Massachusetts School and District Profiles

UP Academy Charter School of Boston

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2012 Accountability Data - UP Academy Charter School of Boston

Organization Information
District:UP Academy Charter School of Boston (District) (04800000)School type:Middle School
School:UP Academy Charter School of Boston (04800405)Grades served:06,07,08
Region:Greater BostonTitle I status:Title I School (SW)
Accountability and Assistance Level:Level 3
Summary > 2012
2012 English Language Arts Proficiency Gap Narrowing
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 6 Year Goal 2011 CPI (Baseline) CPI Change 2012 Target 2012 CPI Percentile in Grade Span N PPI Points Rating
All StudentsCPI = 78.8, Target = 74.2CPI = 78.8, Target = 74.2CPI = 78.8, Target = 74.2 85.9 71.8 7.0 74.2 78.8 16451100Above Target
High needsCPI = 77.7, Target = 73.2CPI = 77.7, Target = 73.2CPI = 77.7, Target = 73.2 85.4 70.8 6.9 73.2 77.7 32418100Above Target
Low incomeCPI = 78.2, Target = 73.1CPI = 78.2, Target = 73.1CPI = 78.2, Target = 73.1 85.3 70.6 7.6 73.1 78.2 28392100Above Target
EL and Former ELCPI = 76.1, Target = 66.5CPI = 76.1, Target = 66.5CPI = 76.1, Target = 66.5 81.7 63.4 12.7 66.5 76.1 80176100Above Target
Students w/ disabilitiesCPI = 61.7, Target = 70.5CPI = 61.7, Target = 70.5CPI = 61.7, Target = 70.5 83.9 67.8 -6.1 70.5 61.7 291240Declined
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. ---------
AsianCPI = 78, Target = 73.5CPI = 78, Target = 73.5CPI = 78, Target = 73.5 85.6 71.1 6.9 73.5 78.0 1041100Above Target
Afr. Amer./BlackCPI = 78.6, Target = 74.4CPI = 78.6, Target = 74.4CPI = 78.6, Target = 74.4 86.1 72.1 6.5 74.4 78.6 45210100Above Target
Hispanic/LatinoCPI = 77.4, Target = 71.9CPI = 77.4, Target = 71.9CPI = 77.4, Target = 71.9 84.7 69.3 8.1 71.9 77.4 45146100Above Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. ------8--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. ------2--
WhiteCPI = 84.1, Target = 78.1CPI = 84.1, Target = 78.1CPI = 84.1, Target = 78.1 88.1 76.1 8.0 78.1 84.1 1444100Above Target
Summary > 2012
2012 Mathematics Proficiency Gap Narrowing
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 6 Year Goal 2011 CPI (Baseline) CPI Change 2012 Target 2012 CPI Percentile in Grade Span N PPI Points Rating
All StudentsCPI = 72.8, Target = 64.8CPI = 72.8, Target = 64.8CPI = 72.8, Target = 64.8 80.8 61.6 11.2 64.8 72.8 29450100Above Target
High needsCPI = 71.9, Target = 64.6CPI = 71.9, Target = 64.6CPI = 71.9, Target = 64.6 80.7 61.4 10.5 64.6 71.9 82417100Above Target
Low incomeCPI = 72.2, Target = 64.3CPI = 72.2, Target = 64.3CPI = 72.2, Target = 64.3 80.5 61.0 11.2 64.3 72.2 70391100Above Target
EL and Former ELCPI = 71.7, Target = 61.2CPI = 71.7, Target = 61.2CPI = 71.7, Target = 61.2 78.9 57.7 14.0 61.2 71.7 81176100Above Target
Students w/ disabilitiesCPI = 53.3, Target = 61.7CPI = 53.3, Target = 61.7CPI = 53.3, Target = 61.7 79.1 58.2 -4.9 61.7 53.3 551230Declined
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. ---------
AsianCPI = 85.4, Target = 76.5CPI = 85.4, Target = 76.5CPI = 85.4, Target = 76.5 87.2 74.4 11.0 76.5 85.4 3341100Above Target
Afr. Amer./BlackCPI = 72.2, Target = 62.7CPI = 72.2, Target = 62.7CPI = 72.2, Target = 62.7 79.7 59.3 12.9 62.7 72.2 87209100Above Target
Hispanic/LatinoCPI = 69, Target = 61.6CPI = 69, Target = 61.6CPI = 69, Target = 61.6 79.1 58.1 10.9 61.6 69.0 68146100Above Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. ------8--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. ------2--
WhiteCPI = 73.3, Target = 71CPI = 73.3, Target = 71CPI = 73.3, Target = 71 84.2 68.4 4.9 71.0 73.3 2044100Above Target

