Lakeville (non-op) - Special Education Data
For more information on state performance in this area, please see the Massachusetts State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report.
Indicator 1 - Graduation RateThe state target and district and state rates for Indicator 1 are the most current data available. Data reported in the State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report reflect a one year data lag in reporting.
For the 2005-06 school year, the state target for the Graduation Rate for Students with IEPs is 61.1%.
Reported |
Cohort 2006 Graduates |
# of Students in 2006 Cohort |
District Rate |
State Rate |
State Target |
Students with IEPs |
NA |
NA |
NA |
61.1% |
61.1% |
General Ed |
NA |
NA |
NA |
84.2% |
NA |
All Students |
NA |
NA |
NA |
79.9% |
NA |
Special Education data are suppressed for enrollment counts fewer than 6.
Indicator 2 - Dropout RateThe state target and district and state rates for Indicator 2 are the most current data available. Data reported in the State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report reflect a one year data lag in reporting.
For the 2005-06 school year, the state target for the Dropout Rate for Students with IEPs is 5.6%. Reported | 2006 Dropouts | Students Enrolled in Grades 9-12 | District Rate | State Rate | State Target | Students with IEPs | NA | NA | NA | 5.1% | 5.6% | General Ed | NA | NA | NA | 3.0% | NA | All Students | NA | NA | NA | 3.3% | NA |
Special Education data are suppressed for enrollment counts fewer than 6. |
Indicator 3 - Participation and Performance of Students with IEPs on Statewide Assessments (MCAS) -
Indicator 3A - % of Districts Meeting AYP for the Special Education Subgroup For 2005-06, the state target for the % of Districts Meeting AYP for the Special Education Subgroup in English/Language Arts is 45% and the target in Mathematics is 37%.
District-level AYP data for the Special Education subgroup is available at: http://profiles.doe.mass.edu/ayp/ayp_report/district.aspx?orgcode=01460000
Indicator 3B – Participation Rate for Students with IEPs on MCAS For 2005-06, the state target for the Participation Rate for Students with IEPs on MCAS is 99%.
District-level data on the participation rate of students with IEPs on MCAS is available at: http://profiles.doe.mass.edu/mcas/participation.aspx?linkid=26&orgcode=01460000&fycode=2006&orgtypecode=5
Indicator 3C – Proficiency Rate for Students with IEPs on MCAS For 2005-06, the state target for the Proficiency Rate for Students with IEPs on MCAS in English/Language Arts is 80.5% and the target in Mathematics is 68.7%.
District-level data on the performance of all students with IEPs on MCAS, including Next-Generation MCAS, Legacy MCAS and the MCAS-Alt, is available at:
Indicator 4 - Suspension/Expulsion for Students with IEPsIn all years, the state target for Suspension/Expulsion is 0%.
Indicator 4A: Significant discrepancy in the rate of suspensions and expulsions of greater than ten days in a school year for children with IEPs. Massachusetts' definition for 'significant discrepancy' is five times the state rate for two consecutive years.
Reported | Special Education |
Special Education data are suppressed for enrollment counts fewer than 6.
Indicator 5 - Educational Environments for Students Aged 6 - 21 with IEPsFor 2005-06, the state target for % of Students with IEPs served in Full Inclusion is 43.4%, the target for % of Students with IEPs served in Substantially Separate placements is 16.2%, and the target for % of Students with IEPs served in Separate Schools, Residential Facilities, or Homebound/Hospital placements is 6.8%.
| Enrollment | District Rate | State Rate | State Target | Enrolled students with IEPs | 111 | -- | -- | NA | Full Inclusion (inside the general education classroom 80% or more of the day) | 52 | 46.8% | 49.1% | 43.40% | Partial Inclusion (inside the general education classroom 40%-79% of the day) | 57 | 51.4% | 28.5% | NA | Substantially Separate (inside the general education classroom less than 40% of the day) | 2 | 1.8% | 15.7% | 16.20% | Separate Schools, Residential Facilities, or Homebound/Hospital placements (does not include parentally-placed private school students with disabilities) | 0 | 0.0% | 6.7% | 6.80% | Special Education data are suppressed for enrollment counts fewer than 6.
Indicator 9 - Disproportionality in Special EducationIn all years, the state target for disproportionality in special education is 0%.
This indicator measures the % of districts showing a disproportionate over- or under-representation of students from racial/ethnic groups in special education that was the result of inappropriate identification policies, practices, or procedures. At-Risk districts are those that exhibit a weighted risk ratio of 3.0 or greater for three consecutive years. These districts were subject to review of the appropriateness of their policies, practices, and procedures for special education eligibility determination and disability identification).
| Disproportionality Due to Inappropriate Identification | District | | For information regarding how disproportionality is calculated, please see http://idea.ed.gov/explore/view/p/,root,dynamic,TopicalBrief,7,.
For information regarding how disproportionate representation is determined in individual districts, please see the Indicator 9 Flowchart . |
Indicator 10 - Disproportionality in Specific Disability CategoriesIn all years, the state target for disproportionality in special education is 0%.
This indicator measures the % of districts showing a disproportionate over- or under-representation of students from racial/ethnic groups in special education that was the result of inappropriate identification policies, practices, or procedures. At-Risk districts are those that exhibit a weighted risk ration of 4.0 or greater for three consecutive years. These districts were subject to review of the appropriateness of their policies, practices, and procedures for special education eligibility determination and disability identification.
| Disproportionality Due to Inappropriate Identification | District | | For information regarding how disproportionality is calculated, please see http://idea.ed.gov/explore/view/p/,root,dynamic,TopicalBrief,7,.
For information regarding how disproportionate representation is determined in individual districts, please see the Indicator 10 Flowchart . |
Indicator 12 - Early Childhood TransitionIn all years, the state target for Early Childhood Transition is 100%.
This indicator measures the % of students referred by Part C, found eligible for special education services, and who have an IEP developed and implemented by their 3rd birthdays. |
| Special Education | # of Students Referred by Part C and Found Eligible for Special Education Services | Not Reported | # of Students who have IEP Proposed or Implemented by 3rd Birthday | Not Reported | District Rate | Not Reported | State Rate | 74.7% | State Target | 100.0% | Data are suppressed if number of students referred by Part C and found eligible for special education services is fewer than 10. |