Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

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Annual Goals

This report lists the annual improvement goals reported to ESE in the educator preparation program provider’s state annual report. Providers may report up to three goals for the upcoming year and are asked to report on progress made toward the prior year’s goals. Annual goals are reported in May of the academic year listed.
Data last updated January 16, 2025.

Annual Goals - 2023
Goal #1 Hire a new program director to invigorate the program, teach courses and collaborate with the team to increase the diversity of teacher candidates and enhance the focus on equity and access in the teacher prep program.
Goal #2 Restructure the current program model to interleave connections between the seven essential core competencies of CAP, pre-practicum experiences and the practicum. Embed culturally responsive teaching practices into coursework and workshops.
Goal #3 Explore and develop establishing an EDU prefix for teacher prep courses with the end goal of developing a minor in STEM education at WPI. This is to formally acknowledge the time commitment of coursework and fieldwork for students pursuing teacher licensure in conjunction with their undergraduate STEM major.

Annual Goals - 2022
Goal #1 We will collaborate with the Physics Department to share a Physics Education faculty member who will support the teacher prep program while teaching WPI introductory physics courses.
Goal #2 We will leverage partnerships with Worcester and Leominster Public Schools and Worcester community-based organizations to expand the number and quality of pre-practicum and post-practicum (during senior year) experiences.
Goal #3 We will explore adding a Computer Science licensure program.

Annual Goals - 2021
Goal #1 Expand long-term partnership with Worcester Public School District and develop new partnership with Leominster Public School District to provide high quality practicum placements and increase the pipeline of WPI teacher prep undergraduates entering the teaching profession. This goal is supported by a Noyce Scholarship grant.
Goal #2 Strengthen existing and explore new community-based organization partnerships to provide high-quality pre-practicum experiences. Expand these field-based experiences to include summer STEM Education internships.
Goal #3 Diversify teacher prep program through targeted recruitment, guidance in fulfilling program requirements, and career advising. Partnership with WPI's Office of Multicultural Affairs will support this goal.