Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Boston College

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Annual Goals

This report lists the annual improvement goals reported to ESE in the educator preparation program provider’s state annual report. Providers may report up to three goals for the upcoming year and are asked to report on progress made toward the prior year’s goals. Annual goals are reported in May of the academic year listed.
Data last updated October, 04 2023.

Annual Goals - 2019
Goal #1 Over the upcoming year, the Lynch School of Education and Human Development administration team plan on revisiting extant partnerships to identify areas of strength and areas of improvement. Enrollment trends will be analyzed to identify partners best suited to meet practicum placement needs.
Goal #2 With anticipated expansion of bilingual education teacher preparation programs, the Lynch School of Education and Human Development practicum office will revisit strategies in the recruitment and training of bilingual supervisors as well as establish new partnerships with two-way immersion schools.
Goal #3 Over the upcoming year, the Teacher Education, Special Education, and Curriculum and Instruction department will review changes to the Subject Matter Knowledge regulations and adapt curriculum and instruction to meet DESE expectations.

Annual Goals - 2018
Goal #1 With the success of the pilot Supervising Practitoner Advisory Board, we will expand our reach to each of our partner schools. Supervising Practitioners will meet over the summer as well as at least once per semester to provide feedback on their experiences and to make suggestions on how to improve our programs.
Goal #2 The ESE Final Report identified stronger connections are possible between the teacher education, education leadership, and school counseling programs. As such, over the upcoming year, a goal is to strengthen internal structures and protocols to facilitate stronger relationships between faculty, staff, and students across these licensure areas. Stronger connections between each department have the potential to not only improve our educator candidate experience, but to also strengthen the depth and impact of our partnerships with area schools.
Goal #3 This upcoming year, we aim to improve the quality of program supervisors and supervising practitioners by launching an online mentoring class. The five module session will supplement current training activities (summer orientation, monthly trainings, assigned mentor) with the hope to deepen the skills and expertise of our current and future supervisory team (SP & PS). The online course will be piloted in Summer 2018 with both program supervisors and supervisory practitioners.

Annual Goals - 2017
Goal #1 Based on ESE Program Review feedback, the Lynch School of Education will focus on deepening its partnerships with the K-12 community. In addition to our long-running PK-12 Principal Advisory Board, we will institute an additional advisory board comprised of long-standing SPs within our partnership school districts. Given the important role of SPs within the clinical experience, their feedback will be invaluable in helping shape the content and quality of our educator preparation programs. Moreover, we will enhance our communication with our partner schools to inform them how their feedback have direct impacts to our programs.
Goal #2 Starting this summer, we will review our prepracticum experiences more closely to identify areas of strength and needed improvement. Moreover, we will analyze how current prepractica experiences build upon each other and influence the full practicum experience and use these data for overall program improvement.
Goal #3 We will use feedback from our recent program review to strengthen the content and delivery of our coursework. We will focus on many things including improving consistency within courses and programs, working with faculty and instructors use formative and summative data to inform practice, and ensuring that faculty and instructors model best pedagogical and content practices.