How is our school doing overall? |
Accountability and assistance levels |
Our school |
| Among lowest performing 20% of schools -
Very low assessment participation (Less than 90%) |
Our district |
| Very low assessment participation (Less than 90%) |
Most schools are assigned a level from 1-5, with those meeting their proficiency gap-narrowing goals in Level 1 and the lowest performing in Levels 4 and 5.
A district is typically assigned a level based on the level of its lowest performing school. Placing schools and districts into levels helps districts know which schools need more support,
and helps the state know which districts need the most assistance.
More information is available here: http://www.doe.mass.edu/accountability/
School percentile |
School percentiles (1-99) indicate how a school is performing overall compared to other schools that
serve the same or similar grades. Our school's percentile is below. |
Lowest performing | Highest performing |
Overall progress in narrowing gaps |
Massachusetts aims to reduce proficiency gaps by half between 2011 and 2017. |
All students | Did Not Meet Target |
High needs students | - |
Economically disadvantaged | - |
Students with disabilities | |
English language learners & former ELLs | |
How does our school's achievement over time compare to the district and the state? |
The Composite Performance Index (CPI) is a number from 1-100 that represents the extent to which all students are progressing toward proficiency in a given subject. When all students demonstrate proficiency on MCAS and/or PARCC tests, the CPI will be 100. Our school's CPIs for 2014-2017 are below. |
| | English language arts | Mathematics | Science |
| | |
Our school | | |
| | |
High Schools in our district | | |
| | |
High Schools in MA | | |
| | |
How does our school's enrollment compare to the district and the state? |
Total enrollment
| Our school
| | Our district
| | Our state
| | 231 | | 951 | | 953,748 |
| |
| | High Schools in our district | | High Schools in MA |
By high needs population
| |
| | | | |
Economically disadvantaged students | |
| | | | |
Students with disabilities | |
| | | | |
English language learners | |
| | | | |
How do our school's teachers and classrooms compare to the district and the state? |
General information
| |
| | High Schools in our district
| | High Schools in MA
Teachers (#) | | | | | | |
Core academic classes taught by highly qualified teachers (%) | | | | | | |
Average class size (#) | | | | | | |
Student : teacher ratio | | | | | | |
How is our school doing on other important measures? |
| |
| | High Schools in our district
| | High Schools in MA
2017 Attendance rate (%) | | | | | | |
2017 Average days absent per student (#) | | | | | | |
2017 Chronic absenteeism rate (%) | | | | | | |
| |
| | | | |
| |
| |
| |
2017 In-school suspension rate (%) | | | | | | |
2017 Out-of-school suspension rate (%) | | | | | | |
High school completion
| |
Our school
| | Our district
| | Our state
2015 5-year graduation rate (%) | | | | | | |
2016 4-year graduation rate (%) | | | | | | |
2016 annual dropout rate (%) | | | | | | |
2015 graduates attending institutions of higher education* (%) | | | | | | |
2017 12th graders taking 1+ Advanced Placement courses (%) | | | | | | |
2017 Advanced Placement tests with scores of 3 or higher (%) | | | | | | |
2017 SAT average score - Reading | | | | | | |
2017 SAT average score - Writing | | | | | | |
2017 SAT average score - Math | | | | | | |
2016 MassCore** - Completing a rigorous course of study (%) | | | | | | |
*Postsecondary enrollment data includes any student enrolling in an institution of higher education within 16 months of earning a high school diploma |
**MassCore: 4 years of English & math, 3 years of history & lab-based science, 2 years of a foreign language, 1 year of arts & 5 additional "core" courses |
What else should you know about our school? |
The new district strategic plan emphasizes professional development for teachers, the promotion of critical thinking skills, plus the updating and alignment of curriculum maps and assessments with instruction. To improve the writing skills of all students we have implemented new writing requirements which will better prepare students to be able to write informational and persuasive pieces of the type they will find on new state tests. |
To view our school's full report card, visit http://profiles.doe.mass.edu. For more information about report card data, visit our Profiles Help page. |
Published by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education |