Massachusetts School and District Profiles


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Grade Nine Course Passing (2021-22)

Student Group # Grade Nine Students # Passing All Courses % Passing All Courses
All Students 338 315 93.2
Male 187 175 93.6
Female 150 139 92.7
High needs 122 106 86.9
English learner (EL) 16 12 75.0
Students with disabilities 47 40 85.1
African American/Black 12 9 75.0
American Indian or Alaskan Native 2
Asian 57 57 100.0
Hispanic or Latino 29 23 79.3
Multi-race, non-Hispanic or Latino 15 12 80.0
White 220 210 95.5
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 3
Low income 80 67 83.8

School and District Profiles