 98.0
Georgetown01050000 1,286 4.5 4.2 1,274 96.4
Gill-Montague06740000 901 6.0 4.2 874 97.0
Global Learning Charter Public (District)04960000 516 5.8 5.2 504 96.4
Gloucester01070000 2,928 5.5 4.5 2,828 97.9
Grafton01100000 3,153 2.8 2.2 3,093 99.1
Granby01110000 732 3.4 2.0 723 97.8
Greater Commonwealth Virtual District39010000 1,432 31.1 24.0 1,206 81.8
Greater Fall River Regional Vocational Technical08210000 1,419 1.5 0.3 1,418 98.6
Greater Lawrence Regional Vocational Technical08230000 1,698 1.1 0.9 1,697 98.9
Greater Lowell Regional Vocational Technical08280000 2,338 2.2 1.5 2,316 98.7
Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical08250000 2,119 1.0 0.3 2,118 99.0
Greenfield01140000 1,559 9.9 7.9 1,460 96.3
Groton-Dunstable06730000 2,401 1.9 1.3 2,380 99.0
Hadley01170000 515 5.6 4.7 495 98.2
Halifax01180000 570 2.8 1.6 561 98.8
Hamilton-Wenham06750000 1,682 2.6 2.1 1,660 98.9
Hampden Charter School of Science East (District)04990000 558 3.6 2.3 555 96.9
Hampden Charter School of Science West (District)35160000 386 9.3 7.3 373 93.8
Hampden-Wilbraham06800000 2,936 4.0 3.1 2,869 98.3
Hampshire06830000 679 2.7 1.8 668 99.0
Hancock01210000 63 12.7 12.7 59 93.2
Hanover01220000 2,635 2.7 2.4 2,581 99.3
Harvard01250000 1,046 3.1 2.4 1,027 98.7
Hatfield01270000 359 3.6 2.5 352 98.3
Haverhill01280000 8,312 9.7 7.6 7,835 96.7
Hawlemont06850000 98 11.2 7.1 93 93.5
Helen Y. Davis Leadership Academy Charter Public (District)04190000 132 40.2 26.5 119 66.4
Hill View Montessori Charter Public (District)04550000 315 5.7 5.1 308 96.4
Hilltown Cooperative Charter Public (District)04500000 222 3.6 3.2 219 97.7
Hingham01310000 3,861 2.1 1.8 3,807 99.3
Holbrook01330000 1,390 7.3 5.5 1,332 96.7
Holland01350000 239 6.7 3.8 233 95.7
Holliston01360000 2,829 2.4 2.1 2,779 99.4
Holyoke01370000 5,410 14.1 10.1 5,062 92.6
Holyoke Community Charter (District)04530000 731 8.8 6.4 694 96.1
Hoosac Valley Regional06030000 1,050 6.0 4.3 1,014 97.3
Hopedale01380000 1,130 3.6 2.9 1,104 98.6
Hopkinton01390000 4,263 2.9 2.4 4,175 99.1
Hudson01410000 2,447 6.9 5.6 2,348 97.1
Hull01420000 791 3.9 2.8 781 97.3
Innovation Academy Charter (District)04350000 818 9.7 7.0 801 92.3
Ipswich01440000 1,640 2.3 1.8 1,612 99.4
King Philip06900000 1,846 4.6 2.5 1,821 96.8
Kingston01450000 1,305 9.0 7.7 1,215 97.7
KIPP Academy Boston Charter School (District)04630000 607 11.0 6.1 583 92.6
KIPP Academy Lynn Charter (District)04290000 1,628 2.6 1.0 1,622 97.8
Lawrence01490000 14,383 22.7 14.9 13,142 86.2
Lawrence Family Development Charter (District)04540000 868 4.4 3.9 859 96.6
Learning First Charter Public School (District)04860000 698 6.9 4.4 688 94.5
Lee01500000 694 5.0 3.3 677 97.3
Leicester01510000 1,424 6.7 5.6 1,365 97.4
Lenox01520000 800 2.3 2.0 786 99.5
Leominster01530000 6,292 9.0 6.2 6,059 95.8
