Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Anna Maria College

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Annual Goals

This report lists the annual improvement goals reported to ESE in the educator preparation program provider’s state annual report. Providers may report up to three goals for the upcoming year and are asked to report on progress made toward the prior year’s goals. Annual goals are reported in May of the academic year listed.
Data last updated January 16, 2025.

Annual Goals - 2018
Goal #1 We will create a course that focuses on social-emotional learning and behavioral strategies for all teacher candidates. We will hire a specialist to teach this course and to provide explicit strategies to be included in all teacher preparation courses to help spiral this curriculum for our teacher candidates.
Goal #2 Implement pre-practicum observations, by faculty, focusing on developing proficiency in the Six Essential Elements. These observations will include a pre and post conference as well as meetings on campus to share strategies for improvement in each of the elements. The observation ratings and feedback will be shared with the Field Placement Coordinator, the Director of Education Programs, and appropriate faculty. The feedback will be used to review TCs progress in the field.
Goal #3 Implement procedures to identify 'at risk' candidates early in an effort to provide supports or counseling out of the program. For example, a sophomore proficiency performance assessment will be required for all music education candidates, pre-practicum observations will be used for targeting teacher candidates who need additional support and contracts to demonstrate improvement, and revising the deadline to pass required MTEL tests to the end of sophomore year.

Annual Goals - 2017
Goal #1 Increase and sustain Ed Prep data collection procedures to monitor growth and areas of need for continuous improvement.
Goal #2 Collect feedback from faculty, candidates, and partners to revise and update Ed Prep program documents including but not limited to practicum handbook, pre-practicum handbook, application documents, exit surveys, and professional disposition surveys.
Goal #3 Design and implement online modules for MTEL preparation for teacher candidates. Modules will be piloted in fall 2017. Modules can be accessed with Student Success Center tutors or independently. The outcome is to provide diverse modalities for test preparation for all teacher candidates.

Annual Goals - 2016
Goal #1 Create a 20-25 hour pre-practicum experience in sophomore year for all Ed Prep Candidates. It will align with their Intro to Teaching course.
Goal #2 Revise the lesson plan format to include evidence of teaching and learning to document effective instruction. Universal Design for Learning Guidelines will be used by candidates as reflective practice.
Goal #3 Work with all full time and part time faculty to support the Candidate Evaluation Process by having learning outcomes and assignments align to the Six Essential Elements to better prepare students for the field.