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Digital Literacy and Computer Science Coursetaking (2022-23)

For a full list of courses and subjects, see the Digital Literacy and Computer Science course list.

Digital Literacy and Computer Science Coursetaking by Percent

Student Group K % 01 % 02 % 03 % 04 % 05 % 06 % 07 % 08 % 09 % 10 % 11 % 12 % All Grades % Total Students #
All Students 99.4 98.7 98.1 51.6 46.5 16.4 15.4 60.6 1,151
Female 98.8 97.3 97.3 42.6 35.7 12.0 8.9 55.1 563
Male 100.0 100.0 98.8 63.4 55.2 20.7 22.9 66.3 585
Low Income 90.9 100.0 100.0 55.0 45.5 50.0 12.5 65.1 83
High Needs 97.6 97.1 92.5 41.5 46.2 28.2 8.0 61.2 260
LEP English language learner 100.0 100.0 25.0 50.0 6
Students with disabilities 100.0 96.4 90.0 33.3 48.5 24.1 4.8 59.7 191
American Indian or Alaskan Native 2
Asian 100.0 100.0 100.0 69.0 66.7 33.3 17.6 71.0 145
African American/Black 100.0 100.0 100.0 42.9 60.0 75.0 14.3 60.6 33
Hispanic or Latino 85.7 92.3 100.0 53.3 28.6 0.0 0.0 52.9 70
Multi-race, non-Hispanic or Latino 100.0 100.0 100.0 37.5 25.0 10.0 0.0 58.2 79
White 100.0 99.1 97.4 49.6 44.8 13.5 17.6 59.7 822

Digital Literacy and Computer Science Coursetaking by Count

Student Group K # 01 # 02 # 03 # 04 # 05 # 06 # 07 # 08 # 09 # 10 # 11 # 12 # All Grades # Total Students #
All Students 172 152 154 95 73 29 23 698 1,151
Female 81 73 71 43 25 10 7 310 563
Male 91 79 83 52 48 19 16 388 585
Low Income 10 8 13 11 5 6 1 54 83
High Needs 40 34 37 17 18 11 2 159 260
LEP English language learner 1 1 1 3 6
Students with disabilities 29 27 27 7 16 7 1 114 191
American Indian or Alaskan Native 2
Asian 27 15 18 20 14 6 3 103 145
African American/Black 3 4 3 3 3 3 1 20 33
Hispanic or Latino 6 12 9 8 2 0 0 37 70
Multi-race, non-Hispanic or Latino 18 6 13 6 2 1 0 46 79
White 118 115 111 58 52 18 19 491 822

School and District Profiles