Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Stonehill College

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Annual Goals

This report lists the annual improvement goals reported to ESE in the educator preparation program provider’s state annual report. Providers may report up to three goals for the upcoming year and are asked to report on progress made toward the prior year’s goals. Annual goals are reported in May of the academic year listed.

Annual Goals - 2017
Goal #1 Organize and seek approval of a Special Education Licensure program from ESE. Coordinate coursework, field placement and critical assignment components to ensure program success
Goal #2 Continue to improve and refine the support Stonehill provides to Supervising practitioners for CAP implementation.
Goal #3 Focus on the new Secondary Education Major to be sure all components (advising, new course implementation, field work alignment) are coordinated to ensure a streamlined process.

Annual Goals - 2016
Goal #1 Continue to align licensure programs with revised SMKs.
Goal #2 Revise data collection tools used to solicit feedback from supervising practitioners (pre-prac and prac) regarding licensure candidate's level of proficiency in meeting the professional standards for teachers.
Goal #3 Improve the way we solicit input from pre-practicum and practicum partner districts.

Progress Toward Goals - 2016
Goal #1 The new SMKs have not been released but we have looked at draft SMKs and projected changes in program
Goal #2 At monthly department meetings we revised documentation as well as the timing for asking PSs to respond. We are looking to solicit information that will speak more to the TC skill level at the beginning of practicum.
Goal #3 Partner advisory meeting organized to include administrators and teachers in partner districts. Reorganization of who is included in surveys to ensure us capturing feedback from all possible areas.

Annual Goals - 2015
Goal #1 Develop plan for alignment of program/ coursework with the new Professional Standards for Teachers. Submit plan to state by July 2016. Design program/coursework revisions to meet 2016 deadline.
Goal #2 Align all licensure programs with new Subject Matter Knowledge (SMK) regulations being issued by the State.
Goal #3 N/A

Progress Toward Goals - 2015
Goal #1 We have developed and submitted the plan to DESE; implementation is on schedule.
Goal #2 SMK regulations were delayed but we have outlined changes that would need to be made. Changes were made to content of specific courses to strengthen program as well as support alignment.
Goal #3 N/A