Leverett01540000 143 6.3 3.5 141 95.0
Lexington01550000 7,059 4.3 3.6 6,877 98.3
Libertas Academy Charter School (District)35140000 461 18.9 9.5 444 84.2
Lincoln01570000 1,081 9.3 6.2 1,019 96.5
Lincoln-Sudbury06950000 1,497 1.5 1.1 1,485 99.3
Littleton01580000 1,728 2.5 2.0 1,698 99.2
Longmeadow01590000 2,835 2.3 1.7 2,795 99.1
Lowell01600000 15,310 12.1 8.9 14,413 94.4
Lowell Community Charter Public (District)04560000 827 1.1 0.4 825 99.2
Lowell Middlesex Academy Charter (District)04580000 138 38.4 35.5 99 85.9
Ludlow01610000 2,397 4.8 4.0 2,319 98.4
Lunenburg01620000 1,605 4.2 3.0 1,567 98.1
Lynn01630000 17,101 11.3 8.7 15,861 96.9
Lynnfield01640000 2,225 2.0 1.3 2,198 99.2
Ma Academy for Math and Science04680000 100 2.0 0.0 100 98.0
Malden01650000 6,872 16.3 13.6 6,353 90.9
Manchester Essex Regional06980000 1,232 2.4 2.1 1,222 98.5
Mansfield01670000 3,541 3.6 3.2 3,446 99.0
Map Academy Charter School (District)35170000 304 23.0 18.8 250 93.6
Marblehead01680000 2,674 2.6 1.9 2,633 98.9
Marblehead Community Charter Public (District)04640000 236 11.0 3.4 231 90.9
Marion01690000 415 6.7 5.8 405 95.6
Marlborough01700000 5,241 15.6 12.6 4,834 92.4
Marshfield01710000 3,826 3.1 2.2 3,778 98.2
Martha's Vineyard07000000 782 6.4 4.7 760 96.3
Martha's Vineyard Charter Public School (District)04660000 189 9.5 5.3 182 94.0
Martin Luther King, Jr. Charter School of Excellence (District)04920000 375 19.5 15.2 356 84.8
Masconomet07050000 1,564 1.2 0.6 1,555 99.4
Mashpee01720000 1,529 6.5 4.8 1,470 97.2
Match Charter Public School (District)04690000 1,223 7.0 6.0 1,197 95.0
Mattapoisett01730000 433 4.6 3.9 429 96.3
Maynard01740000 1,243 5.4 3.9 1,200 98.0
Medfield01750000 2,544 2.2 1.9 2,517 98.8
Medford01760000 4,396 8.7 6.5 4,186 96.1
Medway01770000 2,167 3.5 3.1 2,106 99.3
Melrose01780000 3,939 2.7 1.9 3,877 99.0
Mendon-Upton07100000 2,167 3.2 2.5 2,121 98.9
Methuen01810000 6,922 11.9 10.4 6,465 94.8
Middleborough01820000 3,186 5.4 4.5 3,083 97.8
Middleton01840000 736 2.6 2.3 721 99.4
Milford01850000 4,798 11.6 9.8 4,526 93.9
Millbury01860000 1,703 6.9 5.9 1,638 96.8
Millis01870000 1,240 3.4 2.7 1,221 98.1
Milton01890000 4,392 2.1 1.7 4,340 99.1
Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical08300000 701 1.6 0.6 698 98.9
Mohawk Trail07170000 825 5.3 4.0 798 98.1
Monomoy Regional School District07120000 1,851 6.1 4.9 1,783 97.5
Monson01910000 862 5.9 4.8 830 97.7
Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical08320000 1,431 2.9 1.9 1,419 98.0
Mount Greylock07150000 1,235 3.8 3.1 1,204 98.7
Mystic Valley Regional Charter (District)04700000 1,651 3.6 3.1 1,618 98.4
Nahant01960000 160 7.5 5.0 156 94.9
Nantucket01970000 1,799 6.6 4.8 1,733 96.9
Narragansett07200000 1,536 5.3 3.7 1,490 97.7
Nashoba07250000 3,103 2.6 2.3 3,063 98.8
