Massachusetts School and District Profiles


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Teacher Data (2023-24)

Total # of Teachers (FTE) 762.8 100.0 77,630.3 100.0
Teachers Licensed 746.3 97.8 75,379.0 97.1
Teachers licensed in high poverty schools 35.4 97.3 17,430.9 94.4
Teachers licensed in low poverty schools 63.7 100.0 19,894.8 99.2
Teachers without a waiver 762.8 100.0 77,178.5 99.4
Teachers without a waiver in high poverty schools 36.4 100.0 18,169.6 98.4
Teachers without a waiver in low poverty schools 63.7 100.0 20,048.4 99.9
Teachers without a provisional license 708.8 92.9 72,709.4 93.7
Teachers without a provisional license in high poverty schools 31.9 87.7 16,844.1 91.2
Teachers without a provisional license in low poverty schools 60.7 95.3 19,330.7 96.3
Teachers without a waiver or provisional license 708.8 92.9 72,350.5 93.2
Teachers without a waiver or provisional license in high poverty schools 31.9 87.7 16,594.9 89.8
Teachers without a waiver or provisional license in low poverty schools 60.7 95.3 19,317.7 96.3
Experienced teachers 627.0 82.2 62,697.8 80.8
Experienced teachers in high poverty schools 26.9 73.9 12,941.5 70.1
Experienced teachers in low poverty schools 52.7 82.8 17,728.0 88.4

Administrator Data (2023-24)

Experienced administrators 65.3 66.6 8,055.2 78.3
Experienced administrators in high poverty schools 2.4 100.0 1,334.5 68.7
Experienced administrators in low poverty schools 3.0 75.0 1,267.0 84.0

Additional Data (2023-24)

Percent teaching in-field 94.6 90.8
Number teaching in-field - -
Percent teaching in-field in high poverty schools 97.7 83.8
Number teaching in-field in high poverty schools - -
Percent teaching in-field in low poverty schools 93.3 95.9
Number teaching in-field in low poverty schools - -
Student/Teacher Ratio 9.1 to 1 11.8 to 1

School and District Profiles