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PARCC Tests of Spring 2016
Percent of Students at Each Achievement Level for Walpole

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GRADE 3 ELA/L 68 7 61 20 11 1 763  276 279 91.7 -- -- 
GRADE 3 Math 79 30 50 15 4 1 773  276 279 96.3 -- -- 
GRADE 4 ELA/L 76 18 58 18 5 1 766  322 324 89.4 309 49.0 
GRADE 4 Math 61 9 52 25 13 1 759  322 324 85.3 309 36.0 
GRADE 5 ELA/L 78 9 70 15 5 2 766  310 314 93.9 301 45.0 
GRADE 5 Math 72 18 53 20 7 2 764  310 314 92.0 302 58.0 
GRADE 6 ELA/L 67 10 57 26 6 1 759  324 326 91.5 307 27.0 
GRADE 6 Math 71 18 53 20 7 2 763  323 325 90.3 307 58.0 
GRADE 7 ELA/L 73 26 47 19 5 2 766  295 302 92.9 281 38.0 
GRADE 7 Math 52 11 41 32 12 5 751  295 302 79.5 284 26.0 
GRADE 8 ELA/L 81 24 57 14 3 2 773  296 296 97.0 287 57.0 
GRADE 8 Math 69 14 55 20 7 3 765  295 295 89.1 287 54.0 
GRADES 3-8 ELA/L 74 16 58 19 6 1 765  1,823 1,841 92.7 1,485 44.0 
GRADES 3-8 MATH 67 16 51 22 8 2 762  1,821 1,839 88.7 1,489 47.0 

Achievement Levels:
Level 4 and 5: Met or Exceeded Expectations (750-850)
Level 5: Exceeded Expectations (varies by grade - 850)
Level 4: Met Expectations (750 - varies by grade)
Level 3: Approached Expectations (725-749)
Level 2: Partially met Expectations (700-724)
Level 1: Did not meet Expectations (650-699)

Trans.SGP = Transitional Student Growth Percentile
generated using current PARCC and prior MCAS scores

Trans.CPI = Transitional Composite Performance Index
generated using linked PARCC and MCAS scores

NOTE: Spring 2016 state-level achievement and growth results in grades 3-8 ELA and Mathematics are not reported because some students in Massachusetts participated in the MCAS test.
NOTE: Students who took the Alternate Assessment are included in Mean CPI, but not in achievement level or growth results.

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