Nashoba Valley Regional Vocational Technical08520000 751 1.2 0.7 751 98.8
Natick01980000 5,483 4.8 4.2 5,354 97.6
Nauset06600000 1,339 2.9 1.6 1,321 98.4
Needham01990000 5,586 1.4 1.1 5,533 99.6
Neighborhood House Charter (District)04440000 822 10.7 7.7 781 94.0
New Bedford02010000 13,412 11.9 8.5 12,635 95.3
New Heights Charter School of Brockton (District)35130000 746 5.1 2.9 743 95.3
New Salem-Wendell07280000 140 5.7 5.7 132 100.0
Newburyport02040000 2,201 3.5 3.0 2,162 98.3
Newton02070000 12,263 3.8 3.0 11,956 98.8
Norfolk02080000 1,025 1.8 1.2 1,017 99.0
Norfolk County Agricultural09150000 586 1.4 0.3 586 98.6
North Adams02090000 1,301 9.2 6.5 1,228 96.8
North Andover02110000 4,575 3.9 3.3 4,466 98.5
North Attleborough02120000 4,094 5.5 4.4 3,954 98.0
North Brookfield02150000 478 10.7 7.3 450 94.9
North Middlesex07350000 3,118 6.4 5.0 3,034 96.4
North Reading02170000 2,391 2.0 1.5 2,360 99.4
Northampton02100000 2,669 4.6 3.3 2,591 98.4
Northampton-Smith Vocational Agricultural04060000 577 6.4 2.6 574 94.1
Northboro-Southboro07300000 1,232 1.9 1.7 1,218 99.2
Northborough02130000 1,643 3.3 2.9 1,598 99.4
Northbridge02140000 2,015 6.3 3.4 1,962 96.2
Northeast Metropolitan Regional Vocational Technical08530000 1,306 3.0 1.5 1,297 97.7
Northern Berkshire Regional Vocational Technical08510000 540 1.9 0.4 539 98.3
Norton02180000 2,438 3.1 2.5 2,383 99.2
Norwell02190000 2,168 1.8 1.5 2,156 98.7
Norwood02200000 3,738 9.8 7.3 3,508 96.5
Oak Bluffs02210000 471 11.7 8.5 445 93.5
Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical08550000 566 1.6 0.5 565 98.6
Old Rochester07400000 1,067 1.7 0.8 1,060 99.0
Old Sturbridge Academy Charter Public School (District)35150000 365 2.7 1.6 359 98.9
Orange02230000 542 9.2 5.7 518 95.0
Orleans02240000 153 7.8 5.9 145 97.2
Oxford02260000 1,526 7.4 6.5 1,445 97.8
Palmer02270000 1,202 12.4 10.6 1,150 91.6
Pathfinder Regional Vocational Technical08600000 653 3.1 0.8 650 97.4
Paulo Freire Social Justice Charter School (District)35010000 284 19.0 11.3 257 89.5
Peabody02290000 6,118 7.2 5.2 5,911 96.9
Pelham02300000 137 2.2 2.2 136 98.5
Pembroke02310000 2,549 2.2 1.9 2,506 99.5
Pentucket07450000 2,273 2.7 2.4 2,234 99.1
Petersham02340000 127 1.6 0.8 126 99.2
Phoenix Academy Charter Public High School, Chelsea (District)04930000 265 57.4 32.8 210 53.8
Phoenix Academy Public Charter High School, Lawrence (District)35180000 160 56.3 33.1 126 55.6
Phoenix Academy Public Charter High School, Springfield (District)35080000 236 66.9 50.0 174 44.8
Pioneer Charter School of Science (District)04940000 799 4.4 2.1 788 97.0
Pioneer Charter School of Science II (District)35060000 484 8.3 5.8 467 95.1
Pioneer Valley07500000 692 7.9 6.8 667 95.7
Pioneer Valley Chinese Immersion Charter (District)04970000 556 1.8 1.3 553 98.7
Pioneer Valley Performing Arts Charter Public (District)04790000 419 10.3 7.6 395 95.2
