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2016 Accountability Data - Pittsfield

District Information
District:Pittsfield (02360000)
Region:Berkshires +
Title I Status:Yes
Accountability and Assistance Level:Level 3
Summary > 2016
2016 English Language Arts Proficiency Gap Narrowing
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Baseline CPI 2015 CPI 2016 CPI CPI Change 2016 Target 6 Year Goal CPI Percentile in School Type N PPI Points Rating
All studentsCPI = 82.9, Target = 92.5CPI = 82.9, Target = 92.5CPI = 82.9, Target = 92.5 87.1 78.3 82.9 4.6 92.5 93.6 16288150Improved Below Target
High needsCPI = 76.2, Target = 89.7CPI = 76.2, Target = 89.7CPI = 76.2, Target = 89.7 82.4 70.7 76.2 5.5 89.7 91.2 35172350Improved Below Target
Econ. DisadvantagedCPI = 76.8, Target = 73.8CPI = 76.8, Target = 73.8CPI = 76.8, Target = 73.8 71.4 71.4 76.8 5.4 73.8 85.7 201432100Above Target
EL and Former ELCPI = 73.5, Target = 86.7CPI = 73.5, Target = 86.7CPI = 73.5, Target = 86.7 77.2 59.2 73.5 14.3 86.7 88.6 4415450Improved Below Target
Students w/ disabilitiesCPI = 68.4, Target = 85.2CPI = 68.4, Target = 85.2CPI = 68.4, Target = 85.2 74.6 61.6 68.4 6.8 85.2 87.3 4965450Improved Below Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. -------6--
AsianCPI = 94.5, Target = 97.3CPI = 94.5, Target = 97.3CPI = 94.5, Target = 97.3 95.4 88.6 94.5 5.9 97.3 97.7 565075On Target
Afr. Amer./BlackCPI = 74.6, Target = 88.3CPI = 74.6, Target = 88.3CPI = 74.6, Target = 88.3 79.9 69.4 74.6 5.2 88.3 90.0 1534450Improved Below Target
Hispanic/LatinoCPI = 74.8, Target = 87.6CPI = 74.8, Target = 87.6CPI = 74.8, Target = 87.6 78.7 68.3 74.8 6.5 87.6 89.4 1930650Improved Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.CPI = 80.1, Target = 92CPI = 80.1, Target = 92CPI = 80.1, Target = 92 86.2 70.2 80.1 9.9 92.0 93.1 1320550Improved Below Target
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. -------1--
WhiteCPI = 85.7, Target = 93.5CPI = 85.7, Target = 93.5CPI = 85.7, Target = 93.5 88.9 81.6 85.7 4.1 93.5 94.5 18196950Improved Below Target
Summary > 2016
2016 Mathematics Proficiency Gap Narrowing
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Baseline CPI 2015 CPI 2016 CPI CPI Change 2016 Target 6 Year Goal CPI Percentile in School Type N PPI Points Rating
All studentsCPI = 76.7, Target = 88.7CPI = 76.7, Target = 88.7CPI = 76.7, Target = 88.7 80.7 74.6 76.7 2.1 88.7 90.4 18286750Improved Below Target
High needsCPI = 69.3, Target = 85.1CPI = 69.3, Target = 85.1CPI = 69.3, Target = 85.1 74.4 66.6 69.3 2.7 85.1 87.2 48171450Improved Below Target
Econ. DisadvantagedCPI = 69.7, Target = 70.2CPI = 69.7, Target = 70.2 67.5 67.5 69.7 2.2 70.2 83.8 27142475On Target
EL and Former ELCPI = 63.9, Target = 82.5CPI = 63.9, Target = 82.5CPI = 63.9, Target = 82.5 70.0 57.3 63.9 6.6 82.5 85.0 3115650Improved Below Target
Students w/ disabilitiesCPI = 59.5, Target = 81CPI = 59.5, Target = 81CPI = 59.5, Target = 81 67.5 57.1 59.5 2.4 81.0 83.8 5865250Improved Below Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. -------6--
AsianCPI = 92.5, Target = 95.4CPI = 92.5, Target = 95.4CPI = 92.5, Target = 95.4 92.1 87.8 92.5 4.7 95.4 96.1 465075On Target
Afr. Amer./BlackCPI = 65.9, Target = 80.8CPI = 65.9, Target = 80.8CPI = 65.9, Target = 80.8 67.1 64.0 65.9 1.9 80.8 83.6 2634250Improved Below Target
