Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Cyrus Peirce

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Arts Coursetaking (2020-21)

For a full list of courses and subjects, see the arts course list.

Arts Coursetaking by Percent

Student Group K % 01 % 02 % 03 % 04 % 05 % 06 % 07 % 08 % 09 % 10 % 11 % 12 % All Grades % Total Students #
All Students 97.3 94.0 0.0 66.4 425
Male 95.9 93.2 0.0 64.5 214
Female 98.6 94.7 0.0 68.2 211
Economically Disadvantaged 98.2 93.9 0.0 64.2 134
High Needs 95.2 86.2 0.0 59.1 230
LEP English language learner 92.9 90.0 0.0 62.9 35
Students with disabilities 84.6 62.5 0.0 50.0 74
African American/Black 91.7 95.0 0.0 66.7 45
Hispanic or Latino 96.8 90.5 0.0 64.7 153
Asian 100.0 100.0 0.0 50.0 6
Multi-race, non-Hispanic or Latino 100.0 100.0 0.0 61.1 18
White 98.4 95.1 0.0 68.5 203

Arts Coursetaking by Count

Student Group K # 01 # 02 # 03 # 04 # 05 # 06 # 07 # 08 # 09 # 10 # 11 # 12 # All Grades # Total Students #
All Students 142 140 0 282 425
Male 70 68 0 138 214
Female 72 72 0 144 211
Economically Disadvantaged 55 31 0 86 134
High Needs 80 56 0 136 230
LEP English language learner 13 9 0 22 35
Students with disabilities 22 15 0 37 74
African American/Black 11 19 0 30 45
Hispanic or Latino 61 38 0 99 153
Asian 1 2 0 3 6
Multi-race, non-Hispanic or Latino 7 4 0 11 18
White 62 77 0 139 203

School and District Profiles