Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Grafton High School

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2023-24 SAT Performance Report

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The SAT Performance Report provides SAT data (mean scores) at the district level and school level for selected populations as well as for all students.
Please Note: For the years 2007 through 2016, this report provides SAT results based on graduate cohorts determined by The College Board. Starting with 2017, this report provides SAT results for tests taken during the selected year.
Please see More about the data..
NOTE: SAT Performance is not reported for enrollments of fewer than 10.

Student GroupTests TakenReading / WritingMath
All Students 198582573
English Learner 1
Low Income 20503508
Students w/ Disabilities 10542510
High Needs 28511505
Female 100584556
Male 98581589
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. 1
Asian 32626641
Afr. Amer./Black 2
Hispanic/Latino 14564579
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 5
Nat. Haw./Pacif. Isl. 2
White 142573558

School and District Profiles