Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Lasell University

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Annual Goals

This report lists the annual improvement goals reported to ESE in the educator preparation program provider’s state annual report. Providers may report up to three goals for the upcoming year and are asked to report on progress made toward the prior year’s goals. Annual goals are reported in May of the academic year listed.

Annual Goals - 2017
Goal #1 Field Based experiences Lasell College Education Department will continue to develop a library of support for candidates, Supervising practitioners, and Program supervisors for the implementation of the CAP assessment in all initial teacher preparation programs.
Goal #2 instruction Lasell College Teacher Preparation program will add formal testing practices for the reading courses and prepare the students to better meet the demands of schools for students in the Early Childhood, Elementary and Moderate Disabilities initial licensure programs. Additionally, the department will evaluate the impact of the classroom management domain for graduates.
Goal #3 Partnerships: Lasell College will complete the EPIC grant: Diversifying the Teacher Pipeline by embedding mentorship for diverse high school students with current college students as part of the teacher preparation curriculum. Additionally, Lasell will offer dual enrollment courses at the freshmen level for students in high school from the EPIC grant encouraging them and helping through financial process and challenges. As a result, the goal will be to recruit an increased pool of diverse students to the education program and accept a larger number of diverse students.

Annual Goals - 2016
Goal #1 Lasell College Teacher Preparation programs will use the CAP assessment in all initial teacher preparation programs and develop guidance for students and supervising practitioners based on state guidance for implementation materials and current programs.
Goal #2 Lasell Education Teacher Preparation programs will increase the number of students in field-based settings with diverse learners (e.g., students from diverse ethnic, racial, gender, socioeconomic, and exceptional groups) by partnering with urban districts and schools.
Goal #3 Lasell Teacher Preparation programs will solicit and respond on feedback solicited from internal and external stakeholders (including candidates, graduates, district and school personnel, employers, and advisory group) in continuous improvement efforts that meet new requirements from the state.

Progress Toward Goals - 2016
Goal #1 Field Based experiences Lasell College Education Department used the CAP assessment in all initial teacher preparation programs and develop guidance for students and supervising practitioners based on state guidance for implementation materials and current programs. We received the grant from the state to secure technical assistance and we have met monthly to get updates and ask questions from the state. In March we also coordinated a joined webinar for calibration of the CAP observation were the program supervisors, faculty, supervising practitioners and teacher candidates participated watching a video from the state ahead of time and completing a rating and then during the session they participated in discussion and calibration. Two webinars have been recorded to provide guidance to all supervising practitioners next academic year.
Goal #2 Field-Based Experiences Lasell Education Teacher Preparation programs increased the number of students in field-based settings with diverse learners (e.g., students from diverse ethnic, racial, gender, socioeconomic, and exceptional groups). We currently have 6 students from minority background and two with reported disabilities. We also received a grant from the states DHE to develop a Teacher Diversity Pipeline with partner from Marlborough Public Schools, Maynard Public Schools, Martha's Vineyard Public Schools and two schools from the Boston Public Schools. The goal of the project is to attract and retain students of color by mentoring and providing options for dual enrollment during their high school year.
Goal #3 Continuous Improvement Lasell Teacher Preparation program solicited and responded to feedback solicited from internal and external stakeholders (including candidates, graduates, district and school personnel, employers, and advisory group) in continuous improvement efforts. At the graduate level, interview all graduate students as to what could improve the current program. All students suggested that more formal assessment practice is in courses. As a result, we have restructured components of the ED 713 Reading Assessment course to include administration of formal and informal reading assessments as part of the assignments and instruction of the course. At the undergraduate level, we asked students what they felt most ready and least ready to go out and do in their new jobs as teachers. All responses that they were concerned about classroom management. As a result, we developed and launch a course in Culture, Behavior, and Teaching to our program and encourage students to reflect on how this would support their programs of study. For new diverse students, we also focused efforts on building close connections with these students. We had 50% retention. In some cases, issues of full-time status, commuter status, and financial status made it difficult. Lasell College has now implemented and hired support personnel to focus son commuter issues such a balance or school, family, and work life while attending college. The College also hired a new Director of Diversity who meets regularly with the students and has the forums for addressing the challenges of being in college as a diverse student. The Chair of the Education Department met with each student throughout the year to build connection, relationship, and mentorship. The Chair additionally applied to the DHE grant initiative to diversify the teaching pipeline and received funding for this two years to recruit students earlier on. The Chair is also currently looking at funding from foundations that can support scholarships for diverse individuals who wish to become teachers and choose our institution.

Annual Goals - 2015
Goal #1 The Education Department has agreed to look at artifacts at two time points' beginning of program and end of program. They have selected key courses where similar artifacts are expected at an entry level across the program and the same at the end of the program. As part of the assessment process, the faculty will evaluate the impact of instruction by using the results of the rubrics derived from the teacher professional standards. They will then explore student work and identify patterns for redesigning assignments and expectations as needed for coherence, rigor, and effectice delivery of evidenced-based practices during the practicum experience.
Goal #2 The department will review alignment of the teacher performance standards and ensure coherence of content and evidenced-based practices towards the practicum semester across currently approved initial licensure programs.
Goal #3 The Education Department will launch the professional licensure program approved by the state in partnership with school districts in the area.

Progress Toward Goals - 2015
Goal #1 The Lasell Education Department continues to evaluate program artifacts from students at the beginning and end of program. The goal is to demonstrate growth in reflection and lesson planning based on the Professional Standards for teachers (PSTs).
Goal #2 The department reviewed the alignment of the teacher performance standards across the currently approved initial licensure programs with the support of the professional development provided by the Mass DESE EdPrep Team.
Goal #3 The Education Department launched the professional licensure program approved by the state in partnership with school districts in the area. The College enrolled students this spring and continues to developed a recruitment strategy to move forward.