Massachusetts School and District Profiles

Martin Luther King, Jr. Charter School of Excellence (District)

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2023-24 SAT Performance Report

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The SAT Performance Report provides SAT data (mean scores) at the district level and school level for selected populations as well as for all students.
Please Note: For the years 2007 through 2016, this report provides SAT results based on graduate cohorts determined by The College Board. Starting with 2017, this report provides SAT results for tests taken during the selected year.
Please see More about the data..
NOTE: SAT Performance is not reported for enrollments of fewer than 10.

Student GroupTests TakenReading / WritingMath
All Students 47,507570557
English Learner 1,426368393
Low Income 12,082494483
Students w/ Disabilities 3,174474457
High Needs 14,620497487
Female 24,993567543
Male 22,333572572
Amer. Ind. or Alaska Nat. 66532530
Asian 6,606618641
Afr. Amer./Black 3,978483467
Hispanic/Latino 6,761485471
Multi-race, Non-Hisp./Lat. 1,863600582
Nat. Haw./Pacif. Isl. 40558547
White 28,193589569

School and District Profiles