Massachusetts School and District Profiles


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Grade Nine Course Passing (2023-24)

Student Group # Grade Nine Students # Passing All Courses % Passing All Courses
All Students 320 258 80.6
Male 173 134 77.5
Female 146 124 84.9
High needs 188 131 69.7
English learner (EL) 50 35 70.0
Students with disabilities 61 39 63.9
African American/Black 47 31 66.0
American Indian or Alaskan Native 1
Asian 30 29 96.7
Hispanic or Latino 57 36 63.2
Multi-race, non-Hispanic or Latino 16 14 87.5
White 168 146 86.9
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 1
Low income 150 103 68.7

School and District Profiles