Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Collaborative for Educational Services

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Annual Goals

This report lists the annual improvement goals reported to ESE in the educator preparation program provider’s state annual report. Providers may report up to three goals for the upcoming year and are asked to report on progress made toward the prior year’s goals. Annual goals are reported in May of the academic year listed.

Annual Goals - 2017
Goal #1 To revise current syllabi in teacher licensure programs to include social justice and equity resources and assignments appropriate to course content
Goal #2 To pilot an ESL licensure program for paraprofessionals
Goal #3 To partner with school districts and other SOs in the region to diversify the educator workforce

Annual Goals - 2016
Goal #1 Provide training sessions for supervising practitioners and program supervisors addressing aspects of CAP, Candidate Assessment of Performance, such as new roles of responsibilities under CAP, rubrics to assess candidates, and observation reports.
Goal #2 Required pre-practicum experiences in licensure programs will utilize the gradual release of responsibility so that candidates will move from observing classroom behavior and instruction to teaching students and reflecting on student learning.
Goal #3 CES Licensure, the Five College Public School Partnership, and Ed Prep providers in the Pioneer Valley region recently met to develop a plan for diversifying the educator workforce. One strategy that the group suggested was to increase cross-cultural competency among higher education faculty members involved in teacher preparation programs, in the belief that this action may support higher levels of enrollment and retention of diverse teacher candidates. CES will offer Social Justice and Equity training to all faculty members in our Initial licensure programs beginning this year.

Progress Toward Goals - 2016
Goal #1 CES completed sequencing of licensure courses to ensure that students gained the requisite foundational knowledge before moving on to more advanced coursework
Goal #2 CES implemented Candidate Assessment of Performance (CAP) as the state-authorized evaluation system for the practicum
Goal #3 CES implemented the Reflective Practicum Seminar

Annual Goals - 2015
Goal #1 Sequence licensure courses to ensure that students gain the requisite foundational knowledge before moving into more advanced coursework.
Goal #2 A new practicum seminar will support candidates' work during the practicum and strengthen their understanding and implementation of effective teaching methods.
Goal #3 Courses and field based experiences will align with new Professional Standards for Teachers.

Progress Toward Goals - 2015
Goal #1 CES courses have been reviewed and designated as 100, 200, or 300 level courses. Candidates begin their programs with 100 level courses. Some courses have specific prerequisites, which are listed in the programs of study.
Goal #2 CES implemented a practicum seminar to support candidates in their practicums. The course was piloted in Spring 2015 and officially began in Fall 2015. As of Spring 2016, the seminar reflects CAP requirements introduced by ESE.
Goal #3 Faculty continue to refine alignment of syllabi with the 2014 Professional Standards for Teachers.