Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Worcester State University

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Annual Goals

This report lists the annual improvement goals reported to ESE in the educator preparation program provider’s state annual report. Providers may report up to three goals for the upcoming year and are asked to report on progress made toward the prior year’s goals. Annual goals are reported in May of the academic year listed.

Annual Goals - 2016
Goal #1 To continue the task of developing a pipeline to attract "students of color" into the field of education. This goal is aligned with the University's Strategic Goal; "To attract and retain diverse and motivated students"
Goal #2 Develop rubrics for four key assignments (lesson plan, unit plan, differentiated lesson plan, and classroom management plan) and determine reliability and validity for these rubrics. This goal is tied to the university's strategic goal of academic excellence.(Enhance our undergraduate academic programs and expand graduate program in a community of learning that promotes academic excellent and innovation.)
Goal #3 Enhance pre-practicum activities so that they are more closely tied to course work and to partner districts. This goal is tied to the university's strategic goal of Community and Global Outreach (Leverage our distinctive strengths, both to enhance our reputation and to prepare our students to lead serve, and make a difference in the world.)

Annual Goals - 2015
Goal #1 Develop a pipeline of students from underrepresented groups into teacher education through recruitment activities and by providing targeted support once candidates are on campus. This goal is tied to the university's retention and recruitment strategic goal.
Goal #2 Increase integration of technology into coursework in all initial license program options by purchasing ipads for faculty and student use and providing professional development opportunities for interested faculty. This goal is tied to the university's strategic goal of academic excellence.
Goal #3 Provide professional development activities for university supervisors and improve support for cooperating practitioners through online materials, face to face meetings and targeted supports from university supervisors. This goal is tied to university's strategic goal of Community and Global Outreach.

Progress Toward Goals - 2015
Goal #1 WSU held two significant events titled, "A Call to Teaching" held February 6, 2015; and provided support for Worcester Future Teachers program during the summer 2015. Research has been conducted to gather empirical evidence why students of color do not enroll at WSU and do not select education as a career option. Currently, Worcester State University, Quinsigamond Community College, and Worcester Public Schools are in committee talks to develop funding packages for students of color who have been influenced to enroll as teachers at WSU or QCC.
Goal #2 The Education Department purchased 10 IPADs and related software and hardware. Faculty and Staff were trained by a consultant on best practices for integrating IPADs into the curriculum. The consultant met monthly with interested faculty and staff for professional development on use of IPADs Armed with this knowledge, faculty Integrated the use of IPAD's into classes within all initial licensure program options.
Goal #3 The Chair of the Education Department along with the Licensure Officer implemented monthly professional development for program supervisors. DESE and other resources were used to strengthen understanding and implementation of the CAP. Among faculty, strategies were developed for program supervisors to support supervising practitioners. The Licensure Officer and other staff met with program supervisors twice each semester, to provide support and receive feedback on the implementation of the CAP.

Annual Goals - 2014
Goal #1 Provided additional training for Program Supervisors, and Supervising Practitioners.
Goal #2 Develop an improved system to document advising of post-baccalaureate candidates.
Goal #3 Implement regular communication between Education and Liberal Arts and Sciences faculty to facilitate implementation of Common Core State Standards.

Progress Toward Goals - 2014
Goal #1 WSU has implemented a roundtable discussion group for program supervisors. Held each semester the meeting has clear goals and continues to establish clarity of identification of best practices of student teachers. It also provides a forum for questions and answers to refine the supervising process.
Goal #2 A new process has been implemented. Students entering the program meet with program coordinators to review the program of study and sequencing of courses. Documentation of items discussed is recorded and noted on an advising record which is kept in the student's folder. The form is used as students make contact with program coordinators during aadditional meetings. Program folders are kept in the Education Department
Goal #3 Through the PARCC campus advisory team leaders,departments have been notified of curricular changes and are in the process of adopting SMK's to reflect the Common Core content where possible.