Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Catherine Leahy Brine Educational Consultants, Inc.

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Annual Goals

This report lists the annual improvement goals reported to ESE in the educator preparation program provider’s state annual report. Providers may report up to three goals for the upcoming year and are asked to report on progress made toward the prior year’s goals. Annual goals are reported in May of the academic year listed.

Annual Goals - 2016
Goal #1 Full implementation of the new PST's and the CAP.
Goal #2 Continue current partnerships and add a minimum of one new partner.
Goal #3 Continue to utilize faculty meetings and faculty sub-groups, student input, partner input to continually improve.

Annual Goals - 2015
Goal #1 Align the existing licensure programs to the new PSTs by Fall 2016.
Goal #2 N/A
Goal #3 N/A

Progress Toward Goals - 2015
Goal #1 Align the existing licensure programs to the new PSTs by Fall 2016. This goal will be completed by May, 2016 with full implementation of the CAP in September, 2016. Our pilot CAP group will be completed in June, 2016.
Goal #2 Because we were going through our formal DESE review and because of the change to CAP we set only one goal.
Goal #3 Because we were going through our formal DESE review and because of the change to CAP we set only one goal.

Annual Goals - 2014
Goal #1 Improve the use of data and technology to: a.) assess the effectiveness of all programs b.) support instructors and candidates in their use of data and technology
Goal #2 Increase the opportunity for candidates to interact with diverse populations by requiring all candidates to spend a minimum of 2 days during their program in a diverse setting and require all candidates to complete the SEI course
Goal #3 NA

Progress Toward Goals - 2014
Goal #1 a. All course evaluations are now completed on-line by students and summarized electronically. b. Newly hired data and technology specialist was available to each instructor for the improvement of their use of technology.
Goal #2 All candidates not currently teaching in a diverse setting, spent 2 days in a diverse setting and documented their visit via a required reflection. this requirement was part of the course Adv. Seminar in Curriculum and Teaching.
Goal #3 N/A