Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Boston University

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Annual Goals

This report lists the annual improvement goals reported to ESE in the educator preparation program provider’s state annual report. Providers may report up to three goals for the upcoming year and are asked to report on progress made toward the prior year’s goals. Annual goals are reported in May of the academic year listed.

Annual Goals - 2017
Goal #1 To expand long term partnerships with BPS to additional schools within BPS for the purpose of increasing the pipeline from educator preparation at BU to teaching professionals in BPS schools. This goal is facilitated by EPIC partnership grants received by SED from DESE.
Goal #2 Continue formative and conduct summative evaluation of CAP implementation for the purpose of refining the process, as a part of our ongoing program evaluation efforts designed to improve outcomes for teacher candidates.
Goal #3 Increase the clarity of pathways to licensure for BU undergraduate and graduate students in schools and colleges other than SED (e.g. College of Arts and Sciences) designed to increase the number of STEM prepared educators.

Annual Goals - 2016
Goal #1 Improve student satisfaction with advising through: advisor training; clearer communication regarding program requirements; and, clearer routes to seeking assistance.
Goal #2 Development of a system for integrating data from the placement data system, from State employment reports, and from alumni out-of-state first employment to provide data for program improvement purposes.
Goal #3 Assure that all BU University Program Supervisors and Supervising Practitioners are trained in use of the CAP.

Progress Toward Goals - 2016
Goal #1 Improvements have been made to program sheets, Degree Advice systems, and advisor training.
Goal #2 Developing an integrated system with data from the placement data system, from State employment reports, and from alumni out-of-state first employment has been challenging. Work will continue on this goal.
Goal #3 Comprehensive training has been provided to all program directors, fieldwork coordinators and program supervisors

Annual Goals - 2015
Goal #1 We will implement a web-based placement data base management system designed over the past year with the BU Information Systems and Technology Office. With that centralized system we will be able to communicate more effectively with partners regarding the placement of students and more effectively match students to their pre-practicum and practicum placements. Too, we will design and field test an evaluation of the system. The evaluation will be used annually for the purpose of continuous improvement.
Goal #2 We will complete the design, implementation, and evaluation of an enhanced rubric for use in the secondary licensure programs. Alignment of that rubric to the new PST will be undertaken as well.
Goal #3 Implement and evaluate a revised plan for our long- standing Consortium. The revision was designed to clarify goals and align resources with four key initiatives: 1) teacher candidate practicum experiences, 2) teacher professional development, 3) classroom-based research that informs practice, and 4) funding for district-based initiatives that meet the shared goal of improving practice.

Progress Toward Goals - 2015
Goal #1 A web-based placement system is being rolled out this semester, designed to collect information from current students to inform and facilitate their future fieldwork placement, both pre-practicum and practicum, and to facilitate better data collection. The system will be used, going forward, with all students upon admission to SED.
Goal #2 An enhanced rubric, designed over the course of the year, has been aligned with the CAP for secondary education practicum students.
Goal #3 The Consortium revised its mission and clarified its goals to focus on increased collaboration between BU and member districts for field placement, targeted professional development, and, collaborative research.