Pittsfield02360000 5,172 8.8 5.8 4,982 96.2
Plainville02380000 676 6.8 5.2 650 96.9
Plymouth02390000 7,403 5.8 4.7 7,163 97.6
Plympton02400000 241 2.5 1.7 237 99.2
Prospect Hill Academy Charter (District)04870000 1,036 5.7 4.1 1,012 96.5
Provincetown02420000 151 7.9 7.3 145 95.9
Quabbin07530000 2,280 5.8 4.4 2,201 97.7
Quaboag Regional07780000 1,221 4.8 3.3 1,188 97.9
Quincy02430000 10,222 9.5 7.6 9,686 96.2
Ralph C Mahar07550000 550 6.5 4.0 531 96.8
Randolph02440000 2,880 16.7 14.5 2,578 93.6
Reading02460000 3,930 3.8 3.4 3,858 98.1
Revere02480000 8,005 15.9 11.7 7,350 91.9
Richmond02490000 155 1.9 0.6 155 98.1
Rising Tide Charter Public (District)04830000 661 9.5 4.2 645 92.7
River Valley Charter (District)04820000 296 4.1 3.0 290 97.9
Rochester02500000 505 5.1 4.6 493 97.2
Rockland02510000 2,246 6.2 5.0 2,181 96.6
Rockport02520000 747 4.8 3.7 734 96.9
Rowe02530000 70 4.3 4.3 67 100.0
Roxbury Preparatory Charter (District)04840000 1,402 21.7 10.5 1,353 81.2
Salem02580000 4,038 12.7 9.7 3,764 94.6
Salem Academy Charter (District)04850000 490 1.2 1.2 490 98.8
Sandwich02610000 2,222 4.3 3.4 2,165 98.2
Saugus02620000 2,726 9.1 7.6 2,562 96.8
Savoy02630000 40 0.0 0.0 40 100.0
Scituate02640000 2,794 1.9 1.5 2,759 99.3
Seekonk02650000 2,107 3.3 2.5 2,068 98.6
Sharon02660000 3,621 2.7 2.2 3,550 99.4
Shawsheen Valley Regional Vocational Technical08710000 1,317 3.3 1.5 1,310 97.3
Sherborn02690000 412 1.0 1.0 408 100.0
Shrewsbury02710000 6,127 6.0 4.4 5,925 97.3
Shutesbury02720000 126 3.2 1.6 124 98.4
Silver Lake07600000 1,611 2.8 2.2 1,582 99.0
Sizer School: A North Central Charter Essential (District)04740000 382 10.5 8.9 352 97.2
Somerset02730000 1,659 3.7 3.1 1,616 99.1
Somerset Berkley Regional School District07630000 1,025 3.2 2.0 1,012 98.0
Somerville02740000 5,098 10.8 6.9 4,853 94.5
South Hadley02780000 1,752 10.4 8.0 1,691 92.8
South Middlesex Regional Vocational Technical08290000 858 5.9 2.3 849 95.1
South Shore Charter Public (District)04880000 1,097 6.5 5.7 1,074 95.5
South Shore Regional Vocational Technical08730000 659 1.4 0.6 656 99.1
Southampton02750000 492 3.3 3.0 477 99.8
Southborough02760000 1,311 5.3 4.7 1,279 97.1
Southbridge02770000 2,011 16.6 13.5 1,834 92.1
Southeastern Regional Vocational Technical08720000 1,583 2.9 2.1 1,563 98.3
Southern Berkshire07650000 633 3.3 2.1 623 98.2
Southern Worcester County Regional Vocational School District08760000 1,196 2.8 0.8 1,190 97.6
Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District07660000 1,384 5.3 4.8 1,331 98.4
Spencer-E Brookfield07670000 1,494 10.8 9.1 1,395 95.6
Springfield02810000 25,475 14.4 10.2 24,060 92.9
Springfield International Charter (District)04410000 1,557 4.1 3.0 1,527 97.8
Springfield Preparatory Charter School (District)35100000 503 5.6 4.2 491 96.7
