Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Natick High

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Grade Nine Course Passing (2023-24)

Student Group # Grade Nine Students # Passing All Courses % Passing All Courses
All Students 438 413 94.3
Male 230 215 93.5
Female 204 194 95.1
High needs 151 130 86.1
English learner (EL) 19 18 94.7
Students with disabilities 87 71 81.6
African American/Black 18 13 72.2
Asian 40 40 100.0
Hispanic or Latino 42 34 81.0
Multi-race, non-Hispanic or Latino 21 19 90.5
White 316 306 96.8
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 1
Low income 81 63 77.8

School and District Profiles