Massachusetts School and District Profiles


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Annual Goals

This report lists the annual improvement goals reported to ESE in the educator preparation program provider’s state annual report. Providers may report up to three goals for the upcoming year and are asked to report on progress made toward the prior year’s goals. Annual goals are reported in May of the academic year listed.

Annual Goals - 2015
Goal #1 Continue to refine assessment plan
Goal #2 Enhance student advising procedures
Goal #3 Refine committee and communication structures

Annual Goals - 2014
Goal #1 Map and align licensure courses to InTasc Standards. Identify areas to refine within the curriculum.
Goal #2 Refine assessment plan.
Goal #3 Refine conceptual framework.

Progress Toward Goals - 2014
Goal #1 Complete. Created two new courses to provide additional coverage of key concepts.
Goal #2 Ongoing.
Goal #3 Ongoing.

Annual Goals - 2013
Goal #1 Fully implement Taskstream electronic portfolio system throughout the program.
Goal #2 Analyze common assessment data to inform curricular revisions.
Goal #3 Institute a practicum seminar that includes training and discussion around the use of the Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA), which requires them to collect, analyze and manage evidence of their emerging teacher practice.

Progress Toward Goals - 2013
Goal #1 We did implement the electronic portfolio system in every initial licensure course across the curriculum in an effort to collect and archive candidate work in a systematic way.
Goal #2 We have begun to analyze assessment data to ensure that we are appropriately evidencing professional standards and collecting data that best demonstrates curricular objectives
Goal #3 The practicum seminar has been instituted for all teacher licensure candidates with success. The weekly meetings with candidates allowed for assistance with the edTPA and overall support of the practicum experience. Surveys and feedback from candidates were regularly elicited to inform program improvement.