Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Greater Fall River Regional Vocational Technical

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Grade Nine Course Passing (2023-24)

Student Group # Grade Nine Students # Passing All Courses % Passing All Courses
All Students 381 347 91.1
Male 223 195 87.4
Female 157 151 96.2
High needs 242 214 88.4
English learner (EL) 20 17 85.0
Students with disabilities 57 50 87.7
African American/Black 17 14 82.4
American Indian or Alaskan Native 1
Asian 14 14 100.0
Hispanic or Latino 76 68 89.5
Multi-race, non-Hispanic or Latino 23 22 95.7
White 250 228 91.2
Low income 220 193 87.7

School and District Profiles