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Digital Literacy and Computer Science Coursetaking (2023-24)

For a full list of courses and subjects, see the Digital Literacy and Computer Science course list.

Digital Literacy and Computer Science Coursetaking by Percent

Student Group K % 01 % 02 % 03 % 04 % 05 % 06 % 07 % 08 % 09 % 10 % 11 % 12 % All Grades % Total Students #
All Students 35.8 40.2 41.4 42.8 43.9 48.2 55.8 57.1 55.7 23.6 18.8 17.8 21.4 38.3 890,376
Male 35.7 40.2 41.0 42.7 43.9 48.2 56.0 57.9 56.8 28.2 23.3 23.3 27.2 40.1 455,624
Female 35.9 40.2 41.8 42.9 44.0 48.2 55.6 56.1 54.5 18.7 14.0 12.0 15.3 36.5 432,982
Low Income 36.2 43.2 44.2 45.1 46.8 52.3 47.3 49.3 46.3 20.9 16.5 16.5 19.4 37.1 404,103
High Needs 36.1 41.8 42.8 43.9 45.2 50.2 49.6 51.3 48.6 21.1 16.5 16.4 19.7 37.4 511,790
LEP English language learner 38.7 43.4 43.4 45.8 46.4 51.9 40.5 44.7 40.8 16.1 15.0 13.0 15.2 37.0 126,674
Students with disabilities 36.1 41.2 41.9 42.9 44.4 47.8 50.9 52.0 50.3 19.6 14.4 15.4 18.9 37.3 179,162
Hispanic or Latino 36.9 44.8 46.5 47.2 47.8 54.3 44.7 46.6 43.1 18.9 16.1 16.0 18.4 36.7 226,328
Multi-race, non-Hispanic or Latino 31.2 35.7 37.2 38.0 41.6 43.1 57.6 57.3 55.3 26.2 18.8 17.7 21.0 37.4 39,866
White 38.4 41.2 42.3 44.6 45.4 48.4 62.9 64.2 64.2 24.8 18.9 17.5 21.4 40.7 468,378
American Indian or Alaskan Native 48.1 45.7 40.5 47.6 57.7 49.0 50.3 49.7 57.0 21.4 14.5 20.1 22.3 39.5 2,114
Asian 26.6 27.1 27.8 27.5 27.0 35.2 61.1 61.1 62.4 31.4 28.8 27.7 32.2 36.7 65,731
African American/Black 27.7 34.5 35.1 35.1 39.9 44.2 40.9 42.0 36.4 23.5 17.7 16.5 20.7 31.4 87,745
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 46.2 51.1 34.5 45.0 30.4 47.0 60.0 64.4 65.5 17.1 20.6 9.0 22.0 38.8 769

Digital Literacy and Computer Science Coursetaking by Count

Student Group K # 01 # 02 # 03 # 04 # 05 # 06 # 07 # 08 # 09 # 10 # 11 # 12 # All Grades # Total Students #
All Students 22,600 26,115 27,833 27,943 29,237 32,622 37,940 39,281 38,500 17,720 13,893 12,716 14,778 341,174 890,376
Male 11,636 13,422 14,123 14,293 14,915 16,612 19,441 20,372 20,087 10,938 8,816 8,509 9,543 182,705 455,624
Female 10,954 12,689 13,696 13,633 14,312 15,989 18,453 18,850 18,337 6,728 5,008 4,158 5,165 157,970 432,982
Low Income 10,838 13,284 13,822 13,622 14,255 16,203 14,701 15,498 14,486 7,474 5,484 4,978 5,392 150,033 404,103
High Needs 13,349 16,163 17,391 17,534 18,117 20,320 19,959 20,550 19,097 9,189 6,683 6,112 6,719 191,179 511,790
LEP English language learner 5,173 5,968 6,085 5,849 5,266 4,579 2,986 3,412 3,115 1,504 1,219 947 793 46,899 126,674
Students with disabilities 4,025 5,027 5,995 6,398 6,805 7,292 7,597 7,645 7,184 2,956 1,962 1,872 2,117 66,875 179,162
Hispanic or Latino 6,287 7,761 8,122 7,890 8,034 9,177 7,664 8,080 7,464 3,801 3,073 2,777 2,905 83,033 226,328
Multi-race, non-Hispanic or Latino 1,024 1,201 1,262 1,210 1,308 1,332 1,794 1,752 1,625 852 545 477 513 14,895 39,866
White 12,251 13,594 14,784 15,208 15,983 17,236 22,487 23,363 23,648 9,463 7,354 6,748 8,328 190,447 468,378
American Indian or Alaskan Native 78 79 68 69 79 76 75 88 86 44 26 33 33 834 2,114
Asian 1,196 1,303 1,363 1,364 1,334 1,872 3,178 3,111 3,147 1,677 1,546 1,468 1,591 24,150 65,731
African American/Black 1,742 2,160 2,216 2,178 2,485 2,906 2,723 2,855 2,501 1,875 1,335 1,207 1,398 27,580 87,745
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 24 24 19 27 17 31 30 47 36 12 14 6 11 298 769

School and District Profiles