Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Neil A Pepin

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Next Generation MCAS Tests 2021
Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level for Neil A Pepin

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GRADE 03 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS595115944414139010 3497504.7N/AN/A
GRADE 03 - MATHEMATICS9330592874401826 3497484.9N/AN/A
GRADE 04 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS39496632435538613 3180494.2N/AN/A
GRADE 04 - MATHEMATICS193304192938434424 3283474.3N/AN/A
GRADES 03 - 08 - ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS494611838384838316 6588499.7N/AN/A
GRADES 03 - 08 - MATHEMATICS143305142956453022 6690479.8N/AN/A

Click on any Grade and Subject rows in the table to view Achievement Level in graph.

NOTE: Grade 10 results for spring 2021 STE are not provided because students in the class of 2023 were not required to take the STE test. Information about CD requirements is available at

SGP for Grade 4 is not available in 2021, since MCAS was not administered in 2020 due to the cancellation of state assessments and school closures related to COVID-19.

Participation rates varied across schools, districts, and student groups in 2021 more than in prior years. If the participation rate in 2021 was lower than in prior years, results may have been different if more students had taken the test.

School and District Profiles