Hispanic/LatinoCPI = 67.5, Target = 83.3CPI = 67.5, Target = 83.3CPI = 67.5, Target = 83.3 71.4 63.9 67.5 3.6 83.3 85.7 2930850Improved Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.CPI = 71, Target = 87.1CPI = 71, Target = 87.1CPI = 71, Target = 87.1 77.8 67.8 71.0 3.2 87.1 88.9 1320450Improved Below Target
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. -------1--
WhiteCPI = 80.3, Target = 90.5CPI = 80.3, Target = 90.5CPI = 80.3, Target = 90.5 83.7 78.1 80.3 2.2 90.5 91.9 21195650Improved Below Target
Summary > 2016
2016 Science Proficiency Gap Narrowing
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Baseline CPI 2015 CPI 2016 CPI CPI Change 2016 Target 6 Year Goal CPI Percentile in School Type N PPI Points Rating
All studentsCPI = 70.9, Target = 84.3CPI = 70.9, Target = 84.3CPI = 70.9, Target = 84.3 73.1 72.2 70.9 -1.3 84.3 86.6 13114925No Change
High needsCPI = 61.5, Target = 79.6CPI = 61.5, Target = 79.6CPI = 61.5, Target = 79.6 65.0 64.0 61.5 -2.5 79.6 82.5 1563525No Change
Econ. DisadvantagedCPI = 61.5, Target = 67.3CPI = 61.5, Target = 67.3CPI = 61.5, Target = 67.3 64.3 64.3 61.5 -2.8 67.3 82.2 115140Declined
EL and Former ELCPI = 54.2, Target = 73.9CPI = 54.2, Target = 73.9CPI = 54.2, Target = 73.9 55.3 47.7 54.2 6.5 73.9 77.7 406050Improved Below Target
Students w/ disabilitiesCPI = 56.2, Target = 77.5CPI = 56.2, Target = 77.5CPI = 56.2, Target = 77.5 61.4 56.2 56.2 0.0 77.5 80.7 3126525No Change
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. ----------
Asian  91.7---- 95.9-26--
Afr. Amer./BlackCPI = 58.1, Target = 75.4CPI = 58.1, Target = 75.4CPI = 58.1, Target = 75.4 57.9 59.7 58.1 -1.6 75.4 79.0 913625No Change
Hispanic/LatinoCPI = 58.3, Target = 77.6CPI = 58.3, Target = 77.6CPI = 58.3, Target = 77.6 61.6 59.9 58.3 -1.6 77.6 80.8 1411825No Change
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.CPI = 64.1, Target = 79.9CPI = 64.1, Target = 79.9CPI = 64.1, Target = 79.9 65.5 61.8 64.1 2.3 79.9 82.8 98550Improved Below Target
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. -------1--
WhiteCPI = 75.3, Target = 86.5CPI = 75.3, Target = 86.5CPI = 75.3, Target = 86.5 76.9 75.9 75.3 -0.6 86.5 88.5 1578325No Change
Summary > 2016
2016 English Language Arts Extra Credit
  Extra credit for increasing % Advanced (10% or more) Extra credit for decreasing % Warning/Failing (10% or more)
% Advanced
% Advanced
N PPI Points 2015
% Warning/Failing
% Warning/Failing
N PPI Points
All students 8.5 11.5288125 13.4 8.9288125
High needs 3.6 4.9172325 19.6 13.3172325
Econ. Disadvantaged 3.8 5.2143225 18.5 12.6143225
EL and Former EL 1.5 3.215425 33.1 14.915425
Students w/ disabilities 1.6 1.56540 31.6 21.965425
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.--6---6-
Asian 20.5 24.05025 6.8 0.05025
Afr. Amer./Black 3.2 4.734425 21.2 14.834425
Hispanic/Latino 3.4 4.630625 20.0 15.030625
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 4.8 4.92050 22.3 8.820525
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.--1---1-
White 10.1 14.2196925 10.5 7.0196925
Summary > 2016
2016 Mathematics Extra Credit
  Extra credit for increasing % Advanced (10% or more) Extra credit for decreasing % Warning/Failing (10% or more)
% Advanced
% Advanced
N PPI Points 2015
% Warning/Failing
% Warning/Failing
N PPI Points
All students 16.5 21.0286725 17.4 16.228670
High needs 8.5 12.7171425 25.1 22.917140
Econ. Disadvantaged 8.8 12.9142425 23.5 22.114240
EL and Former EL 7.6 18.615625 35.9 30.815625
Students w/ disabilities 3.1 5.865225 39.8 35.065225
