Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Greater Commonwealth Virtual District

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2021 MCAS Student Growth Report - Greater Commonwealth Virtual District (39010000) Subject: ELA - Grade: 4-8

Data Last Updated September 19, 2023.   More about the data

School Avg. SGP % Meeting or Exceeding Expectations Included in SGP Part. Rate %
Greater Commonwealth Virtual School 33 37 216 89

View Statewide MCAS Student Growth Report

NOTE: Participation rates varied across schools, districts, and student groups in 2021 more than in prior years.
If the participation rate in 2021 was lower than in prior years, results may have been different if more students had taken the test.

SGP for Grade 4 is not available in 2021, since MCAS was not administered in 2020 due to the cancellation of state assessments and school closures related to COVID-19.

School and District Profiles