Stoneham02840000 2,355 4.9 3.9 2,288 98.1
Stoughton02850000 3,749 7.0 5.5 3,586 97.5
Sturbridge02870000 905 4.6 3.9 879 98.2
Sturgis Charter Public (District)04890000 855 5.3 3.9 838 96.7
Sudbury02880000 2,598 3.0 2.7 2,535 99.5
Sunderland02890000 190 8.4 5.3 183 95.1
Sutton02900000 1,331 3.2 2.7 1,300 99.2
Swampscott02910000 2,104 4.2 3.6 2,051 98.2
Swansea02920000 2,044 3.2 2.6 2,005 98.9
Tantasqua07700000 1,780 4.4 1.5 1,762 97.1
Taunton02930000 8,463 10.7 7.9 7,964 95.6
TEC Connections Academy Commonwealth Virtual School District39020000 3,702 37.2 27.4 3,076 75.6
Tewksbury02950000 3,320 26.4 3.6 3,234 98.2
Tisbury02960000 304 20.4 15.5 274 88.3
Topsfield02980000 641 3.3 2.2 628 98.7
Tri-County Regional Vocational Technical08780000 968 1.9 0.1 967 98.2
Triton07730000 2,290 5.6 4.5 2,249 96.2
Truro03000000 106 4.7 4.7 102 99.0
Tyngsborough03010000 1,605 3.1 2.6 1,574 98.8
UP Academy Charter School of Boston (District)04800000 240 30.4 15.4 238 70.2
UP Academy Charter School of Dorchester (District)35050000 673 19.3 10.8 662 82.0
Up-Island Regional07740000 430 7.0 6.0 413 96.9
Upper Cape Cod Regional Vocational Technical08790000 776 2.1 0.5 773 98.3
Uxbridge03040000 1,715 6.5 5.2 1,660 96.6
Veritas Preparatory Charter School (District)04980000 510 2.9 0.2 510 97.1
Wachusett07750000 6,887 3.7 3.2 6,766 98.1
Wakefield03050000 3,367 2.9 2.1 3,311 98.9
Wales03060000 100 10.0 9.0 97 92.8
Walpole03070000 3,758 4.2 3.5 3,681 97.9
Waltham03080000 6,086 10.6 8.1 5,719 96.0
Ware03090000 1,200 9.2 8.2 1,142 95.4
Wareham03100000 2,107 8.5 6.3 2,037 94.7
Watertown03140000 2,828 8.4 6.2 2,680 96.8
Wayland03150000 2,796 1.8 1.4 2,763 99.5
Webster03160000 1,870 15.8 13.6 1,717 91.7
Wellesley03170000 4,259 2.9 2.6 4,173 99.2
Wellfleet03180000 99 2.0 1.0 99 98.0
West Boylston03220000 887 3.4 2.3 869 98.6
West Bridgewater03230000 1,466 4.9 4.0 1,419 98.2
West Springfield03320000 4,215 13.0 11.3 3,861 95.4
Westborough03210000 4,054 7.0 5.5 3,864 97.7
Westfield03250000 5,092 8.2 5.5 4,879 97.2
Westford03260000 4,822 3.4 3.0 4,725 98.6
Westhampton03270000 105 1.0 1.0 104 100.0
Weston03300000 2,034 1.9 1.7 2,005 99.5
Westport03310000 1,488 3.3 2.1 1,463 98.4
Westwood03350000 2,930 2.0 1.6 2,892 99.5
Weymouth03360000 5,858 9.0 6.8 5,640 94.7
Whately03370000 132 1.5 1.5 130 100.0
Whitman-Hanson07800000 3,627 4.8 4.1 3,538 97.7
Whittier Regional Vocational Technical08850000 1,295 1.6 1.2 1,281 99.5
Williamsburg03400000 134 4.5 2.2 131 97.7
Wilmington03420000 2,853 3.3 2.4 2,795 98.8
Winchendon03430000 1,313 7.9 5.3 1,260 96.0
Winchester03440000 4,429 2.2 1.5 4,386 98.8
Winthrop03460000 2,058 8.7 7.6 1,950 96.3
Woburn03470000 4,493 7.9 6.5 4,296 96.7
Worcester03480000 26,055 11.5 8.0 24,670 95.1
Worthington03490000 77 6.5 3.9 76 94.7
Wrentham03500000 980 8.1 7.4 955 94.3