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.--6---6-
Asian 40.0 54.05025 13.3 6.05025
Afr. Amer./Black 7.1 11.434225 26.3 26.33420
Hispanic/Latino 4.8 10.430825 27.2 26.63080
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 12.3 15.720425 23.0 21.62040
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.--1---1-
White 19.5 24.0195625 14.2 12.5195625
Summary > 2016
2016 Science Extra Credit
  Extra credit for increasing % Advanced (10% or more) Extra credit for decreasing % Warning/Failing (10% or more)
% Advanced
% Advanced
N PPI Points 2015
% Warning/Failing
% Warning/Failing
N PPI Points
All students 7.5 8.8114925 14.8 16.711490
High needs 2.7 3.963525 22.5 24.66350
Econ. Disadvantaged 2.7 3.751425 22.4 24.55140
EL and Former EL 0.0 6.76025 46.5 36.76025
Students w/ disabilities 1.2 1.12650 32.8 32.82650
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.--------
Afr. Amer./Black 0.9 4.413625 23.0 28.71360
Hispanic/Latino 3.6 5.911825 27.9 33.91180
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 1.4 3.58525 28.4 20.08525
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.--1---1-
White 9.3 10.378325 11.4 12.07830
Summary > 2016
2016 English Language Arts Growth
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2015 SGP 2016 SGP SGP Change 6 Year Goal Met Safe Harbor? N PPI Points Rating
All studentsSGP = 50, Target = 51SGP = 50, Target = 51 27.0 50.0 23.0 51.0Yes2133100Above Target
High needsSGP = 46, Target = 51SGP = 46, Target = 51SGP = 46, Target = 51 22.0 46.0 24.0 51.0Yes1164100Above Target
Econ. DisadvantagedSGP = 45, Target = 51SGP = 45, Target = 51SGP = 45, Target = 51 22.0 45.0 23.0 51.0Yes960100Above Target
EL and Former ELSGP = 65.5, Target = 51SGP = 65.5, Target = 51SGP = 65.5, Target = 51 38.0 65.5 27.5 51.0Yes94100Above Target
Students w/ disabilitiesSGP = 43, Target = 51SGP = 43, Target = 51SGP = 43, Target = 51 18.0 43.0 25.0 51.0No396100Above Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. --- 51.0-4--
AsianSGP = 54, Target = 51SGP = 54, Target = 51SGP = 54, Target = 51 51.0 54.0 3.0 51.0Yes3175On Target
Afr. Amer./BlackSGP = 48, Target = 51SGP = 48, Target = 51SGP = 48, Target = 51 21.0 48.0 27.0 51.0Yes237100Above Target
Hispanic/LatinoSGP = 53, Target = 51SGP = 53, Target = 51SGP = 53, Target = 51 28.0 53.0 25.0 51.0Yes212100Above Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.SGP = 44, Target = 51SGP = 44, Target = 51SGP = 44, Target = 51 21.5 44.0 22.5 51.0Yes149100Above Target
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. --- 51.0-1--
WhiteSGP = 51, Target = 51SGP = 51, Target = 51 28.0 51.0 23.0 51.0Yes1499100Above Target
Summary > 2016
2016 Mathematics Growth
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2015 SGP 2016 SGP SGP Change 6 Year Goal Met Safe Harbor? N PPI Points Rating
All studentsSGP = 44, Target = 51SGP = 44, Target = 51SGP = 44, Target = 51 37.0 44.0 7.0 51.0No212150Below Target
High needsSGP = 43, Target = 51SGP = 43, Target = 51SGP = 43, Target = 51 36.0 43.0 7.0 51.0No115550Below Target
Econ. DisadvantagedSGP = 41, Target = 51SGP = 41, Target = 51SGP = 41, Target = 51 36.0 41.0 5.0 51.0No95250Below Target
EL and Former ELSGP = 55, Target = 51SGP = 55, Target = 51SGP = 55, Target = 51 41.5 55.0 13.5 51.0Yes9575On Target
Students w/ disabilitiesSGP = 42, Target = 51SGP = 42, Target = 51SGP = 42, Target = 51 32.0 42.0 10.0 51.0No39175On Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. --- 51.0-4--
