Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Cambridge College

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Annual Goals

This report lists the annual improvement goals reported to ESE in the educator preparation program provider’s state annual report. Providers may report up to three goals for the upcoming year and are asked to report on progress made toward the prior year’s goals. Annual goals are reported in May of the academic year listed.
Data last updated October, 04 2023.

Annual Goals - 2020
Goal #1 The School of Education (SOE) is committed to continuous improvement in all aspects of our programs. The SOE is concentrated on making improvements in areas highlighted in the DESE Program Review of April 2018.
Goal #2 The School of Education is greatly concerned about the diminishing number of new students seeking to become educators. Members of the SOE community will work with the Cambridge College Marketing and Communications division to make our programs known in various media. It will work jointly with the Admissions division to reach out to new applicants and welcome new students into the program.
Goal #3 The School of Education recognizes its place in the community. It will continue to work with schools and districts to develop partnerships that are mutually beneficial. New programs including licensure and non-licensure opportunities will be offered to improve the quality and quantity of highly qualified educators equipped to deal with the unique demands of our times.

Annual Goals - 2019
Goal #1 The School of Education will continue to identify new partnership opportunities and meet regularly with existing partners, in order to deepen our understanding of district and school needs pertaining to retention, performance, and training. The School of Education will also expand its advisory board in order to increase and strengthen partnership opportunities.
Goal #2 The School of Education will evaluate and refine its current advising practices in order to effectively identify and report interactions and issues with students, as well as track solutions and outcomes. The School of Education will also ensure that all relevant faculty and staff are sufficiently trained on new systems/practices to ensure consistently high quality advising and support for candidates.
Goal #3 The School of Education will work with the Admissions Office to develop and implement an outreach plan to increase the number of qualified admissions for the educator preparation programs.

Annual Goals - 2018
Goal #1 The School of Education will develop college and district specific 'lookfors' as they relate to Candidate Assessment of Performance elements and practicum outcomes to support faculty and supervisors to provide effective and calibrated feedback to candidates across programs.
Goal #2 Staff and faculty will use program data to determine professional development needs and prioritize training supports with the goal of engaging in professional development to support high quality instruction across programs. A School of Education retreat will provide the opportunity for in depth professional development to support instruction across all programs.
Goal #3 The School of Education will develop an advisory board comprised of partners, who represent the districts that our teacher candidates are placed in for field-based experiences and where our program completers are employed. Formalized MOUs will be developed in collaboration with the advisory board to support effective partnerships across partnering districts.