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Arts Coursetaking (2018-19)

For a full list of courses and subjects, see the arts course list.

Arts Coursetaking by Percent

Student Group K % 01 % 02 % 03 % 04 % 05 % 06 % 07 % 08 % 09 % 10 % 11 % 12 % All Grades % Total Students #
All Students 96.1 91.2 91.3 90.1 91.7 90.8 80.8 78.3 77.0 25.5 23.4 28.7 35.4 69.2 48,783
Female 96.0 91.3 91.6 90.1 91.3 92.3 81.9 76.3 77.9 26.8 24.8 29.3 37.6 69.7 23,618
Male 96.2 91.1 90.9 90.1 92.1 89.4 79.8 80.2 76.1 24.2 22.2 28.0 33.3 68.8 25,158
Economically Disadvantaged 95.4 90.6 90.7 88.4 90.7 90.2 80.2 79.0 77.7 25.2 23.5 28.2 33.0 69.5 30,956
High Needs 95.6 90.6 90.9 88.9 90.9 90.2 80.0 78.9 77.4 25.6 23.2 28.3 33.1 69.8 38,555
LEP English language learner 94.7 89.9 90.3 88.1 90.5 91.0 76.7 83.3 82.0 22.3 23.8 26.1 31.9 72.4 15,622
Students with disabilities 96.8 90.5 91.4 90.3 92.6 90.5 79.9 79.8 75.8 30.5 29.3 34.6 32.8 73.1 10,368
White 98.8 94.9 93.9 95.9 96.8 94.7 90.0 79.6 78.5 25.8 18.9 28.1 40.0 75.2 6,767
American Indian or Alaskan Native 100.0 91.7 92.9 91.7 100.0 80.0 100.0 80.0 88.9 18.2 50.0 11.1 10.0 71.2 125
Asian 98.7 93.8 96.8 98.3 97.0 95.2 63.5 68.5 75.3 26.9 26.1 29.3 40.7 67.0 4,394
African American/Black 94.9 91.4 89.8 89.2 88.0 87.2 78.5 75.1 71.9 27.5 22.9 26.6 30.3 66.0 15,113
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 100.0 100.0 100.0 80.0 100.0 100.0 77.8 100.0 70.0 25.0 27.3 0.0 14.3 65.3 75
Hispanic or Latino 94.9 89.3 90.0 86.9 91.7 91.2 83.2 81.7 80.3 23.5 23.8 30.9 37.3 69.7 20,836
Multi-race, non-Hispanic or Latino 99.4 91.3 94.3 94.7 92.0 90.8 72.8 79.5 74.1 30.4 32.9 24.4 37.0 75.5 1,473

Arts Coursetaking by Count

Student Group K # 01 # 02 # 03 # 04 # 05 # 06 # 07 # 08 # 09 # 10 # 11 # 12 # All Grades # Total Students #
All Students 3,771 3,598 3,552 3,420 3,798 3,357 2,686 2,656 2,625 1,028 879 1,007 1,401 33,778 48,783
Female 1,789 1,698 1,725 1,647 1,820 1,648 1,346 1,289 1,285 511 442 523 732 16,455 23,618
Male 1,982 1,900 1,827 1,772 1,978 1,709 1,340 1,367 1,340 516 437 484 668 17,320 25,158
Economically Disadvantaged 2,391 2,338 2,302 2,233 2,470 2,207 1,754 1,688 1,586 641 534 596 771 21,511 30,956
High Needs 3,011 2,945 2,891 2,830 3,067 2,773 2,210 2,105 1,954 810 643 730 950 26,919 38,555
LEP English language learner 1,466 1,499 1,436 1,310 1,299 1,160 739 680 695 269 226 236 297 11,312 15,622
Students with disabilities 645 724 832 862 980 827 681 621 555 245 192 206 213 7,583 10,368
White 668 593 574 562 569 461 395 375 383 112 88 119 189 5,088 6,767
American Indian or Alaskan Native 18 11 13 11 9 4 3 4 8 2 4 1 1 89 125
Asian 310 288 300 282 323 316 179 198 256 104 108 111 171 2,946 4,394
African American/Black 1,121 1,079 1,047 1,028 1,156 990 726 756 713 346 274 325 420 9,981 15,113
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 3 7 1 3 0 1 49 75
Hispanic or Latino 1,497 1,488 1,481 1,409 1,608 1,472 1,309 1,223 1,198 428 377 431 592 14,513 20,836
Multi-race, non-Hispanic or Latino 153 136 132 124 127 109 67 97 60 35 25 20 27 1,112 1,473

School and District Profiles