Massachusetts School and District Profiles


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Grade Nine Course Passing (2023-24)

Student Group # Grade Nine Students # Passing All Courses % Passing All Courses
All Students 75,032 59,048 78.7
Male 38,724 29,602 76.4
Female 36,034 29,214 81.1
High needs 43,669 29,323 67.1
English learner (EL) 9,318 5,139 55.2
Students with disabilities 15,119 10,058 66.5
African American/Black 7,859 5,347 68.0
American Indian or Alaskan Native 204 150 73.5
Asian 5,314 4,969 93.5
Hispanic or Latino 19,862 12,432 62.6
Multi-race, non-Hispanic or Latino 3,236 2,534 78.3
White 37,976 33,283 87.6
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 70 58 82.9
Low income 35,692 22,762 63.8

School and District Profiles