Summary > 2012
2012 Science Proficiency Gap Narrowing
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 6 Year Goal 2011 CPI (Baseline) CPI Change 2012 Target 2012 CPI Percentile in Grade Span N PPI Points Rating
All StudentsCPI = 68.4, Target = 44.3CPI = 68.4, Target = 44.3CPI = 68.4, Target = 44.3 69.6 39.2 29.2 44.3 68.4 28136100Above Target
High needsCPI = 68.1, Target = 44.4CPI = 68.1, Target = 44.4CPI = 68.1, Target = 44.4 69.7 39.3 28.8 44.4 68.1 78123100Above Target
Low incomeCPI = 68.7, Target = 44.5CPI = 68.7, Target = 44.5CPI = 68.7, Target = 44.5 69.7 39.4 29.3 44.5 68.7 72115100Above Target
EL and Former ELCPI = 64.8, Target = 38.7CPI = 64.8, Target = 38.7CPI = 64.8, Target = 38.7 66.6 33.1 31.7 38.7 64.8 9544100Above Target
Students w/ disabilitiesCPI = 50, Target = 50.9CPI = 50, Target = 50.9 73.2 46.4 3.6 50.9 50.0 463575On Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. ---------
Asian ------11--
Afr. Amer./BlackCPI = 65.8, Target = 44.4CPI = 65.8, Target = 44.4CPI = 65.8, Target = 44.4 69.7 39.3 26.5 44.4 65.8 8971100Above Target
Hispanic/LatinoCPI = 65.7, Target = 48.5CPI = 65.7, Target = 48.5CPI = 65.7, Target = 48.5 71.9 43.8 21.9 48.5 65.7 8643100Above Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. ---------
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. ------1--
White ------10--
Summary > 2012
2012 English Language Arts Extra Credit
  Extra credit for increasing % Advanced (10% or more) Extra credit for decreasing % Warning/Failing (10% or more)
Advanced Baseline % 2012 % Advanced N PPI Points Awarded Warning/Failing Baseline % 2012 % Warning/Failing N PPI Points Awarded
All Students .7 3.345125 20.5 11.845125
High needs .8 3.341825 21.9 12.741825
Low income .8 3.639225 21.8 12.039225
EL and Former EL .7 4.517625 26.5 14.817625
Students w/ disabilities .0 .01240 32.4 29.012425
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.--------
Asian .0 4.94125 23.7 9.84125
Afr. Amer./Black .5 2.421025 21.1 13.321025
Hispanic/Latino 1.6 4.114625 21.3 11.614625
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.--8---8-
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.--2---2-
White .0 2.34425 15.2 6.84425

Summary > 2012
2012 Mathematics Extra Credit
  Extra credit for increasing % Advanced (10% or more) Extra credit for decreasing % Warning/Failing (10% or more)
Advanced Baseline % 2012 % Advanced N PPI Points Awarded Warning/Failing Baseline % 2012 % Warning/Failing N PPI Points Awarded
All Students 5.5 16.245025 35.4 20.745025
High needs 5.0 16.541725 36.5 21.341725
Low income 5.1 16.939125 36.7 21.039125
EL and Former EL 5.7 18.217625 42.1 23.317625
Students w/ disabilities 1.3 6.512325 45.3 46.31230
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.--------
Asian 15.0 36.64125 22.5 14.64125
Afr. Amer./Black 4.8 13.920925 37.6 20.620925
Hispanic/Latino 3.9 11.614625 40.2 24.714625
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.--8---8-
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.--2---2-
White 6.1 25.04425 28.6 18.24425
Summary > 2012
2012 Science Extra Credit
  Extra credit for increasing % Advanced (10% or more) Extra credit for decreasing % Warning/Failing (10% or more)
Advanced Baseline % 2012 % Advanced N PPI Points Awarded Warning/Failing Baseline % 2012 % Warning/Failing N PPI Points Awarded
All Students 0.0 0.713625 62.1 21.313625
High needs 0.0 0.812325 62.9 22.012325
Low income 0.0 0.911525 62.1 20.911525
EL and Former EL 0.0 0.0440 73.5 22.74425
Students w/ disabilities 0.0 0.0350 56.3 51.4350
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.--------
Afr. Amer./Black 0.0 1.47125 60.0 22.57125
Hispanic/Latino 0.0 0.0430 56.8 23.34325
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.--------
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.--1---1-

