Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Emmanuel College

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Annual Goals

This report lists the annual improvement goals reported to ESE in the educator preparation program provider’s state annual report. Providers may report up to three goals for the upcoming year and are asked to report on progress made toward the prior year’s goals. Annual goals are reported in May of the academic year listed.
Data last updated October, 04 2023.

Annual Goals - 2019
Goal #1 The School of Education Field Office will continue to ensure that Program Supervisors and Supervising Practitioners are contributing to and effectively evaluating the readiness of candidates by attending School of Education quarterly meetings, DESE workshops and partnering with other Ed prep Programs
Goal #2 The School of Education will ensure that Field-based experiences are fully embedded in program coursework such that connections between theory and practice are explicit. Faculty will provide specific examples of how the practice is assessed.
Goal #3 The Academic Affairs Office in coordination with the School of Education will ensure that Systems/structures support collaboration within departments and across disciplines and improve candidate preparation.

Annual Goals - 2018
Goal #1 Continue to improve on providing opportunities for DESE workshops, MCATE conferences, and on-site professional development workshops to Full-time faculty, adjunct faculty, Program Supervisors and Supervising Practitioners with a specific focus on teaching all students.
Goal #2 Ensure that Pre-Practicum Coordinators and Full-time Faculty work together to provide focused and coherent field experiences for Teacher Candidates, as well as, provide targeted feedback to teacher candidate on readiness to teach.
Goal #3 Continue to provide ongoing collaboration with Partner Schools by providing additional onsite visits, professional development opportunities, and on-campus opportunities focusing on diverse learning communities and Department's learning goals.

Annual Goals - 2017
Goal #1 Establish strong, continuous, ongoing collaboration with Partner Schools with onsite visits, professional development offering, and ongoing collaboration at Partnership Advisory Meetings.
Goal #2 Develop ongoing field experience that incorporates six Essential elements for Effective teaching both in course work and field work by conducting surveys and meetings with partner shcools and working to establish new partnerships.
Goal #3 Update candidate Assessment with new Professional Dispositions rubric connected to Professional Standards for teaching and Department's Learning Goals