Massachusetts School and District Profiles


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Teacher Data (2023-24)

Total # of Teachers (FTE) 340.8 100.0 77,630.3 100.0
Teachers Licensed 338.8 99.4 75,379.0 97.1
Teachers licensed in high poverty schools - - 17,430.9 94.4
Teachers licensed in low poverty schools 304.6 99.3 19,894.8 99.2
Teachers without a waiver 340.8 100.0 77,178.5 99.4
Teachers without a waiver in high poverty schools - - 18,169.6 98.4
Teachers without a waiver in low poverty schools 306.6 100.0 20,048.4 99.9
Teachers without a provisional license 329.1 96.6 72,709.4 93.7
Teachers without a provisional license in high poverty schools - - 16,844.1 91.2
Teachers without a provisional license in low poverty schools 295.9 96.5 19,330.7 96.3
Teachers without a waiver or provisional license 329.1 96.6 72,350.5 93.2
Teachers without a waiver or provisional license in high poverty schools - - 16,594.9 89.8
Teachers without a waiver or provisional license in low poverty schools 295.9 96.5 19,317.7 96.3
Experienced teachers 297.8 87.4 62,697.8 80.8
Experienced teachers in high poverty schools - - 12,941.5 70.1
Experienced teachers in low poverty schools 267.7 87.3 17,728.0 88.4

Administrator Data (2023-24)

Experienced administrators 26.0 61.9 8,055.2 78.3
Experienced administrators in high poverty schools - - 1,334.5 68.7
Experienced administrators in low poverty schools 15.4 67.9 1,267.0 84.0

Additional Data (2023-24)

Percent teaching in-field 94.8 90.8
Number teaching in-field - -
Percent teaching in-field in high poverty schools - 83.8
Number teaching in-field in high poverty schools - -
Percent teaching in-field in low poverty schools 94.4 95.9
Number teaching in-field in low poverty schools - -
Student/Teacher Ratio 12.7 to 1 11.8 to 1

School and District Profiles