Summary > 2012
2012 English Language Arts Growth
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 6 Year Goal 2011 SGP
SGP Change 2012 SGP N Met Safe Harbor? PPI Points Rating
All StudentsSGP = 71, Target = 51SGP = 71, Target = 51SGP = 71, Target = 51 51.0 41.0 30.0 71.0385Yes100Above Target
High needsSGP = 71, Target = 51SGP = 71, Target = 51SGP = 71, Target = 51 51.0 41.0 30.0 71.0357Yes100Above Target
Low incomeSGP = 72, Target = 51SGP = 72, Target = 51SGP = 72, Target = 51 51.0 41.5 30.5 72.0338Yes100Above Target
EL and Former ELSGP = 75.5, Target = 51SGP = 75.5, Target = 51SGP = 75.5, Target = 51 51.0 41.5 34.0 75.5150Yes100Above Target
Students w/ disabilitiesSGP = 54, Target = 51SGP = 54, Target = 51SGP = 54, Target = 51 51.0 31.5 22.5 54.093No100Above Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.  51.0-------
Asian  51.0---35---
Afr. Amer./BlackSGP = 73, Target = 51SGP = 73, Target = 51SGP = 73, Target = 51 51.0 43.0 30.0 73.0179Yes100Above Target
Hispanic/LatinoSGP = 71, Target = 51SGP = 71, Target = 51SGP = 71, Target = 51 51.0 38.0 33.0 71.0125Yes100Above Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.  51.0---5---
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.  51.0---2---
WhiteSGP = 62, Target = 51SGP = 62, Target = 51SGP = 62, Target = 51 51.0 37.0 25.0 62.039Yes100Above Target
Summary > 2012
2012 Mathematics Growth
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 6 Year Goal 2011 SGP
SGP Change 2012 SGP N Met Safe Harbor? PPI Points Rating
All StudentsSGP = 86, Target = 51SGP = 86, Target = 51SGP = 86, Target = 51 51.0 52.0 34.0 86.0393Yes100Above Target
High needsSGP = 86, Target = 51SGP = 86, Target = 51SGP = 86, Target = 51 51.0 51.5 34.5 86.0365Yes100Above Target
Low incomeSGP = 86, Target = 51SGP = 86, Target = 51SGP = 86, Target = 51 51.0 52.0 34.0 86.0344Yes100Above Target
EL and Former ELSGP = 87, Target = 51SGP = 87, Target = 51SGP = 87, Target = 51 51.0 52.0 35.0 87.0160Yes100Above Target
Students w/ disabilitiesSGP = 59, Target = 51SGP = 59, Target = 51SGP = 59, Target = 51 51.0 46.0 13.0 59.093No75On Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.  51.0-------
Asian  51.0---38---
Afr. Amer./BlackSGP = 87, Target = 51SGP = 87, Target = 51SGP = 87, Target = 51 51.0 52.0 35.0 87.0183Yes100Above Target
Hispanic/LatinoSGP = 86, Target = 51SGP = 86, Target = 51SGP = 86, Target = 51 51.0 48.0 38.0 86.0126Yes100Above Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.  51.0---5---
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.  51.0---2---
WhiteSGP = 71, Target = 51SGP = 71, Target = 51SGP = 71, Target = 51 51.0 54.5 16.5 71.039Yes100Above Target

Summary > 2012
2012 MCAS Participation
  English Language Arts Mathematics Science
Enrolled Assessed % Met Target (95%) Enrolled Assessed % Met Target (95%) Enrolled Assessed % Met Target (95%)
All Students 452 451100Yes 452 450100Yes 139 13698Yes
High needs 419 418100Yes 419 417100Yes 126 12398Yes
Low income 393 392100Yes 393 39199Yes 118 11597Yes
EL and Former EL 176 176100Yes 176 176100Yes 44 44100Yes
Students w/ disabilities 124 124100Yes 124 12399Yes 36 3597Yes
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.------------
Asian 41 41100Yes 41 41100Yes 11---
Afr. Amer./Black 211 210100Yes 211 20999Yes 73 7197Yes
Hispanic/Latino 146 146100Yes 146 146100Yes 44 4398Yes
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 8--- 8-------
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. 2--- 2--- 1---
White 44 44100Yes 44 44100Yes 10---

School and District Profiles