Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Teach for America

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Annual Goals

This report lists the annual improvement goals reported to ESE in the educator preparation program provider’s state annual report. Providers may report up to three goals for the upcoming year and are asked to report on progress made toward the prior year’s goals. Annual goals are reported in May of the academic year listed.

Annual Goals - 2015
Goal #1 Teacher Effectiveness: By the end of the year, 50% of all our teachers will achieve significant academic growth with their students. (Significant = over 1.6 years growth in elementary, 1.9 in secondary; mastery =80% mastery or higher; 70% mastery or higher on ANet) AND 100% of CMs will achieve solid growth. (Solid growth=at least 1 year; mastery = 70% mastery or higher) using high quality assessments vetted by the Teach For America staff.
Goal #2 Retention: 2014 teachers: 90% will complete their 2 year commitment 2015 teachers: 95% will complete their first year of teaching; in service of 90% completing their 2-year commitment
Goal #3 Teach Beyond 2: 70% of 2nd year teachers will teach for a 3rd year.

Annual Goals - 2014
Goal #1 Teacher Effectiveness: By the end of the year, 50% of all our teachers will achieve significant academic growth with their students. (Significant = over 1.6 years growth in elementary, 1.9 in secondary; mastery =80% mastery or higher) AND 100% of CMs will achieve solid growth. (Solid growth=at least 1 year; mastery = 70% mastery or higher) using high quality assessments vetted by the Teach For America staff.
Goal #2 Retention: 2013 teachers: 90% will complete their 2 year commitment 2014 teachers: 97% will complete their first year of teaching; in service of 95% completing their 2-year commitment
Goal #3 Teach Beyond 2: 70% of 2nd year teachers will teach for a 3rd year

Progress Toward Goals - 2014
Goal #1 We currently have 82% of our teachers on track to making solid or significant gains by the end of the year (58% of our teachers on track to making solid gains, 24% on track to making significant gains). 15% are making limited growth, and 3% do have student data but due to their settings (for example, supporting students across content teachers) their data is not rolled up into the categories above in the same way. We will continue to follow our most effective fourth quarter strategies, including: further incorporating differentiation into our professional development to meet the needs of teachers across settings and districts, providing learning teams with a focus on content area knowledge and skill-building, supporting our teachers in developing rigorous assessments and skill in backwards planning, and providing targeted support to teachers who are making solid gains but have the potential to make significant gains by the end of the year, in addition to supporting teachers who are making limited growth.
Goal #2 2013 teachers: 87% are on track to complete their 2-year commitment. 10% of these resignations occurred between the first and second year of teaching. We are not on track to meeting this retention goal due to having had some of these teachers resign from our program for personal reasons. In several of these cases, not passing MTELs was a factor. In response to this, we are continuing to provide individualized coaching plans to struggling teachers as well as increased MTEL resources and support. 2014 teachers: 95% are on track to complete their 2-year commitment. We are very close to being on track to meeting our retention goal. We have prioritized relationship-building as part of our coaching model in order to more proactively anticipate and address the needs of our teachers. Having offered our summer Institute training locally in Lawrence, MA, helped to build investment in our community, helped us identify struggling teachers earlier and offer differentiated and increased support at the start.
Goal #3 73% (59/80) of 2012s are currently teaching in their third year. We met last year?s goal of 70% of our 2nd year teachers staying to teach for a third year. Of those teachers, 56% (45/80) are teaching in Massachusetts, which was an important priority as well. We actively encourage our program participants to continue teaching for a third year and are proud to report that the majority of our most recent cohort of second years elected to stay in the classroom. 45% of our current second year teachers are already committed to teaching in Massachusetts next year. Many are still making their decisions but we project we will land between 60-65%, with over 80% committed to teaching in full-time teaching roles, slightly behind our projected goal. We continue to readdress strategies that will influence second year teachers to choose to teach in their third year.

Annual Goals - 2013
Goal #1 Teacher Effectiveness: By the end of the year, 50% of of all our teachers will achieve significant academic growth with their students. (Significant = over 1.6 years growth in elementary, 1.9 in secondary; mastery =80% mastery or higher) AND 100% of CMs will achieve solid growth. (Solid growth=at least 1 year; mastery = 70% mastery or higher) using high quality assessments vetted by the Teach For America staff.
Goal #2 Retention: 2012 teachers: 90% will complete their 2 year commitment 2013 teachers: 97% will complete their first year of teaching; in service of 95% completing their 2-year commitment
Goal #3 Teach Beyond 2: 70% of 2nd year teachers will teach for a 3rd year. 60 % of our 2nd year teachers will teach for a 3rd year in MA.

Progress Toward Goals - 2013
Goal #1 In alignment with the criteria outlined in our goals, we currently have 56% of our teachers on track to making solid gains, 17% on track to making significant gains, 19% making limited growth, and 10% whose progress is being determined. In order to assure we are on track to raising these percentages to meet our end of year goals, we are targeting teacher development by aligning professional development workshops and coaching with a focus on differentiation and remediation/re-teaching, to set our teachers up to target their students who are struggling. We will support them in creating a summative assessment and backwards plan their instruction for the last quarter of the year. By implementing these strategies, we hope to see teachers who are currently on the cusp of solid gains move to significant and those with limited growth move to solid. We currently have 85% of teachers using high quality assessments, which is another area where we will provide targeted support at this time of year.
Goal #2 2012 teachers: 93% are on track to complete their 2-year commitment. We are on track to meeting this goal, as a result of the ongoing support we have provided to our 2012 teachers. 2013 teachers: 93% are on track to complete their first year of teaching. We are not on track to reach our goal of 97% retention with our first year teachers in particular. As a result, we are currently prioritizing the creation of individualized plans for our teachers who are struggling and increasing the differentiation of our support.
Goal #3 We currently have 75% of our recent program completers teaching for a 3rd year, in alignment with our goal. We have 67% of our recent program completers teaching for a third year in Massachusetts, in alignment with the second part of this goal.