Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Accelerated Learning Lab

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Enrollment Data

Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity (1996-97)
Race % of School % of District % of State
American Indian or Alaska Native 0.8 0.6 0.2
Asian 3.7 6.9 4.0
Black or African American 12.3 9.4 8.4
Hispanic or Latino 26.9 26.0 9.6
White 56.3 57.1 77.9

Enrollment by Gender (1996-97)
  School District State
Female 268 11,690 453,896
Male 245 12,038 481,727
Total 513 23,728 935,623

Enrollment by Grade (1996-97)
  PK K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SP Total
District 739 2,383 2,415 2,283 2,048 1,965 1,907 1,868 1,721 1,645 1,414 1,268 1,089 983 - 23,728
ACCELERATED LEARNING LAB 12 54 48 58 31 36 46 44 46 48 41 28 21 0 - 513

School and District Profiles