Massachusetts School and District Profiles

ACCEPT Education Collaborative

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Below is a list of the Massachusetts public school districts, charter schools or collaboratives identified as partner organizations along with a description of the partnerships. All information is reported by the educator preparation program provider.

Partnership TypeOrganizations
Public Districts Ashland (00140000)
Dover (00780000)
Framingham (01000000)
Franklin (01010000)
Holliston (01360000)
Hopkinton (01390000)
Medfield (01750000)
Medway (01770000)
Millis (01870000)
Natick (01980000)
Needham (01990000)
Sudbury (02880000)
Wellesley (03170000)
Agricultural/Vocational South Middlesex Regional Vocational Technical (08290000)
Regional School Districts Dover-Sherborn (06550000)
Collaborative ACCEPT Education Collaborative (05500000)