How is our school doing on other important measures? |
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| | Elementary - Middle Schools in our district
| | Elementary - Middle Schools in MA
2017 Attendance rate (%) | | | | | | |
2017 Average days absent per student (#) | | | | | | |
2017 Chronic absenteeism rate (%) | | | | | | |
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2017 In-school suspension rate (%) | | | | | | |
2017 Out-of-school suspension rate (%) | | | | | | |
High school completion
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Our school
| | Our district
| | Our state
2015 5-year graduation rate (%) | | | | | | |
2016 4-year graduation rate (%) | | | | | | |
2016 annual dropout rate (%) | | | | | | |
2015 graduates attending institutions of higher education* (%) | | | | | | |
2017 12th graders taking 1+ Advanced Placement courses (%) | | | | | | |
2017 Advanced Placement tests with scores of 3 or higher (%) | | | | | | |
2017 SAT average score - Reading | | | | | | |
2017 SAT average score - Writing | | | | | | |
2017 SAT average score - Math | | | | | | |
2016 MassCore** - Completing a rigorous course of study (%) | | | | | | |