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2019-20 Student Discipline Days Missed Report
All Offenses

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The Student Discipline Days Missed Report reports on days missed by public school students in Massachusetts due to disciplines that the students received for offenses committed, as reported by school districts in the School Safety Discipline Report (SSDR). Days missed is reported by percentage of students in specific ranges of days missed. For more detailed information on the SSDR collection, see the documents at the School Safety Discipline Report (SSDR) page on the ESE website.

The COVID 19 pandemic had a profound impact on the 2019-20 school year. Data reported below may have been affected by the pandemic. Please keep this in mind when reviewing the data, and take particular care when comparing data over multiple school years.

More about the data.
Student GroupStudentsStudents Disciplined% 1 Day% 2 to 3 Days% 4 to 7 Days% 8 to 10 Days% > 10 Days
All Students 1,545
English Learner 66 0
Economically disadvantaged 494 18111.20.40
Students w/disabilities 272
High needs 680
Female 715 5
Male 828
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. 1 0
Asian 46 0
Afr. Amer./Black 83 3
Hispanic/Latino 181 3
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 48 2
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. 1 0
White 1,185

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