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2022-23 Student Discipline Data Report
All Offenses

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The Student Discipline Data Report reports the disciplines that public school students in Massachusetts received for the offenses committed, as reported by school districts in the School Safety Discipline Report (SSDR). For more detailed information on the SSDR collection, see the documents at the School Safety Discipline Report (SSDR) page on the ESE website.

More about the data.

Student GroupStudentsStudents Disciplined% In-School Suspension% Out-of-School Suspension% Expulsion% Alternate Setting% Emergency Removal% Students with a School-Based Arrest% Students with a Non-Arrest Law Enforcement Referral
All Students 1,489 762.13.800000
English Learner 78 5
Low Income 808 552.7500000
Students w/disabilities 342 242.65.600000
High needs 932 612.74.700000
Female 684 191.31.900000
Male 802 572.95.400000
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. 3
Asian 24 0
Afr. Amer./Black 42 1
Hispanic/Latino 298 233500000
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 58 2
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. 0
White 1,064 502.13.700000

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