Massachusetts School and District Profiles


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This report provides the percentage of attrition by grade from the end of one school year to the beginning of the next for students enrolled in public schools, including charter schools, in the state. The information is as of October 1 of the school year selected. More about the data.

Student GroupK1234567891011All
All Students10.55.303.24.8
Black or African American0
Hispanic or Latino000
Multi-Race, Not Hispanic or Latino0
High Needs259.1008.4
English Learners05
Economically Disadvantaged30.80008.5
Students with Disabilities20010.7

A blank value indicates that either:

  • The school or district is new in the year selected
  • The school or district has no students enrolled in that grade level in the year selected
  • The school or district has no grade in the year selected for students from the previous year to advance
  • The data is suppressed because the enrollment total is less than 6.
A value of zero indicates that there was no attrition in that grade for the year and student group selected.

School and District Profiles