AsianSGP = 61, Target = 51SGP = 61, Target = 51SGP = 61, Target = 51 50.0 61.0 11.0 51.0Yes33100Above Target
Afr. Amer./BlackSGP = 39, Target = 51SGP = 39, Target = 51SGP = 39, Target = 51 37.0 39.0 2.0 51.0No23750Below Target
Hispanic/LatinoSGP = 46, Target = 51SGP = 46, Target = 51SGP = 46, Target = 51 42.0 46.0 4.0 51.0Yes21075On Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.SGP = 44.5, Target = 51SGP = 44.5, Target = 51SGP = 44.5, Target = 51 36.0 44.5 8.5 51.0No14650Below Target
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. --- 51.0-1--
WhiteSGP = 44, Target = 51SGP = 44, Target = 51SGP = 44, Target = 51 36.0 44.0 8.0 51.0No149050Below Target
Summary > 2016
2016 Extra credit for English language proficiency growth
  2016 SGPA 2016 Target SGPA N Included PPI Points
All students 66.0 60.018325
High needs 66.0 60.018325
EL and Former EL 66.0 60.018325
Summary > 2016
2015 4-Year Cohort Graduation Rate
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2014 Rate 2015 Rate Change Annual Target 6 Year Goal N PPI Points Rating
All studentsCohort Graduation Rate = 82.9, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 82.9, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 82.9, Target = 80 84.0 82.9 -1.1 80.0 90.045775On Target
High needsCohort Graduation Rate = 74.4, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 74.4, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 74.4, Target = 80 75.4 74.4 -1.0 80.0 90.029725No Change
Econ. Disadvantaged --- 80.0 90.0---
EL and Former EL --- 80.0 90.019--
Students w/ disabilitiesCohort Graduation Rate = 63.3, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 63.3, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 63.3, Target = 80 60.7 63.3 2.6 80.0 90.010950Improved Below Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. --- 80.0 90.0---
Asian --- 80.0 90.05--
Afr. Amer./BlackCohort Graduation Rate = 75, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 75, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 75, Target = 80 68.2 75.0 6.8 80.0 90.04450Improved Below Target
Hispanic/LatinoCohort Graduation Rate = 62.9, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 62.9, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 62.9, Target = 80 77.4 62.9 -14.5 80.0 90.0350Declined
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. --- 80.0 90.013--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. --- 80.0 90.0---
WhiteCohort Graduation Rate = 85.6, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 85.6, Target = 80Cohort Graduation Rate = 85.6, Target = 80 86.5 85.6 -0.9 80.0 90.036075On Target
Summary > 2016
2014 5-Year Cohort Graduation Rate
  0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2013 Rate 2014 Rate Change Annual Target 6 Year Goal N PPI Points Rating
All studentsCohort Graduation Rate = 86.7, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 86.7, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 86.7, Target = 85 82.0 86.7 4.7 85.0 95.051275On Target
High needsCohort Graduation Rate = 80, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 80, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 80, Target = 85 73.1 80.0 6.9 85.0 95.030550Improved Below Target
Econ. Disadvantaged --- 85.0 95.0---
EL and Former EL --- 85.0 95.015--
