Employment of Preparation Program Completers in Massachusetts Public Schools
This report provides the percentage of program completers who were employed in a Massachusetts public school or district by June of the report year. Employment rates are reported by program completion year, program type, program subject area, and top employing districts. Employment is determined by matching program completers reported by preparation program providers with employment data collected from districts in the Education Personnel Information Management System (EPIMS). The number in retention cohort includes the number of program completers first employed at least one year prior to the report year, and is the numerator for the retention rates. More about the data…
Note: Data only include program completers who became employed in a Massachusetts public, K-12 school, including charter schools, and collaboratives. The data do not include employment in private schools or outside of Massachusetts. Additional contextual information is provided by the educator preparation program under 'Employment Rates Context'.
A dash indicates that there were fewer than six program completers, therefore employment data is not reported. For more information on how employment and retention rates are calculated, see the About the Data page.
Data last updated December 12, 2024
Employment by Year (All Programs) |
| Retention in a MA Public School |
Program Completion Year | Number of Program Completers | Total Number Ever Employed in a MA Public School | Total Percent Ever Employed in a MA Public School | Number in Retention Cohort | Percent remaining employed for 2 years |
All Years |
2016 - 17 |
2015 - 16 |
2014 - 15 |
2013 - 14 |
2012 - 13 |
2011 - 12 |
2010 - 11 |
Employment by Program Characteristics |
| Retention in a MA Public School |
Program Type | Program Level | Program Subject Area | Number of Program Completers | Total Percent Ever Employed in a MA Public School | Number in Retention Cohort | Percent remaining employed for 2 years |
Academic: Administrator, Initial |
Post-Baccalaureate |
Principal/Assistant Principal |
Special Education Administrator |
Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent |
Supervisor/Director |
Academic: Professional Support Personnel, Initial |
Post-Baccalaureate |
School Guidance Counselor |
School Social Worker/School Adjustment Counselor |
Academic: Teacher, Initial |
Post-Baccalaureate |
Early Childhood: Students with and without Disabilities |
Elementary |
English as a Second Language |
General Science |
Health/Family and Consumer Sciences |
Library |
Mathematics |
Moderate Disabilities |
Academic: Teacher, Professional |
Post-Baccalaureate |
Elementary |
Health/Family and Consumer Sciences |
Moderate Disabilities |
Top Employing Massachusetts Public School Districts (First Employing District) |
| Number of 2016 Program Completers First Employment | Percent of 2016 Program Completers First Employment |
*No Data Available.