Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Lawrence Family Public Academy

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Enrollment Data

Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity (2024-25)
Race % of School % of District % of State
American Indian or Alaska Native 0.0 0.0 0.2
Asian 0.0 0.9 7.5
Black or African American 3.5 1.6 10.2
Hispanic or Latino 94.6 94.6 25.9
Multi-Race, Not Hispanic or Latino 0.5 0.4 4.6
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0.0 0.0 0.1
White 1.5 2.5 51.5

Enrollment by Gender (2024-25)
  School District State
Female 101 6,234 444,147
Male 101 7,060 470,190
Nonbinary 0 19 1,595
Total 202 13,313 915,932

Enrollment by Grade (2024-25)
  PK K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SP Total
District 438 935 1,049 966 994 997 962 1,020 1,067 1,101 904 878 932 1,025 45 13,313
Lawrence Family Public Academy 72 130 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 202

Kindergarten Enrollment (2024-25)
Student Group Kindergarten Enrollment Full-day Kindergarten
Total Part-time Tuitioned Full-time Total Percent
All Students 130 0 0 130 130 100.0
Black or African American 5
Hispanic or Latino 122 0 0 122 122 100.0
White 3
High Needs 120 0 0 120 120 100.0
English Learners 38 0 0 38 38 100.0
Low Income 113 0 0 113 113 100.0
Students with Disabilities 26 0 0 26 26 100.0

Pre-Kindergarten Enrollment (2024-25)
Student Group Total PK Enrolled # Student Group Enrolled % Student Group Enrolled
All Students 72 72 100.0
Black or African American 72 2 2.8
Hispanic or Latino 72 69 95.8
Multi-Race, Not Hispanic or Latino 72 1 1.4
High Needs 72 68 94.4
English Learners 72 35 48.6
Low Income 72 65 90.3
Students with Disabilities 72 51 70.8
Female 72 31 43.1
Male 72 41 56.9

School and District Profiles