Students w/ disabilitiesCohort Graduation Rate = 68.2, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 68.2, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 68.2, Target = 85 65.2 68.2 3.0 85.0 95.010750Improved Below Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. --- 85.0 95.0---
Asian --- 85.0 95.05--
Afr. Amer./BlackCohort Graduation Rate = 72.7, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 72.7, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 72.7, Target = 85 77.8 72.7 -5.1 85.0 95.0440Declined
Hispanic/LatinoCohort Graduation Rate = 80.6, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 80.6, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 80.6, Target = 85 64.3 80.6 16.3 85.0 95.03150Improved Below Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. --- 85.0 95.018--
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. --- 85.0 95.0---
WhiteCohort Graduation Rate = 88.9, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 88.9, Target = 85Cohort Graduation Rate = 88.9, Target = 85 83.8 88.9 5.1 85.0 95.041475On Target
Summary > 2016
2015 Annual Dropout Rate
  0  2  4  6  8  10 12  14 16  18 20 Baseline Rate 2014 Rate 2015 Rate Change Annual Target 6 Year Goal Dropout Percentile in School Type N PPI Points Rating
All studentsDropout Rate = 2.7, Target = 2 3.4 2.1 2.7 -0.6 2.0 1.71616900Declined
High needsDropout Rate = 4.4, Target = 3.4 5.8 3.6 4.4 -0.8 3.4 2.9227880Declined
Econ. Disadvantaged  4.4---- 2.2-566--
EL and Former ELDropout Rate = 0, Target = 1.9 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.9 1.79146100Above Target
Students w/ disabilitiesDropout Rate = 5.9, Target = 6.2 10.6 7.8 5.9 1.9 6.2 5.31935875On Target
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. -------3--
Asian  6.3---- 3.2-21--
Afr. Amer./BlackDropout Rate = 5.6, Target = 2.7 4.7 4.6 5.6 -1.0 2.7 2.461770Declined
Hispanic/LatinoDropout Rate = 2.2, Target = 2.2 3.7 0.0 2.2 -2.2 2.2 1.95613775On Target
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.Dropout Rate = 7.7, Target = 1.9 3.2 4.2 7.7 -3.5 1.9 1.611780Declined
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl. ----------
WhiteDropout Rate = 2, Target = 1.8 3.1 1.9 2.0 -0.1 1.8 1.621127425No Change
Summary > 2016
2016 Assessment Participation
  English Language Arts Mathematics Science
Enrolled Assessed % Met Target (95%) Enrolled Assessed % Met Target (95%) Enrolled Assessed % Met Target (95%)
All students2935289599Yes2937288098Yes1195117498Yes
High needs1764173798Yes1767172798Yes66865498Yes
Econ. Disadvantaged1458143698Yes1461142898Yes53952998Yes
EL and Former EL17016899Yes17116999Yes716896Yes
Students w/ disabilities67865697Yes68065496Yes27827298Yes
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat.6---6-------
Afr. Amer./Black35034699Yes34934499Yes14514097Yes
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat.21220597Yes21120497Yes888597Yes
Nat. Haw. or Pacif. Isl.1---1---1---

NOTE: In 2016, assessment participation was calculated two ways: First, the 2016 participation rate for each subgroup in each subject area test was calculated. If the actual 2016 participation rate was lower than 95 percent for any group in any subject, that rate was compared to the average of the most recent two years of assessment participation data for that group and subject. The higher of the two resulting rates was factored into the assignment of the school or district's 2016 accountability and assistance level.

School and District Profiles