Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Collaborative for Educational Services

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Annual Goals

This report lists the annual improvement goals reported to ESE in the educator preparation program provider’s state annual report. Providers may report up to three goals for the upcoming year and are asked to report on progress made toward the prior year’s goals. Annual goals are reported in May of the academic year listed.

Annual Goals - 2015
Goal #1 Sequence licensure courses to ensure that students gain the requisite foundational knowledge before moving into more advanced coursework.
Goal #2 A new practicum seminar will support candidates' work during the practicum and strengthen their understanding and implementation of effective teaching methods.
Goal #3 Courses and field based experiences will align with new Professional Standards for Teachers.

Annual Goals - 2014
Goal #1 Clarify expectations and provide systematic support for the Program Supervisor role and function.
Goal #2 Design and implement a more rigorous admissions process and a more robust advisement process and protocols, informed by current program data regarding program completion and candidate satisfaction.
Goal #3 Deeper partner district engagement in the design and delivery of licensure programs that address partner district educator preparation needs.

Progress Toward Goals - 2014
Goal #1 Periodic updates are sent to Program Supervisors to keep them appraised of changes made by CES and/or by DESE. All Program Supervisors received updated Practicum Handbooks including detailed role expectations, rubrics, forms, etc. and attended training focused on practicum requirements, practicum supervision, and portfolio submission. A needs assessment revealed topics to provide training in for the future.
Goal #2 CES Licensure expanded program admissions requirements to include a more thorough transcript review, stricter essay requirements, and a new interview protocol with rubric. The advising process also includes more regular, documented support and monitoring of students by their assigned advisors.
Goal #3 CES Licensure worked with partner districts to design a principal preparation program that is embedded in partner districts, involving inservice principals in coursework and practicum supervision. Coursework builds on effective school improvement initiatives introduced by the state department of education District-School Accountability Center for the region.

Annual Goals - 2013
Goal #1 Complete and send to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education a proposal for a new licensure program for the Initial license for school administrators, in this case: Principal/Assistant Principal, Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent, Special Education Administrator, and Supervisor/Director.
Goal #2 Complete revisions to the licensure programs to conform to regulation changes adopted in June 2012 including modifications to the practicum, modifications to the prepracticum, modifications to the syllabi for the programs for Teacher of Students with Moderate Disabilities and the English as a Second Language teacher syllabi.
Goal #3 Complete revisions to all licensure programs to conform to requirements set by the Department of Justice regarding the preparation of core academic teachers and supervisors of core academic teachers for teaching English Language Learners.

Progress Toward Goals - 2013
Goal #1 CES met goal #1 by submitting a proposal.
Goal #2 CES met goal #2 by increasing practicum hours, improving pre-practicum data collection, and modifying syllabi for Moderate Disabilities and English as a Second Language programs.
Goal #3 CES met goal #3.