| AMAO Achieved? |
AMAO 1: Progress in learning the English language | | 2016 | District Target | District Performance | # of Students Included | Overall | 52% | 59% | 393 | | Yes |
Growth toward attaining English proficiency in a total of six years, based on matched student records for students who took Spring 2016 and the most recent ACCESS prior to 2016 |
Percentage of English Language Learners (ELLs) in grades K-12 who met their target student growth percentile on ACCESS (SGPA). For more information on how progress is measured, refer to http://www.doe.mass.edu/ell/amao/.
AMAO 2: Attainment of English language proficiency | | 2016 | District Target | District Performance | # of Students Included | Overall | 17% | 22% | 591 | Participation | 95% | 91% | | | No |
Attainment of English proficiency on Spring 2016 ACCESS for ELLs |
Percentage of grade K-12 ELLs who achieved a composite level of 5.0 or above on the spring 2016 ACCESS for ELLs; AND, district participation was 95% or above. For more information on how attainment is measured, please refer to http://www.doe.mass.edu/ell/amao/.
AMAO 3: cumulative Progress and Performance Index (PPI) for ELL/Former ELL subgroup | 2016 Cumulative PPI | No |
Performance of the ELL/Former ELL subgroup on general education assessments. | Met Cumulative PPI target of 75 for the ELL/Former ELL subgroup AND at least 95% participation in content areas.* For consortia, see the accountability reports for each consortium member district. For more information, refer to http://www.mass.gov/edu/government/departments-and-boards/ese/programs/accountability/reports/. | Cumulative PPI is a measure of the progress of a district in halving proficiency gaps over a six-year period that incorporates measures of achievement in English Language Arts (ELA), mathematics, and science; growth in ELA and mathematics; graduation rates; and dropout rates. Cumulative PPI represents subgroup or aggregate performance over the past four years, with more credit given to more recent performance. | 49 |